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Reddit post from an anti marriage christian
  • But if sex is only allowed between married partners, how does the religion not die out? 🤔 /s

  • Dell tells remote workers that they won’t be eligible for promotion unless they go hybrid
  • Remote workers tell Dell they got a promotion at another company and are giving their 2 weeks notice. 🤞

  • Dynamic pricing is coming to grocery stores
  • I thought we already had this and called it “inflation” and “Macroeconomic headwinds” due to WSB and the war in Ukraine and the stimmy checks.

  • main BrieIsCheese
    đź‘‹ Introduction

    Hey folks, got off Reddit early last year but have been procrastinating on finding a replacement. Finally got around to joining the LemmyBinVerse and figured I would join a more-regional server.

    Big fan of cheese, the outdoors, and cheese outdoors. Dry, sarcastic humor is a love language. Shitposts are great, in moderation. I had an ICQ but I don’t remember my number.

    I guess that’s all for now.

    BrieIsCheese BrieIsCheese

    Lives in the American Midwest. Likes cheese.

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    Comments 3