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First Batch of Artillery Shells Under Czech Initiative Delivered
  • I would absolutely love it. Used to be an FLO and all I can say is carrying a stack of HE Shells would be stress free. Nobody rushing you or even being remotely discourteous. A team of escorts tackling anyone that even looks in the direction of my path, let alone attempts to walk in the way...

  • Top European rights court rules Russia guilty of abuses in Crimea

    The European Court of Human Rights ruled on Tuesday that Russia committed rights violations in Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula, which Moscow occupied and annexed in violation of international law in 2014...

    Top European rights court rules Russia guilty of abuses in Crimea

    The European Court of Human Rights ruled on Tuesday that Russia committed rights violations in Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula, which Moscow occupied and annexed in violation of international law in 2014...

    See also: Russian parliament votes to break with European Court of Human Rights - June 7/24

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Thank you for making my job a little easier today :)

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  • I actually read the referenced articles.

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  • Fact: WWII was almost 8 decades ago. Japan, France, Italy, Brazil all are not Nazis.

    Every nation has an element of Far-Right wackadoodles in their midst. To call Ukrainians nazis is as racist as calling Poles communists because they were a part of the USSR 40 years ago.

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  • What evidence? I see zero reference to any evidence other than the word in the title. Nonsense. Reading the NYT article (which should have been the actual article not this blog post BS) the closest you get to anything Western related for breaking the negotiations is their advice that the initial tentative agreements 'were tantamount to capitulation'. Negotiations proceeded long after that point and 2 key issues with them are attributed to their breakdown:

    1. Putin's micromanaging of his negotiation team led the Ukranian side to doubt the negotiations were anything but a stall tactic, and

    2. A deal-breaking Russian amendment to Ukraine's Article 5-esque 'guarantors will come to the aid of Ukraine if they are attacked again in the future' which essentially gave Russia a veto.

    ;tldr the only evidence provided by this blog post BS is for Russia not negotiating in good faith, and definitively being the one that spoiled the talks with a garbage ally defence veto amendment which strongly indicated they had every intention of doing all this again anyways no matter what the agreement said (their SOP.

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  • For anyone wondering, this sort of blatant Russian propaganda is evaluated using a higher level of scrutiny but will be tolerated so long as the content can be reasonably interpreted as not intending to incite or belittle Ukrainians.

    In this specific example, the claim 'an Ukrainian assault by untrained and inexperienced prisoners was annihilated with ease' would be in violation if it wasn't so absurd, unsupported by the footage, and laughable.

    Why allow it? Ukrainian ideals include things like 'freedom of the press/information'. In times of war this has significant limitations ofc but I for one am interested in hearing 'their side' of events as they happen so long as it is done in a neutral voice. Many truths can be gleaned from lies for people savvy enough to read between the lines.

    Rest assured this is not an open invitation for Russian bots to start spamming propaganda. This community will NOT become a Tankie Hellhole.

  • Russians behead Ukrainian soldier in Donetsk Oblast Russians behead Ukrainian soldier in Donetsk Oblast

    Ukrainian authorities have opened an investigation after Russian soldiers beheaded a serviceman of Ukraine’s Armed Forces in Donetsk Oblast.

    Russians behead Ukrainian soldier in Donetsk Oblast
    Ukraine's international bond rework derailed as deadline nears

    Ukraine has not been able to reach an agreement with a group of bondholders over restructuring some $20 billion of international debt during formal talks, it said on Monday, raising the spectre that the war-torn country might slip into default...

    India urges Russia to return its citizens recruited by Russia's army after 2 were killed India urges Russia to return its citizens recruited by Russia's army after 2 were killed

    India says it has urged Russia to return Indian citizens recruited by Russia’s army after two were killed recently in the war in Ukraine.

    India urges Russia to return its citizens recruited by Russia's army after 2 were killed

    India says it has urged Russia to return Indian citizens recruited by Russia’s army after two were killed recently in the war in Ukraine.

    Trump gets name of his doctor wrong as he challenges Biden to cognitive test
  • They said while wasting even more time typing about it.

