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Holocaust memorial vandalised with swastika graffiti
  • America sowing Zionism: Yes…Ha Ha Ha…Yes!

    America reaping Neonazism: This fucking sucks…

  • US to relist Yemen's Houthis as specially designated global terrorists, AP sources say
  • It's a concerted effort by western media to delegitimize them through language. I've often heard “Houthi rebels” which makes the intention very clear. Ansar Allah is the proper name like you said, and not only were they the de facto government of Yemen before, but also the recent US/UK bombing campaign is making more and more Yemenis unite behind Ansar Allah.

  • Israel Gaza: Community frozen as Hamas atrocities continue to emerge
  • Those savages living in the modern recreation of the Warsaw Ghetto we created for them attacked us! It was completely UnPrOvOkEd!

  • EU freezes aid payments for Palestinians after Hamas attack on Israel
  • The EU should be ashamed of how incredibly hypocritical its diplomacy and foreign policy is showing itself to be in the last few months of international events.

    It's been like that for far longer but now it's harder for people not to realize how low is to do all this grandstanding about evil Hamas killing those poor Israeli civilians while looking the other way and letting Azerbaijan do just whatever the fuck they want in Nagorno-Karabakh because we so desperately need their gas.
    Where was all this “the scale of terror and brutality makes it so there can be no business as usual” energy then? Are we going to start calling Armenians terrorists in order to justify that one too?

    Europe has deciduous morals with a shelf life of half a Truss.

  • Hezbollah bombards Israeli positions in disputed area along border with Syria’s Golan Heights
  • Surely you understand the meaning of consensual.

    I don't see how the military hegemony you openly spouse could lead to any sort of consensual agreement. Hegemony, by definition, is directly opposed to consensus.

    Next thing you'll tell me the settler colonialism and de facto apartheid state Israel is directly enabling are absolutely necessary, for geopolitical reasons obviously.

    Besides all that, if the point you're trying to make is that Israel needs the military spending to maintain its territorial integrity, I seriously question they would need 38bn USD in foreign aid just for that.
    And that would be ignoring the fact Israel has been increasingly extending its territorial integrity over palestinian land for the duration of the conflict, and will continue to do so. Not a lot of “two-state solution” in that.

  • Hezbollah bombards Israeli positions in disputed area along border with Syria’s Golan Heights
  • That's why Israel is getting 38 billion dollars (!) in a ten year period from the US, everyone knows you need an absurd amount of military equipment to reach a consensual two state solution.

  • meow_irl
  • No. Legally they are property

    According to which laws, exactly? My country has animal wellbeing laws that classify pets as companions and living beings, their legal status is explicitly above personal property.

  • 4 ways to divide Europe
  • I can't think of a single Mediterranean country with bad food.

  • Richest oil states should pay climate tax, says former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown
  • “Dear kettle, why are you so black?”

    -Yours truly, the pot

  • This is an Octobass
  • Octobass, nobody suspects a thing 🎶

  • The iPhone 13 mini is dead, leaving small phone lovers in a lurch
  • iPhone mini lovers 🤝 iPad mini enthusiasts

  • Well, fuck you too.
  • Oh no! What will I do now without the prescient geopolitical insight of the Chattanooga Evening Telegraph?

  • Elon Musk seen as working counter to U.S. interests in dealings with Russia, China
  • One of the reasons billionaires managed to gather so much power and influence in our current system is because they are more coordinated and way better at class warfare than us workers.

    I'd say that and the obvious mind-boggling amounts of hoarded wealth are the two main ones. And never forget those billions are, for the most part, stolen from workers through wage theft, which circles back to billionaires waging class war on us.

  • Jiu enjoying her hammock 😸
  • Big time mirin. She loves her human

  • “AI took my job, literally”—Gizmodo fires Spanish staff amid switch to AI translator
  • I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Venture Capitalist Ride