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What would you say the reason is for those guys who cant get a date for the life of them?
  • i ran into this as well with a now former friend after transitioning. major ick factor

  • What would you say the reason is for those guys who cant get a date for the life of them?
  • sincere question: have you ever raised/ trained a puppy? it can be rewarding to teach another creature to act normal & not piss everywhere, but it gets old eventually

  • What would you say the reason is for those guys who cant get a date for the life of them?
  • they'll always look at everything you say through a lens of "how does that benefit ME?" - Talking to them is a literal minefield.

    yup, i’ve also run into this. guys who immediately start getting horny & pushy about random topics.

  • What would you say the reason is for those guys who cant get a date for the life of them?
  • oh hey it’s that weird account that keeps making ! post threads about declining birth rates, I’m sure this thread will be full of normal replies

  • NSFW Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This is embarrassing for Fediseer & genuinely weakens the integrity of that service.

  • Thought gained: Homo-Sexual Underground
  • seriously. we were robbed of having a chaotic genderflux enby Hemingway

  • Brave pup
  • brave comrade doggo


  • Can we defederate from
  • i think this server should follow Mazovian law


  • Thought gained: Homo-Sexual Underground
  • you should check out the rest of the article. Hemingway also had a trans daughter and regularly confided in her that they were “from the same tribe”. I’m pretty comfortable calling it as a trans person, but everyone is going to draw their own conclusion.


  • I’m short circuiting reading this
  • Brianna Wu is a transmedicalist and assimilationist. She’s extremely transphobic against enbies and anyone she views as a “tankie” unfortunately.

  • Thought gained: Homo-Sexual Underground
  • I mentioned this in my other comment, but there’s a metric ton of evidence that Ernest Hemingway was definitely some variety of transgender.

  • Thought gained: Homo-Sexual Underground
  • There’s also the added angle to this that Ernest Hemingway was definitely some variety of transgender. Their hypermasculinity was dysphoria cope.

  • I’m short circuiting reading this
  • Va*sh, Keffals, and Destiny: 3 reactionary neoliberals on a single stream

  • Apparently Seth MacFarlane is a real one
  • what the fuck that sounds cool as hell

  • What was the most catastrophic 'hot mic' moment in history?
  • On 2 March 2009, footage of Dutch news anchor Eva Jinek asking whether to loosen another button on her shirt (which might reveal too much of her cleavage) right before a broadcast, while muttering and shouting mild curses in both English and Dutch, was accidentally leaked to and spread on the Internet. She exclaims "Yeah, boobies!" at one point, continuing with, "Mother of God. Yeah, if you have it, flaunt it!" and citing her mother who might tell her: "I can see your breasts!" She responded the next day, saying she was not annoyed nor embarrassed by the leaked video.

    absolute hot girl shit


  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • a dude got banned on here a while back for pulling that “clean Wehrmach” nazi shit about literal concentration camp guards. he had like a 2 year old account. rest in piss you bozo.

  • Taylor Swift, The Unlikely Vanguard for Socialism, Navigating the Paths of Deng Xiaoping and Mao Zedong

    As a Swiftie, I uphold communism first, Taylor Swift second. While TSwift might seem vapid at first blush, a closer examination of Taylor’s career reveals a hidden agenda that aligns shockingly well with the principles of socialism, drawing inspiration from both Deng Xiaoping's pragmatic reforms and the revolutionary spirit of Maoism.

    Swift may not be marching in the streets with a red flag, but her music has had more than one Red era. !USSR

    Taylor Swift's highly publicized battles with record labels and streaming platforms provide another lens through which we can view her alignment with socialist principles.

    Her fight for fair compensation for all artists in an industry dominated by corporate interests mirrors the struggle for workers' rights that is central to socialist ideology. Swift's courage in challenging industry giants is akin to the audacity of those who dared to confront capitalist exploitation and publicly execute landlords, but with music rights instead of landlords.

    !cat-vibing !mao-aggro-shining

    Socialism places great importance on unity and solidarity among citizens, and Taylor Swift's ability to connect with a diverse fan base is a testament to her role as a unifying figure. Through her music and actions, she encourages people from various backgrounds to come together in support of common causes like queer rights & killing your fucking landlord, fostering a sense of community reminiscent of revolutionary communist ideals. This unity, bridging the gap between Deng Xiaoping's pragmatism and Maoism's revolutionary spirit, is a reflection of her unique influence.

    It's not just Taylor Swift's music and activism that align with socialism; it's her influence on public discourse. In an era marked by growing income inequality throughout the imperial core, her songs and public statements challenge the status quo and inspire her audience to consider alternative social and economic systems that prioritize the welfare of all. This blend of Deng's pragmatic approach and Maoist call for revolutionary change shapes the narrative for a more equitable world.


    The next time you listen to a Taylor Swift song, consider the possibility that you're not just enjoying catchy jams but also absorbing the subliminal message of social change and solidarity, blending the paths of Deng Xiaoping and Maoism in a unique synthesis.

    mrw hexbear has become the spectre haunting conservatives across the fediverse

    i come back from a lil internet break and see a bunch of filthy centrists and chuds absolutely shitting their pants over our basic existence.

    this is too good. the conspiracy theories alone are just !antelope-popcorn. we must continue federating with instances that also have good admins.

    Tonight’s vibe is: To Celebrate Beltane, I Started HRT

    Worshipping the pagan trans-femme goat mother and claiming my birth rite as a woman.

    BolsheWitch BolsheWitch [she/her, they/them]

    bolshevik & a witch

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