  • LGBT soldiers in Ukraine hope their service is changing attitudes as they rally for legal rights LGBT soldiers in Ukraine hope their service is changing attitudes as they rally for legal rights

    Several hundred LGBT Ukrainian servicemen and their supporters marched in central Kyiv Sunday to demand more rights and highlight their service to their country in its war with Russia.

    LGBT soldiers in Ukraine hope their service is changing attitudes as they rally for legal rights

    Several hundred LGBT Ukrainian servicemen and their supporters marched in central Kyiv Sunday to demand more rights and highlight their service to their country in its war with Russia...

    Romania will not allow Russian and Belarusian delegations to attend OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Romania will not allow Russian and Belarusian delegations to attend OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

    The Romanian authorities have refused to issue visas to Russian and Belarusian delegations to attend the annual session of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Parliamentary Assembly (PA), which will be held in Romania from 29 June to 3 July.

    Romania will not allow Russian and Belarusian delegations to attend OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
    Over 50,000 Palestinian children require treatment for acute malnutrition, says UN agency
  • The tragic irony of so many chickens coming home to roost but still being unable to feed the "martyrs of the future".

  • World leaders join Ukraine summit in test of Kyiv's peace push


    • Summit aims to pressure Russia to end Ukraine conflict
    • Draft communique condemns Russia's 'war' in Ukraine
    • Absence of China, Russia seen limiting potential impact
    • Putin outlines conditions to end war on eve of gathering
    • Potential next host Saudi Arabia: difficult compromise needed
    Putin offers truce if Ukraine exits Russian-claimed areas and drops NATO bid. Kyiv rejects it Putin offers truce if Ukraine exits Russian-claimed areas and drops NATO bid. Kyiv rejects it

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy rejected what he called an ultimatum by Putin.

    Putin offers truce if Ukraine exits Russian-claimed areas and drops NATO bid. Kyiv rejects it

    Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Friday to “immediately” order a cease-fire in Ukraine and start negotiations if Kyiv began withdrawing troops from the four regions annexed by Moscow in 2022 and renounced plans to join NATO. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy rejected what he called an ultimatum by Putin to surrender more territory...

    Who’s telling the truth about the capital gains tax? | About That
  • IF it was forced to be in the 66% CG bracket $16.5k would be taxed at the previously posited 20% resulting in $3300 paid to government so it is a respectable jump in tax owed for those being subjected to it.

  • Who’s telling the truth about the capital gains tax? | About That
  • A better way to think of it is <$250k 50% of the profit is tax-free. >$250k only 34% of it is tax exempt.

  • Who’s telling the truth about the capital gains tax? | About That
  • First, the bump to 66% only happens after 250k that year so $25k would not trigger the extra 16% eligibility. So standard 50% CG only would be applied. $12.5k taxed at your rate means the min rate which may be something like 20% (this number is a wild guess) so say $2500 paid to the gov. Not as bad as it sounds.

  • Russians told to mobilize to inflict 'maximum harm' on West in response to sanctions


    • Kremlin hawk talks of need for harsh campaign against West
    • Ex-president Medvedev: Response needed against sanctions
    • Calls for Western society, infrastructure to be targeted
    • Western officials have accused Russia of sabotage
    • Moscow has publicly rejected those allegations
    Steam DLC unlocker SmokeAPI is now being blocked by Valve and could result in a VAC ban or locked account.
  • Streisand effect too: hadn't heard of this until now. Git downloads immediately get flagged as Trojans tho

  • Israel’s New Air War in the West Bank: Nearly Half of the Dead are Children
  • Because imprisoning terrorists is what it is correctly called

  • Israel’s New Air War in the West Bank: Nearly Half of the Dead are Children
  • You understand 'imprisoning terrorists' /= 'holding hostages' right?

  • Kremlin issues stark US statement as relations hit new low Kremlin issues stark US statement as relations hit new low

    "We are now an enemy country for them, just as they are for us," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

    Kremlin issues stark US statement as relations hit new low
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