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Pride wins!
  • An important question, usually conspicuous by their absence with confirmation bias-related posts. But in this case, the source is provided. You can check for yourself and let us know, if you have a Xitter account to see the replies.

    Unless Elmo's added yet another layer of enshittification. It's hard to keep up.

  • Google avoids jury trial by sending $2.3 million check to US government
  • “This is illegal!”

    Bung in the post

    “This is legal… for a fee!”

    If the punishment is a fine, it is targeted at those who can’t afford the brib—I mean fee.

  • NSFW
    Getting Lost Chapter working under Linux
  • I mean... what kind of person tells another that they're having fun the wrong way? 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • POPPY GAME INSULT TO OUR WAR DEAD [Ahoy on Amiga game Cannon Fodder]
  • Great video. (For those unaware, the video's title is just copying the one used by a UK newspaper when the game was released).

    Parallax was one of my favourite C64 games, and Sensible Soccer and Cannon Fodder were my favourite Amiga 500 games. Just amazing.

    Growing up outside the UK, I was completely unaware of the Daily Star's manufactroversy and the RBL's IP-related histrionics.

  • Archie, the Internet’s first search engine, is rescued and running
  • The whole full circle thing aside, I’m delighted we’re still able to do this 🖕🏻 with the current protocols.

    My choices > your shareholders.

  • Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut - Launch Trailer | PC Games
  • As someone once said about director's cuts with films: they're a double-dip scam.

    If the cinema and home media releases were the same, they're just trying to make you buy the same thing twice by pretending that this is what the director really wanted it to be. The distributor really likes your credit card.

    Having said that, Taylor Swift has something like 28 versions of the same album out and her stans are going crazy for it, treating them like they're Pokemon.

    Whatever floats your boat. 🤷‍♂️ Don't let this old dude yuck your yum.

  • Americans using anything but the metric system
  • Same with me on the water. I grew up Australia.

    Since moving to the UK, I'm still trying to get used to medieval bollocks. Gimme analogies, because Stones used to be 1 Stone of wheat was a different weight to 1 Stone of, say, actual stones. Mental.

  • YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers
  • I definitely admire the integrity and the effort.

    But, economically speaking, you get what you incentivise for: if you can game the system and get the click/eyeball ratio, then they're going to do that.

  • Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • Nice. But as a BitWarden user, it's useless to me. I've never put all my eggs in one account basket.

    Passwords on one service, MFA on another, email on yet another, etc.

  • What's the most fucked up movie you ever watched?
  • Saw that in the cinema and went into real (medical) physical shock at the kerb-stomping scene. I'd never thought of or seen that before. Holy crap, it shook me for hours after as I warmed up again, etc.

  • Has anyone here ever tried Linux From Scratch?
  • TIL this is a thing. I started doing that over 30 years ago with SLS and Slackware when that was the only choice.

    This was pre-PnP (also pre-JPEG!), so you had to know all the addresses, IRQs, DMA info, etc, of your hardware or you'd get... unexpected results. make it and they will come...

    After countless distros and flavours over the years, I still use Debian for servers and now use EndeavourOS for desktop/laptops.

  • Yes, I totally can afford this product and will consider purchasing it
  • "...I'll give it time to work and will come back and see you."



  • Americans using anything but the metric system
  • To be fair: if anyone's going to intuitively know the weight of 800 hamburgers, Americans are it. :)

    Also, I'm not entirely opposed to using "every day" analogies for stuff like this.

  • The retro Nokia phone everyone owned 25 years ago will get a reboot soon – and yes, it has Snake
  • If the SIM standard didn't change every few years, presumably for the same reason CPU pin-count changes ($$$), this might be a great phone for international travel, protests/marches and such.

    As for Snake: meh, it's fun, but it's easy enough to code for yourself... Angela Yu's "100 Days of Code" taught me that. ;)

  • How to disconnect and reconnect WiFi from Terminal via SSH
  • Using systemctl restart NetworkManager will likely do it for you.

    Or the more traditional ifup/ifdown method, but if you're remotely connected that's likely to give you a Bad Time as you fall off the network... :)

  • YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers
  • I think you've got the right approach, FWIW.

    Not sure that big business favouritism is the intent, but it's definitely more lucrative for them. Especially with Vimeo and other alternatives out there.

    I remember when streaming took off in a big way - some on YT and others on (later Twitch and now Amazon's Twitch) - and I thought you'd have to be objectively bonkers to rely upon an opaque and ever-changing algorithm for your financial future. Some have gamed it well, but it's pretty easy to see how they've survived - fake shock/reaction content, alt-light or worse content, polarising opinion, thinly-veiled advertorials, and so on.

  • 93 Year Old Woman Arrested for Resisting Eviction
  • And there's this evergreen graphic about how rich people get rich according to them vs reality:

  • How to ease up the return to GW2
  • Some still have the WoW heyday raid guild mentality, but there are plenty of large, casual guilds without the expectation of specific days, hours, taxes, "must login at least twice a week", and such stuff.

    Happy to recommend one to you. They have opt in sections in their Discord for PvE, WvW, PvP, etc, etc. And have an "all members welcome" Guild Missions session every Saturday, which is an effective way to meet and catch up with everyone.

    And having access to a guild's hall is great for cheap travel, extra resources, permanent boosts, crafting, etc.

  • How to make it so frequently used sites don't constantly require 2FA? [SOLVED]
  • If using Firefox:

    • uBlock Origin: Ads be gone. You need to select/add the blocklists you want.
    • Privacy Badger: Automatic tracker blocker with no configuration required.
    • Cookie AutoDelete: Saves cookies for the pages you want it to, and nukes everything else.
    • Firefox Multi-Account Containers: Keep your activity in separate silos. That Banking container cookie won't be visible to that Porn container's JavaScript, Meta's container can only see Meta's stuff, etc.

    I use a bunch of others, but the above are my bare minimum.

    Don't believe anyone who tells you that one extension does everything.

  • The Biggest Deepfake Porn Website Is Now Blocked in the UK
  • First line of the article:

    Two of the biggest deepfake pornography websites have now started blocking people trying to access them from the United Kingdom.

    This isn't (yet) the UK blocking access to them as part of a Great Firewall of Britain thing. This is the sites themselves blocking visitors from the UK, the same as porn sites for various US states.

    As with porn sites, it'll be using the geoIP tag of your IP address, which is notoriously unreliable, especially near geopolitical boundaries.

    Using a VPN or even a third-party (rather than your ISP's) DNS server will often get around them. However, doing so will eventually probably get you in trouble.

  • Brewchin Brewchin
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