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Based Kansan Redditors?
  • Thats the one! Yeah Lawrence is crazy you can find some of the whitest most petite bougie crackers to commies tatted up to their ears, both born and raised from there. Sooooo many hippies, such contrast to the other cities and rural obviously, though homesteader types are sprinkled throughout the Northeast.

  • Based Kansan Redditors?
  • There's this one mural of him you see everywhere, he does a t pose lol I think it might have some historical significance but as I kid I always thought it looked funny. Also Lawrence has a whole identity wrapped around being launch pad for the 'Free State', but I hear it's mainly just a bunch of drunk college kids and suburban sprawl now.

  • Rule
  • False, Pyro is who enbys wanna be but never will

  • I feel like our right wing nationalist party may be right
  • I completely forgot it was April fool's, I was about to start having a jokerfying moment

  • Should We Have Shot Harambe?
  • Harambe apparently means communal labour in Swahili

  • Chile launches new fast train service built by China. The train has 160km/h speed.
  • Is Chile the best or worst country for high speed rail?

  • Reminder that it's capitalism and not AI that's the problem
  • Thing with AI is they don't even need be the ultra intelligent genie in a bottle to have an impact. It's the quantitative potential which will shape the workforce. I'm speaking on behalf of the creatives, can't speak for IT but I assume it's similar.

    Sorry I had giant spiel I was working on but honestly it just deserves to be developed further into an essay lol.

    I'll just list some points I guess.

    -Portfolio based jobs, learn as you go. Professional artists right now with years of work experience should be fine, as the art from ai is just slop once you start paying attention to anything other than just how detailed it is. Symbolism, meaning, telling a story through the scene. Ai can't do composition, let alone that. Not to mention of the greatest parts of art is the human connection, but still drawing/painting/whatever is hard to make accurate. And so can do that, eventually, but it can fit dirt cheap and doesn't strike. Even though beginner artists can do the higher level symbolism and composition, where they fall flat is the detail and AI acts a barrier to entry.

    -Smaller artist "start ups" if you will have a horrible selection process with how much ai junk you have to soft through. Ai has totally bloated the portfolio process.

    -Most main stream garbage is already recycled so AI isn't even going to change the main stream, but again finding the quality content will be harder and harder.

    -Silver lining is petite bourgeois jobs being the creatives and IT (also already left leaning) will finally be losing their special status.

    -I think in a socialist state AI art could be kept in as a source of raw material for a giant artist organization to train younger artists to work with, so not only are artists elevated to a more abstracted position in the process, but then we won't have AI art clogging up every single space.

    Sorry I've been meaning right around this fir a while so this really just acts as a little brain dump. Also ran out of time lol. I'm a goofball.

  • USA Logic

  • How do you recognise a comrade in the wild?
  • Yeah but I remember vividly at a party two libs saying that but then immediately after "but communism doesn't work". Both are die hard "socialists not communists" centrists and one's the pastiest gusano I've ever seen.

  • Theory Inquiries for y'all
  • WHAAAAAAAT. Okay that's wild, especially considering that I had originally put just Irish but changed it to scots-irish because I thought I was leaving them out 😭 😭 . Please do tell more, and why there's a distinction.

  • Theory Inquiries for y'all
    1. Yeah fair enough with the exceptionalist attitude. I think its less intentionally to be "The One" trope as more its myself making sure I actually try to move radicaliztion along in a critical moment of change for the Empire, instead of just keeping it to myself and withering away. I think the attitude stems more from my whimsical imagination than my actual beliefs. Just weird to think about lol. As for being radicalized, of course material conditions with being dissatisfied and interested in history/politics, but what are those conditions in particular? Tons of western leftists have similar interests, but many have stayed on their pro western side, Anti-AES and Pro-NATO. Its seems to be a right time right place for us, but we need to figure out what was exactly behind that setting which allowed us peel back another layer of ignorance and to be able to create a similar situation for other comrades.
  • Theory Inquiries for y'all

    So as I've had my fair share of a lurking/grass-touching period and my brain being the 3 year old philosopher it is, I have collected questions overtime that I haven't quite be able to fit in anywhere. As they would have no use to me wasting away in a notepad, I decided I would share them with you guys in order to develop opinions. You can answer any or none at all, just releasing the valve so my brain doesn't explode.

