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Exploitation mean girl mom of the year
  • She can’t have. One of the accounts I used has never viewed her account before.

    ETA: I just realized when you block you block all that persons accounts.

    I can still, however, find her with one of my never used accounts so I don’t know how she is blocking but that’s weird.

    Also why? I’ve never liked or followed any of the SNL hate on either platform. So strange. Wtf is up Beccis ass? Lol

  • Need help please
  • Social media is SO toxic. And I just blogged about this the other day…about how if you dare to question anything about an influencer, the rabid Stans and follower armies come for you with all manner of belittling. It’s really weird. This has effectively shut me up for the most part as well.

    Sorry this happened to you. It’ll go away. Humans are dumb.

  • Need help please
  • Don’t apologize. She’s vile and mean as fuck. The username change is smart. The Fact that she feels the need to reply to so many nasty comments says SO much about her

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    General TBP Snark
  • I have just spent more time than I will disclose here analyzing the differences between my front camera face and back camera face.

    Is there someone I can sue for damages??

    Results: I still have jowls and my face is not thinner, pointier or sharper in any way. Front camera widens the middle of your face and makes the eyes slightly wider from temple to temple. I do not have a larger forehead, more eyelid space, a fuller mouth, or larger eyes.

    If I actually spent this kind of time looking at my body in the same way, I’d probably be insane and unwell also. Social media is so unhealthy. I’m glad my kids are going into psychology….the generations ahead them will need them!

  • Is in n out gluten free?

    Answer: nope.

    Funny how we haven’t heard about any of that, or her armpits, or her PMDD, or really any of her issues…

    What is it with her and BOOTS?!

    And string bikinis?! GAWD!!!!!!! We get it okaaaaaaay

    Omg you guys! Run, don't walk! They're ON SALE 😂🤮🥸

    One of the most hideous shoes I’ve ever seen. That profile… Looks like a kitten heel getting strangled by a python. So so so awful. Is she trolling us? Lol

    Why does she have such horrible taste in SHOES?! 😂

    I hate these shoes more than the green ones or the stupid effing boots!

    Sad, really

    I really only started following SNL early in her pregnancy with L. I did some back scrolling at that time but nothing much.

    Today I went looking for a picture that demonstrated something and scrolled waaaay back and now I just feel sad. This woman’s whole life has been about her body size. (Curious- who lost weight first, her or her mom?) Anyway reading her posts during her thinnest era there is this subtle sadness about them. That same sadness has never changed. She made a post about mental health in her family and how she once felt proud to be the family member who didn’t have issues…and then she did. I mean I think no one escapes earth without mental health issues of some kind. It’s no different than physical health. Would anyone say “I’m proud that I’m the only one who has never had a flu”? (Tho I do know some people who brag about never having had covid-as tho it’s an STD or something 🙄)

    No matter how for back or forward you scroll you find one focus and that is body size and body “quality”. No wonder she has become who she is now. You simply can’t focus on that so intensely for so long and not become really fucked up by it. Has there ever been any other focus? Art? Cooking? she rarely even talks about REAL food. Advocating for animals? Heaven forbid anything political. There’s nothing of a spiritual nature. Nothing about spending more time with each kid, or less time each week online…none that I found. Just words about body acceptance that she seems to be faking. She has always been happier in a very small body, even if her dysmorphia still existed. As time has gone on more and more health issues pop up, wax and wane, etc. and I think these are distractions for her.

    I’m rambling. But she’s just really fucked up. She’s saying one thing and doing the opposite and a couple million women don’t see that they are being influenced subconsciously to actually hate themselves.

    The end

    Here’s the picture which is now irrelevant to my novella.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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