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This is my reason for joining "Fuck Cars"
  • This is the wrong sub for such comments... but I agree with you. If you need a truck and you have a family you can buy the smaller truck, but then you also have to buy a car to carry the family. The larger truck will let you haul your family and give you the pickup truck that you need.

  • Do people actually get upset if you forget their name?
  • I was a low level IT guy many years ago and had worked for the company for about 4 years. There was a sales guy also named Bob that I would help out a few times a year. It was a small company, around 50 employees, and every year at the company Christmas party sales guy Bob would come up to me and say "I don't think we've met, I'm Bob".

    That pissed me off, but it is the only time I can remember where I was upset someone didn't remember my name.

  • Unanimous Supreme Court Clears Way for N.R.A. to Pursue First Amendment Challenge
  • This is in regards to the N.R.A. bringing a suit against a NY official who had threatened banks and insurance companies in an effort to stop them from doing business with the N.R.A. after the Parkland shootings.

    Customers and shareholders of those banks and insurance companies can put pressure on them to stop doing business with the N.R.A., but government officials, especially in official acts, cannot.

    I'm sure if the details of this case were changed so that it took place in Texas, and instead of the N.R.A., it was Planned Parenthood... it would still be a unanimous opinion, right?

  • What linguistic constructions do you hate that no one else seems to mind?
  • I work in IT and the one that kills me is when someone says or writes "On premise" when they mean "On premises". I have worked for cloud companies and even the official literature is wrong. It has gotten to the point where so many people get it wrong that the official meaning is going to be changed because people are dumb and we can't have nice things.

    Words have meaning, stop fucking them up!

  • Recounting Dreams: A Riveting Discussion
  • I agree, not necessarily that I like hearing about other people's dreams, but that I think people should be more willing to actively listen when someone talks about their dreams.

    I don't necessarily like hearing other people's dreams, but I do like talking about my own dreams, so I will listen. While dreams aren't real, what happens in dreams can effect people because it is still something they experienced, and talking about stressful situations is a great way to let go of any negative feelings associated with the experience.

  • Sex offender banned from using AI tools in landmark UK case
  • But even then, if every pixel gets marked as 'created by AI', it would still be trivial to take real CSAM and run it through an image-to-image generator with denoising turned down to 0.05 and suddenly you have real CSAM that has been marked as 'legal' since it is technically AI generated.

    Also, keep in mind that there are several open source projects out there where anyone who knows what they are doing could just strip out any protections that might be put in place.

  • People who rarely get sick, what are your secrets?
  • I used to get sick all the time when I was in school. And then when I moved out on my own and had a full time job (providing over the phone tech support) I was sick quite often. I've also had periods in my life when I would go years without getting sick, but then about a year ago I've started using sick days again.

    All of the periods of time when I was getting sick coincide with me not wanting to go to the places I' required to go (school, crappy workplaces, etc), and the periods of time when I wasn't sick I was enjoying my job and the people I worked with.

  • Papua New Guinea leader takes offense after Biden implies an uncle was eaten by cannibals
  • All nations have uncomfortable aspects of their history that they need to come to terms with. It was a dumb thing to say for a President, especially if there's no proof, but it's also a dumb thing to get upset over for a Prime Minister when it is a part of their history.

  • Deleted
    The Department of Justice is preparing to file an antitrust lawsuit against Ticketmaster parent company Live Nation
  • Venues have always sucked. Ticketmaster/LiveNation are trash corporations, but music venues have always been about doing things as cheaply as possible and providing the barest of minimal services.

    While I do hate Ticketmaster with a passion, I have to admit that about 6 years ago I went to local venue that had been gobbled up by LiveNation and I was amazed at the transformations they had performed. Bathrooms had actual attendants, people whose job it was to keep the line moving. They would watch stalls and urinals and then tell the next person in line when one was free. Pavilion seating had wait service, so you didn't actually have to get out of your seat to get an overpriced beer or food. The place was clean, fresh paint was on everything. I was at a concert at this venue last year and it still looked nice and these services hadn't gone away.

    I'm not saying that LiveNation should have the monopoly it has on live shows, but there has to be some kind of middle ground between keeping it fair, but also incentivizing venue owners to keep things looking nice and providing useful services.

  • In honor of Mexico's upcoming Moon mission... the Burrocket!



    ___a ((realistic photo)) featuring a burrito-shaped ((rocket wearing a ((sombrero)))), orbiting the moon. The rocket should resemble a burrito, complete with tortilla texture, ((tortilla chip fins)), cheese sauce exhaust flames, and ((giant sombrero on top)), highly detailed, excitement and whimsy

    > “![](put image url in here)”

    In honor of Mexico's upcoming Moon mission... the Burrocket!

    ___a ((realistic photo)) featuring a burrito-shaped ((rocket wearing a ((sombrero)))), orbiting the moon. The rocket should resemble a burrito, complete with tortilla texture, ((tortilla chip fins)), cheese sauce exhaust flames, and ((giant sombrero on top)), highly detailed, excitement and whimsy

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Bob Robertson IX
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    Comments 129