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China’s universities just grabbed 6 of the top 10 spots in one worldwide science ranking – without changing a thing
  • Anyone else have the experience of checking some crazy right wing nutjob's bio on twitter only to discover they're a PhD or a Professor at a western university, again and again and again?

  • Russia, hit by new US sanctions, halts dollar and euro trade on main bourse
  • If I was the upset one, I'd be running away from the argument, to which I contributed nothing, and then still trying to keep the conversation going as some kind of delusional face saving measure. You want to do anything except engage, because you can't.

  • Russia, hit by new US sanctions, halts dollar and euro trade on main bourse
  • You've completely failed at running away from a lost argument.

  • Russian journalist killed in Ukraine drone strike
  • There's no such thing anymore. It died in Gaza.

  • Putin's Full Speech: BRICS, NATO Expansion and Ukraine Peace Talk Conditions | Moon of Alabama
  • He mentions Europe “plunged into chaos by migration” and may have a few other chuddy asides

    It might be an exaggeration but immigration is a massive issue in most European countries right now. In Ireland there's been riots in the capital, asylum housing is regularly burned down in arson attacks. The far right is being wielded by the forces of capital to maintain the status quo and attack the opposition...

  • Removed Deleted
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  • And you pro-genocide Amerikkkan propagandists don’t get to dictate to Ukraine to fight to the last Ukrainian for American interests.

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  • This is a paranoid fantasy based on propaganda from American shills.

    Even the last peace negotiations didn't include any demands for annexing the breakaway republics (who have no interest in being part of a Nazi state that tried to ethnically cleanse them), it only asked that they be left alone as independent states. The UK prime minister, Boris Johnson ordered Ukraine to refuse after they were initially going to accept. Now Russia has been forced to annex them and the deal is even worse for Ukraine. "contested areas" my arse. These people want self-determination. Russia doesn't want any more of Ukraine.

  • Removed Deleted
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  • The Ukraine lost. It's joever.

    Now they're going to concede even more of the territories they were carrying out their Nazi ethnic cleansing on.

  • Russia, hit by new US sanctions, halts dollar and euro trade on main bourse
  • Insulting them? Do you have an issue with the facts in the image? Is anything untrue?

    What is the bias against here? A massive deficit of democracy?

  • Which are your preferred laptops?
  • What kind of battery life do you get out of it? I have the Gen 7 and from day one it's been awful. About 4 hours brand new.

  • Four Israeli soldiers killed in explosion of booby-trapped house in Rafah, southern Gaza
  • It's probably just bullshit meant to make you feel sorry for them. That they weren't real soldiers.

  • I am happy for the Linux Mint team
  • I've been using Mint for years now and I'm blissfully unaware of whatever drama is going on, or went on. It's an OS people, not a vanguard of political or philosophical ideology.

  • Privacy focused ChatGPT in you terminal
  • Disclaimer: The following section is of educational purposes only. Please do not scrape DuckDuckGo's APIs, as it would only hurt the company which honestly cares about your privacy.


  • A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party over Biden’s reelection prospects, even among those who had previously expressed confidence.
  • They could swap in another completely unknown candidate tomorrow and have a chance at winning. They won't so that tells you all you need to know about how much they want to win. Two cheeks of the same ass.

  • U.S. Deploys Large Force - Eyes On Syria

    Some speculation on the USA's intentions with its overly large force deployed to the ME.

    tl;dr It's too big to be just for Hamas. Lebanon is too difficult, Hezbollah would demolish Israel. Iran too awkward...

    But with Israeli bombing attacks on the airports of Aleppo and Damascus and its pre-war like warnings to its settlers, there seems to be good indications that Syria is again the target.

    >The neo-conservative lunatics in the White House may well think that they now have a chance to eliminate Russia's presence in the Middle East.

    >They will think of this as a revenge for their loss of the the war in Ukraine. They also believe that it will prevent, or compensate for, their geopolitical defeat in Gaza.

    US Sees Highest Ever Increase in Poverty US Sees Highest Ever Increase in Poverty

    Natalia Marques responds to a property developer's recent call for more "pain" in the U.S. economy by highlighting what happened after pandemic-era aid ended. By Natalia Marques Peoples Dispatch Millionaire real estate company head Tim Gurner went viral  (not for the first time) for hi...

    US Sees Highest Ever Increase in Poverty
    Zelensky Threatens To Terrorise Europe

    Curtailing aid to Ukraine will only prolong the war, Mr Zelensky argues. And it would create risks for the West in its own backyard. There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally “behaved well” and are “very grateful” to those who sheltered them. They will not forget that generosity. But it would not be a “good story” for Europe if it were to “drive these people into a corner”.

    Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles

    Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): During an appearance on ABC’s This Week with Jonathan Karl, Secretary of State Tony Blinken explicitly said that the US would not oppose Ukraine using US-supplied longer-range missiles to attack deep inside Russian territory, a move that Mo...

    Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles
    Did you know that Zelensky is a BILLIONAIRE? This was revealed years ago by the Pandora Papers. Revealed: ‘anti-oligarch’ Ukrainian president’s offshore connections

    Volodymyr Zelenskiy has railed against politicians hiding wealth offshore but failed to disclose links to BVI firm

    Revealed: ‘anti-oligarch’ Ukrainian president’s offshore connections

    Zelensky was a low-income actor who overnight began buying property in London, Tel Aviv and Switzerland, and running offshore accounts. How is this possible?

    Africa Blursty
    France has the 4th largest gold reserves in the world, thanks to Mali's gold mines.
    Lemmy Support Blursty
    "Show Context" not working for anyone else?

    When I click show context on a reply, I’d like to see the comment that they replied to, so I can remember what the fuck I was saying, but nothing happens, the page just refreshes. Is this a new bug? Maybe related to OP’s?

    Blursty Blursty
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