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They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • They're only 3 years apart but it looks more like 20 on stage. Biden is the perfect foil to make a senile Trump look full of youthful vitality. Literally could not have chosen a worse opponent from the entire gallery of DNC ghouls to face him. Wait, I take that back. Hillary would still be worse.

  • The highlight of Biden's first term in office is this product
  • I had to do a doubletake because it's so absurd, but yeah.

  • Fucking grim
  • I did volunteer EMT for a short spell and I was always amazed at how grizzled and experienced ALS providers get in such a short amount of time. They've seen practically everything within a year of service and have so many veteran tricks of the trade and industry practices that throw out everything learned in a BLS textbook. Hope you made out without too much trauma because that can be some rough work on the psyche.

  • Fucking grim
  • Are you a paramedic? I was under the impression that they would stabilize the limb as best as they could so they can be delivered to the ER where a doctor can amputate it under better conditions. Was the person trapped so that extrication required immediate amputation?

  • Perfection
  • They would most likely look the same but there are still evolutionary changes deeper in the DNA that aren't visible like metabolic and digestive functions. A modern horseshoe crab would not be able to reproduce with one from a 100 million years ago despite looking virtually identical.

  • In the past two days I've had my boomer neighbor tell me all latinx people need to be rounded up and shot. Then I had my boomer dad tell me that humans are disgusting and that Hitler was right -
  • This was actually really heartwarming to read and I hope your parents know how much you appreciate them for avoiding the brainworms that rotted the minds of most of their generation.

  • NSFW
    [CW: Suicide]
  • In mid-March, the Israeli army acknowledged that it has been facing the biggest mental health crisis since 1973.

    Yeah, slaughtering innocent civilians tends to weigh on your conscience. If it was this traumatizing to pull the trigger, just imagine how the other side felt.

  • For real though, who do the Dems run after Biden?
  • And no one exemplifies this better than Biden himself who had been paying his dues to the party since disco was popular.

  • This man is responsible for all of the stock market's gains this year

    This AI bubble is rapidly accelerating and it will take the entire market (and global economy) down with it. And while Sam Altman didn't singlehandedly ignite the new silicon arms race, OpenAI (and ChatGPT) did usher in the era we are now living in.

    Much was said about Nvidia overtaking Microsoft today to become the world's most valuable company, but take a look at the top 3:


    They are ALL beneficiaries of partnerships with OpenAI. Microsoft added a trillion dollars of market cap since partnering with them last year and Apple hit new all time highs after their announcement that ChatGPT will power "Apple Intelligence". And Nvidia? Well, they were just a $300 billion dollar video game card maker 5 years ago and now they are the biggest company on earth because their cards train AI models.

    I'm just flabbergasted at how quickly and thoroughly the promises made by one small startup has become the economic backbone of the entire stock market. The bubble popping for this hype cycle will be one for the ages.

    For real though, who do the Dems run after Biden?
  • Yep, he's exceptionally disciplined at toeing the party line and prioritizing the Democratic machine over his own immediate wishes. They will reward his patience handsomely when it is His Turn.

  • Least bigoted German
  • Your bro chose a class that comes with buffs to ward away Saracens.

  • We need a larger one. Yes, for the last time. Pleeeeeeeeeease!
  • When I see massive and highly technical projects like this I wonder where they find enough skilled labor to build it. Just look at the immense complexity of this and they have to build miles and miles of it underground. I'm imagining that all of the construction workers have PhDs in physics or some shit. Or am I overestimating the demands here?

  • Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
  • Yeah, but pre-internet/social media rumors like that were hard to verify. His megalomaniacal tendencies were commonly known back then, but it was chalked up to being an eccentric genius. D'arcy (and Iha) were solid musicians in their own right and do not get enough credit. I remember the media trying to push really hard to make a sex figure out of D'arcy but she was too shy and reserved to play along.

  • Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
  • I've never liked Billy Corgan (even before his reactionary libertarian side came out) and I always tried my best to dislike Smashing Pumpkins, so it annoyed me how great of a songwriter and musician he actually is. It took some time for me to realize and admit it, but Siamese Dream and Mellon Collie really are masterpieces. And 1979, along with Mayonnaise and Today, are my three favorite Pumpkins songs. The video is so perfect for this song too. A pure nostalgia bomb for anyone who grew up in the 90s like me.

  • Boeing Starliner Stuck on Space Station as More Leaks Discovered
  • It's one thing to board a Boeing jet for a 6 hour domestic flight, but you've gotta have a death wish to trust their penny-pinched contraptions to take you through orbit.

  • NSFW
    Last night I had one of these guys running around in my living room. [CW: arachnophobia]
  • I like most arachnids and I think some of them actually are cute (particularly tarantulas and jumping spiders), but HELL NO to this mf'er.

  • Kudzu is a problem in the US because Amerikkkans hate eating things that don't bleed.
  • Feral hogs are considered a problem in Texas— a state where practically everyone has a gun and an insatiable appetite for barbecued meat, and they still can't get the populations under control.

  • Can I still use this salt?
  • 250 million years ago to 2019. This salt had a good run.

  • "Propaganda to depict itself as more humane"

    Clearly Hamas is the very caricature of evil so anything less than sadistic violence must be done for propaganda purposes

    (CW: rape) Is there any credible proof that Hamas militants were mass raping Israelis on Oct 7?

    It seems like everyone just accepted the idea that the barbarous hordes from Gaza must obviously be raping any Israeli girl they could get their hands on, repeating those claims as if it were accepted fact. But it never made sense to me- not because such acts are beneath them, but due to the time and logistical constraints they were under during their limited time beyond the Gaza borders. But it seems like everyone, including every media outlet, wouldn't stop adding the accusations of rapes to the list of horrors Israelis faced that day.

    That said, I am under no delusion that the hostages, once secured and taken to their base, are not at risk of being sexually assaulted. But nearly every interview I've seen with family members of (female) hostages seems to be highly concerned with rape as a likely outcome as if this is a common practice among Palestinians. I've seen many of them repeating that "Hamas is ISIS" and let their imaginations run wild with the worst possible scenarios.

    But based on the hostages who have been released so far, we can at least say they were treated FAR, FAR better than the captives under US detainment in Abu Grahib or Guantanamo Bay.
