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Man aged 64 and ¾ discovers capitalism
  • You're fighting a strawman you made up buddy. I'm talking about his own and how he acted. If you don't like it I suggest you check yourself and let me know if I was misleading about my claims.

  • Man aged 64 and ¾ discovers capitalism
  • I didn't say anything bad about his recent statements. I've yet to see anything real and tangible from his alleged efforts. While he was happy to accept such grants of doing nothing with joy. To me he is nothing but a TV personality and nothing about him is genuine. He literally did a Trump move on his latest interview where he asked the TV reporter what percentage is paying inheritance tax and she said 4% and he run with 96% of the people is having difficulties and shit. And when the same reporter asked where he get his numbers he asked his lackeys who is not effected? He is in my eyes nothing but an attention seeking bastard. Because he is talking loud but doing nothing real.

  • Man aged 64 and ¾ discovers capitalism
  • This dumbass was happy that government was paying him not to do anything with his land for that show he had called Clarkson's Farm or something. I wonder when it started to hurt him so he started to pay attention...

  • Asking for help online
  • What do you feed bee while it's under sink? Also did you get consent of the bee to take it to camping and putting it into your mouth? It seems you have a complex relationship with the bee in which the bee might need help with representation. If that's the case I know some lawyers.

  • Arch-Based Distros Dominate the Linux Gaming Scene
  • The laptop I'm using is new and I didn't bother with installing Linux on it because I was lazy and business was busy. But this weekend I'll most likely install it. Thanks for the information by the way.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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