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Crime scene
  • This is giving the first season of True Detective

  • This horny waifu game is selling my data for sure
  • The waifu needs your social security number! It's not a scam, baka!! It's her special kink...

  • the slurperrrule
  • Smug. Defiant.

  • Schrödinger's Immigrant
  • You forgot the misogyny. The women take the welfare and the men take the jobs and all the families are broken /s

  • 17 September 2024
  • It really wasn't. They didn't even put F. Durst on the door.

  • Copenhagen traffic light. Dip pen and green Sharpie, September 2024.
  • Yeah, I have one poetry chapbook out and multiple full length albums (I'm a drummer)

  • Copenhagen traffic light. Dip pen and green Sharpie, September 2024.
  • I don't know how to message a user on here, but I love this so much I would be interested in purchasing the original and rights to use as album/book cover

  • Copenhagen traffic light. Dip pen and green Sharpie, September 2024.
  • I absolutely love this, is this original? Do you have more? Website? Commissions?

  • Elon Musk Is Repulsive
  • Ahahaha....

  • Enough is enough
  • I can't afford one either!

  • Enough is enough
  • Marimba! Marimba!!

  • Getting the job done properly
  • I came

  • a single unit
  • I'll just take all the crunchy tips at the bottom...

  • giving her 🧀
  • I'm sorry but I must downvote because this has been reposted to hell and back for literally 10 years on every platform known to humanity.

  • There's something about this company that I don't trust...
  • I feel like it's too close to Redcoats, and I expect them to try to quarter in my house and tax me without representation.

  • Angry baby porcupine throws tantrum, falls off deck
  • Oh my god the little sound when he had to pick up the baby.. "WEHH!"

  • How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy?
  • I really wish people would stop commenting that someone has this or that identity when they just want a normal life. Having trouble finding a girlfriend? Maybe you don't want sex! Like what? Stop normalizing this.

  • How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy?
  • I wish I could upvote this more than once

  • Do posts "remember" upvotes when you go back?

    Hi all, this might seem like a dumb question, but when I upvote a post in the comments and then go back to the feed, it doesn't show that I upvoted it. Does it remember that I did? What happens if I click it again?

    Thanks for any answers. LOVE THE APP

    is the Pixel just bad?

    I've had the Google pixel 6 for almost 2 years. Lately it seems like it just breaks everything. It has issues with multiple apps, it doesn't want to connect to WiFi, the list goes on. Everything I Google, it's like yep, me too, known issue. Is this a bad phone? What should I upgrade to?

    Why do some Spanish/English words share the same multiple meanings?

    For example, in English the word right (opposite of left) and right (privileges, as in human rights) are homonyms. In Spanish, derecho/a also means both of those things. Don't the concepts behind those words predate the cross-pollination of the two languages? Why do they share this homonym quality?

    can't see posts at all

    Under my profile, it says I have 3 posts. But I can't see them :( reasons why? I'm on which I know is buggy, but it's been like this for weeks

    hide read posts?

    In Connect you can hide read posts automatically and scrolling past posts counts as read. Is there an option to auto hide read posts? I hate seeing the same post twice.

    guinea pigs Bunnylux
    (oc) freshly bathed pig

    he was dirty

    guinea pigs Bunnylux
    it's foot out Friday
    Bunnylux Bunnylux
    Posts 8
    Comments 313