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  • What else would they scrape your data for? Sure some could be for personal use but most of the time it will be to redistribute in a new medium. Like a recipe app importing recipes.

  • Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome?
  • Reverse proxy is actually super easy with nginx. I have an nginx server at the front of my server doing the reverse proxy and an Apache server hosting some of those applications being proxied.

    Basically 3 main steps:

    • Setup up the DNS with your hoster for each subdomain.

    • Setup your router to port forward for each port.

    • Setup nginx to do the proxy from each subdomain to each port.

    DreamHost let's me manage all the records I want. I point them to the same IP as my server:

    This is my config file:

    server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;
        location / {
            include proxy_params;
     server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;
        location / {
            include proxy_params;

    And then I have dockers running on those ports.

    root@website:~$ sudo docker ps
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                          COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS       PORTS                                                      NAMES
    e18157d11eda   photoprism/photoprism:latest   "/scripts/entrypoint…"   4 weeks ago   Up 4 weeks>2342/tcp, :::2342->2342/tcp, 2442-2443/tcp   photoprism-photoprism-1
    b44e8a6fbc01   mariadb:11                     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 weeks ago   Up 4 weeks   3306/tcp                                                   photoprism-mariadb-1

    So if you go to that will navigate the user to first. My nginx server will kick in and see you want the 'photos' path, and reroute you to basically My PhotoPrism server. So you could do or Either one works. The reverse proxy does the shortcut.

    Hope that helps!

  • What the heck is a god dang cloud?
  • That's like saying "we can cover this switch on the wall that will blow up your house so you can't flip it." I would feel better if the switch wasn't even there. And now I'm wondering what other switches exist in my house that I don't know about. The trust has already been shattered and I'll never feel safe.

  • What the heck is a god dang cloud?
  • Adobe also recently snuck into their ToS that they could use whatever you made with their products for training AI and then gaslit everyone saying "we never said that" and changed their ToS. You know where you can't access my stuff? Offline.

  • Yeap, it is
  • I think it's general anxiety. I get butterflies in my stomach when I do anything off my routine. Even if it's just hanging with friends. What do I wear, how do I get there, will I know people, should I bring something?

  • Anon lives with their parents
  • I was able to live rent free with my parents until I was 25. I just took my paycheck every week and put it towards my loans while in college. By 27 I was debt free with a bachelor's degree.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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