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What is a hobby you enjoy, but seems too quirky or obscure to bring up in most conversations?
  • playing physical / video games by myself and like playing pretend sometimes with mock items

  • In which game did you spend the most hours?
  • Team Fortress 2, i'm on like 2000 hours, which is rookie numbers really, but i joined during the pandemic so, thats why...

  • Imbalanced Attack

    I'm at Builder Hall 6 in this account...


    What operating system do you use on your main computer?
  • EndeavourOS KDE / Windows 11 dual boot. Linux for everything else and windows for gaming / when i am uncertain that it works on linux

  • What do you guys think about Clan Capital?
  • yeah! i use it for raids to get raid medals.. pretty much free potions / resources every week

  • What do you guys think about Clan Capital?

    I've just been playing some raids in my CoC clans and wondered what the community thought?

    Dragbat is a lot of the time better than zap dragons (th12)
  • I am braindead when i play CoC so i always run Zap Dragons LOL

  • CaJoasca_Baloon Balon_Josaca

    typical internet user

    FOSS advocate

    computer enthusiast

    an "epic gamer" apparently

    Posts 3
    Comments 5