    -Even though the Scots-Irish are now culturally absorbed into American "Whiteness", is there still a subconscious bias against them/colonial scars?; Of course not the "Irish" politicians and oligarchs, or someone refusing a Big Mac because it was made by a Paddy--the slur, not to be confused with the bun, which is reasonably rejected as that middle bun is but a cosmetic deviation from a McDouble to make you spend more and causes serious TMJ upon unhinging the jaw for consumption-- but the bias against the Scot-Irish in the guise of classism, with treatment of rednecks and "white trash". Now I myself have never lived in the south, but I have my own experience of being poor and surrounded by rural fly over America. Forgetting the transference of ethnic prejudices into classist ones, the actual territory of predominately Scots-Irish aren't known for their economic strength. Appalachia and the South are still deeply poverty stricken and lagging behind the rest of the States. I do not mean this blurb to be whining as an "irish american"(mutt) or anything, but more so an example for the colonized and marginalized of how being "accepted" by the state isn't the same as empowered and liberated with reparations. The libs will just come up with new terms for stereotypes and ignore any real change.

    Wasn't much of a question was it hahaha. Sorta ties into second question (you'll see)

    -Does being blue collar or "working class" (American sense) tend to bring social bigotry itself, or has the state purposely planted seeds of bigotry into the minds of manual labourers knowing they posses a revolutionary character which would be in deadly combination with liberation groups for the marginalized? Frankenstein question, has the petite bourgeoisie and intelligentsia been "focused" on social change because it separates them from the working class? (In the image sense for their own classist reasons, but also in the political solidarity sense with pressure from the state). Why you find bigotry in areas heavy with the working class and poverty, regardless of the demographic make up there. Also the natural drag of the rural behind the urban.

    This one is less of a theory question but more of a personal one.

    -For you guys in the imperial core with me, do you ever wonder why it was us who happen to be the lucky few who have become Marxist Leninist and have managed to dodge all the propaganda, especially with the "left" bootlicking? Is this some weird destiny of being born in the Empire, Living through the empire's death, and actually being able to see it while others around can't. To be ahead of the tides as Imperialism turns inward. Why us be the seeds to plant and grow the resistance within the bloating belly of the beast before it bursts? I know it's not using DiaMat, but it feels surreal. Not just in this weird destiny talk, but seriously what made us able to be radicalized materially? We are so few, but what was the common thread?

    I think I was supposed to have more, but if I come across some I'll let you know, feeling burnt out from this lol.

    Edit: Knew I was forgetting something >:)

    -How come the Far Right have enough emotional intelligence to parrot leftists talking points, or misconstrue them, while being absolute bigoted pieces of shit themselves?

    Look at Putin 😂
  • You think so? Hasn't their geopolitical position put them in a place of stability? I mean I wish tho 😭

  • ⚠️⚠️⚠️
  • Thanks ComradeSalad for letting us know the ingredients to napalm so we can watch out for accidental mixtures 🤗

  • Most nostalgic video game for you?
  • Has to be Mario Sunshine (Via Wii) , Mario Galaxy, Kirby's Epic Yarn, or really any Wii game my grandma got us. I still tear up just by hearing the main menu ambience. Mario Sunshine was wild, cause I never really played it as a kid, but my dad did and the imprint was still nostalgic so when I did play it a few years ago in that definitely a scam Mario 3D Allstars it scratched an itch of nostalgia and new experience.

  • vhhjff
  • Sorta related topic to those with fear of raising kids in a dangerous world, when was the world safe to have kids?

