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This is getting out of hand! Now there are more than 3 of them!
  • I would be generous and interpret that as Leah remembering Bail Organa's wife (who it must remembered, she thought was her mother until like, an hour before that conversation), or else constructing memories of an ideal woman.

    At least, until Obi Wan, but whatever

    Your point still stands. She only found out she was adopted like an hour prior.

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • I'm a case manager for a local org that supports people with intellectual disability. I like my job, I set my own hours, and even if there was no profit motive it would still need to be done. My only complaint is where I brush up against the capitalistic intersection, so the county is our funder and they really pinch every penny compared to, say the sheriffs' office.

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • This is such a weird take. There is 20 years of content on youtube and not just like, unboxing videos or AI generated kid stuff or whatever. Theres family recordings and DIY vids for literally everything, to college courses from like, Yale and Harvard, to vocational videos I use for my job. All of the videos that radicalized me into an Ancom on are youtube. Every song ever recorded, including rare songs like second hand accounts of slave field hymns. Old, obscure movies, especially where the copyright holder doesnt give a fuck, are available for free. Small indie projects, like small groups producing shorts, and small bands making their own music, are on youtube. And yes, millions of hours of people playing video games, or sports high lights, or wrestling high lights, or video essays or whatever, are all on youtube.

    The world is the way it is. Do I wish the web was more diversified? I do. Do I wish Alphabet didnt have us over a barrel like this? Of course. But youtube is almost a utility at this point; its like saying dont use the roads bro, eventually they will listen to us and put in light rail tracks. I would love for that to happen but you gotta get to work in the mean time.

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • Youtube doesn't pay attention to what ads get approved, or where they get served. Ive heard stories of people getting served two hours full amateur movies as ads, Ive heard of people getting soft core porn served as an ad, to actual scams and crypto pitches. It's like Facebooks new AI enabled algorithm. There is actual danger, considering children and the elderly get sucked in to youtubes black hole?

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • Dark Knight. Heath Ledger's Career defining performance can't save this tortuously paced, boring, dreary, washed out slog of a war on terror metaphor. I hate Christopher Nolan, all of his movies are like this.

    The star wars prequels get a lot of hate, but honestly, all of the cracks were beginning to show in Return of the Jedi. 4 and 5 are indisputably good movies, and part of the cinematic canon. Jedi has a lot of small things wrong with it... and also Leah is Luke's sister randomly. This is a Lucasism, and as the people who were capable of standing up to Lucas fell away, and were replaced by people who grew up in star wars. Everything that makes the OT good is present in the prequels, and everything that makes the Prequels... contentious is present in Jedi. For the record, I like the prequels but I think they are flawed in really interesting ways.

    Jedi is even in quality with all the prequels and sequels that came after, but has a better rep than it deserves because it stands next to the first (best) two.

  • What jobs were you horrified to learn are done by people with little to no experience or training?
  • I don't know. I had to do a 3 month boot camp run through a local community college, and that included 36 hours of clinicals on an ambulance. There were daily tests, training on all the equipment, and batteries of tests finals that we had to pass. My favorite was we had to have a 80 in the course to qualify for the finals, but anything less than a 70 on any of the tests would disqualify you from taking registry, even if you had an 100 percent aside from that. That was for EMT Basic, the lowest levels of licensure. It's a two year degree to become a paramedic (and I think thats like 200 hours of clincals, or something). And once I was in, there were 12 hours of CEs required for licensure (the company offered trainings), and I did have a written and practical test to take with the ambulance before they let me code, with a probationary period (mine was a few months, they really didn't like me, looking back because I'm Jewish.)

    I won't go to bat for the industry very often. I was making minimum wage, I was working 60 hour weeks. The culture has a problem with boot licking and racism, work life balance, and catty bullshit. I never left like management had my back, and people gossip. And that's before you get to the insane nature of the work, and the constant death and crisis around you. I worked nights; nothing was open, and there was never any time to eat, so we opted for handheld, easily available garbage from convenience stores. And of course, I never saw my family.

    But even though registry can't prepare you for the road, I would never have claimed I wasn't properly trained.

  • I beam trollies

    Oh boy Fedi, do I have a weird one.

    Ive posted here a few times regarding my basement build, and one of the handymen noted that if I am not going to cover up my ceiling, I have two exposed I beams. One runs through the kitchen, and one through a bedroom (mine). We were talking about mounting a spice rack, and he said I could mount a piece of wood on to an I beam trolly.

    These things are cheap, and they are strong. What kind of fuckery can I get up to with them? Especially one in my bedroom? Is there anything ceiling mounted you just wish you could slide across the room, and back again? I'm envisioning something I can collapse against the wall.

    Is this just insane?

    Big swinging doors


    I have two interior doors to hang in my basement. One of my friend said he could cut/ hang them, but he suggested looking into hiring home depot's contractors install them, because I would still have to get them delivered anyway.

    Okay, the problem: when I started this basement project, I hired some amateurs. They hung my walls. They eventually disappeared, and I had to finish them on my own. When they built my rough openings, they didn't even make them uniform with eachother. one of them is 38.25 by 76.75 in. One is 38.75 by 78 even.

    I checked into pre hung doors, and they are all 80 inch tall, and they recommend another 2 in. Apparently interior door manufacture is controlled by a regional monopoly: anything a few inches shorter will double the price, or potentially more. And of course, add a month for the custom manufacture.

    the rub is that I would have to wait an additional month for the contractors, and they want an exorbitant amount.

    So I guess my question is, what are my options? Can I cut a pre-hung door and frame down to size? Is there something I should know about? Should I just get someone to hang a door cut to size? Or should i just give up and pay the money?

    Soundproofing a Ceiling

    Hello, everyone. For the past few months, I have been renovating my father's basement, building an apartment for myself. The water, electrical, subfloors, and walls are in. All that really remains are the Kitchen Sink, the kitchen floor, and the doors. (And the bathroom, but thats another can of worms. And the ceiling.

    I have been going back and forth on the ceiling for a while. I have been resisting drywall, and my dad is dead set against it; there is a lot of infrastructure down there that would both make it difficult to install, and needs to remain accessible. Furthermore, its only 8feet to the joists, so losing half an inch is kind of a problem. I had considered leaving it alone. I really liked the exposed look, and was even looking into Joist Shelving.

    The last few weeks have proven to me though, that I really need to soundproof the ceiling. There is an entire cottage industry on youtube based around recommending soundproofing products. I had one handyman recommend streamer foam, which is different from accoustic foam (apparently!?), Ive seen people recommend Green Glue, and then someone else say, you get the same results with carpet glue. I see some people say Mass Loaded Vinyl could be useful, and then some one else say its expensive and supplemental (but might still be handy for pipes and HVAC). I was looking at sound proof blankets, and the big blocks of Styrofoam insulation they sell at home depot. I was considering hiring someone to install a drop ceiling.

    Does anyone have any insight that might help me? I have nothing up in the ceiling currently. I have no real issue mixing and matching solutions, although I am somewhat still resistant to drywall ceilings.

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