    Now it's wild to think about not too long ago, parents would go in with the mindset not all of their children would make it and that was completely normal. Thankfully now (or for now) our kids won't loose their legs from a disease like polio or a factory accident, so we don't need to worry about them being in harms way. I think what is happening currently, is the younger generations are at a time where living conditions are starting to go down in the core and that completely shatters our vision of what our kids future would look like.

    While a dangerous world won't stop us from having kids, it'll take a bit for gen z to get used to the prospect of a dangerous future and especially as we mature into adulthood and away from being terminally online. Also the nuclear family isn't as embedded in heads as time progresses so it's hard to say what "families" would look like.

    If you feel like you shouldn't have kids then don't have kids, its understandable. But don't be those people who judge others for having children in a dangerous world, cause you and I wouldn't be here if that was the end all be all decision for humanity.

  • No title needed
  • Do people really blindly cite the Black Book of Communism and not once think the flat 100 million is a little too fucking convenient?

  • Comrades, I have a confession to make... (you could win big, read this to participate)
  • Plot twist CriticalResist8 is the alt account and we are dealing with a deeper and more meta, primary account pulling the strings >:)

  • The Cherokee language

    This was recommended to me via the same channel where I am watching a doc about Mountain Dialect. Nothing explicitly special, but it's nice to put faces and real human connection to the struggle.

    Also these videos have been making me realize just how much of classism against rednecks and hillbillies is left over from anti Celtic sentiment. (but that's more of a sidenote)

    EDIT: Spelling

    I believe there needs to be multiple "debates" on PatSocs

    cross-posted from:

    > As you have all noticed, this seems to be a point of contention here. This is a good thing, since it means someone will learn something. > > Now we seem to be all over the place, with this general area of thought, provoking many questions. Whether or not PatSocs are socially conservative, what is position on social conservatism? Many of us are very young, both in age and ML experience, so an online discussion would be a great learning tool. > > 1. Are socially conservative individuals allowed to be apart of the leftist movement? > - A. Are socially conservative individuals victims of bourgeois propaganda? > -B. If socially conservative people are turned away by the left, where do they go? > -C. How high of a position would a social conservative be allowed in a ML party? > -D. How has or will MLs educate socially conservative folk? > -E. &tc, &tc. > > 2. What exactly is Patriotism? > -A. Does patriotism depend on culture? > -B Is possible for a distinction between patriotism for a country and wanting to abolish the state? > -C. Is patriotism corrupted in the Core? > -D How have post imperialist countries with Communist experiments built patriotism? > -E. &Tc &TC > > 3. Who even are the PatSocs? > -A. If the label is too convuluted, should we make a distinction between Maupin and American exceptionalists? > -B. Who of the leaders do we consider MLs? > -C. Should patriotic socialist be distinct from socialism or is inherent in socialism? > -D. How much do WE even know if PatSocs? > -E. &Tc, &tc > > We can look at the USSR and GDR for these questions. Remember the Hammer and Sickel came from somewhere. > > Things to look out for about the US: > -It is the imperialist power, AND a settler state. > -Low levels of cultural development > -The culture that is there is taken from marginalized groups. > -Americas are the most propagandized people in the World. > -It is huge and incredibly diverse > > More questions about the US could follow: > -Should the US be balkanized? If so how does patriotism be built in balkanized regions? > -How does land back go about? Will indigenous countries emerge, and if so should we reconsider American MLs as different MLs for the Regions in North America. > -If see different nations and regions in North America how does that affect culture? Is the question of how we view the land a prerequisite to discussing patriotism, is it contradictory to call yourself an American Patriot if you decide to divide up the land until regions? > > There is so much potential for deep political for North American based Comrades, this is a rabbit hole I do want to delve into. I'll cross post this to GZD but I want it mainly on Leftist Infighting.


    Wait, there's a bio section and insert Parenti quote

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