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DSA Statement on 2024 Election: Drop Out Biden
  • Is it? Isn't concerning themselves with the Dems at all a huge L? None of the congresspeople who were ever members (maybe Rashida) even care about the org. DSA would probably gain more by not wasting any further time on anything associated with Dems, and any electoral candidates they do put up should just be beholden to DSA and the masses.

  • How tf does one become ultraleft?
  • I have a question: are Trotskyists and ultras distinct?

    [Incoming rant]

    I have a friend in the UC grad student union (I'm currently not in the country but will be returning relatively soon to a UC myself). We used to live together and he's pretty far left and all, but definitely always been a tad ultra. I was messaging him about orgs to join when I'm back when the craziest encampment action was happening. He said PSL has some members but seem "Stalinist" curious-sickle . He even said several members in his union are from PSL (super cool honestly), but that they were refusing to push the union to actively vote a statement of solidarity with palestine or something. He was critical of them being too bureaucratic about stuff like that.

    Then he told me about the Revolutionary Communists of America and said they seem pretty cool dean-smile . I thought hmmm okay I'll check them out. They were recently founded (insert existential comic joke about leftist parties). They had a podcast and one episode was like "Why we are Leninists" and I was like lenin-heart.

    I'm listening and hear a lot of Lenin, Marx, no Stalin though. They say "we get criticism for handing out flyers at protests but that's because we want to build the party to solve all the protests!!1!" lenin-sure. At this point I'm like no pls, next they bring up directly "a lot of people ask if we're 'Trotskyists', haha the internet has such funny slang doesn't it. Well, let's just read what Trotsky said about..." blah blah basically yeah that Stalin re-established class society in USSR etc etc. dean-frown stalin-bummed

    So yeah I was pretty burned because it seems the trots get their marketing down pretty well these days. There were a few signs that slipped right past me.

  • A lib "how to" on talking about Gaza
  • This is something that I keep coming back to again and again too. Just like FDR, Bernie was the compromise candidate to let off just enough steam so that we all begrudgingly except that enough overtures have been made to the working class, move away from truly radical politics, and allow the whole cycle to start over again. And even that was too far for the capitalists this time (not that they really ever accepted FDR), but the difference is that the media control is much more entrenched, making average liberals themselves too uncompromising to make the smart choice for their preferred political system.

    In a way it is relieving to have such a clear delineation between paths of justice/evil. We will never again be tricked into wasting any energy on progressive candidates within a bourgeois party. The choice always was between socialism and barbarism, and no one who is paying attention can trick themselves into thinking otherwise ever again.

  • Best relief funds to donate to? {{}} •

    United Nations Crisis Relief connects people who care to people in crisis, providing support where it matters most.

    {{}} •

    cross-posted from:

    > Title says it. Where should I donate that will be the most effective to giving relief on the ground? I have seem some individual fundraisers but I'm not sure how that might translate to material relief given the invasion starting. Is the Occupied Palestinian Territoriy Fund legit and a good org to give money to? > > Side note since the OPTF seems to he officially connected to the UN is that not a tacit admission that Israel is Palestinian Territory?

    What was your most lib moment before you were radicalized (or at all)?
  • My friends and I went to a surprisingly based public high school that taught about the coup against Allende and US imperialism in the Phillippines post-WWII. Also our Spanish teacher was an out-and-out PSL connected Communist, you could basically write "Che cool, US bad" on your tests to get extra credit.

    We used to make fun of the Spanish teacher and also argued a few times with one of the humanities teachers about how "biased against the US" our curriculum was and how it was a little over the top. He just said "appreciate it while you have it, because once you graduate you're never going to see this perspective again". Right he was, and now thankfully my core group are all some flavor of communist/anarchist.

    But a lot of peripheral friends from those days have gone on to be weird execs at places like UBER or even cops. Really even that curriculum wasn't able to inoculate any but a few of us in the end.

  • As far as I can tell, nothing about lack of capital, lack of ownership to media, or 100 years of raging anti-communism 24/7
  • I don't understand how or why he keeps hating on MLs so much. There was a point where he was saying how the argument liberals make for why they can never do any better is blah blah blah all the fallacious tactics libs use and we know is wrong (this point he's correct on). Then he said "doesn't that sound a bit like Marxist Leninists..." and I almost got whiplash, why would you use a very large historical/international tendency as the benchmark to describe how bad liberals are??

    Also he almost seems to acknowledge that bad tankies hiding under the bed are something real (though maybe this was sarcasm that I didn't get).

    His point about radical third spaces was certainly correct though, as well as that small groups that do something specific and material are probably better for their immediate community than another overly ambitious workers party with aspirations beyond their ability.

    I know not to mind online personalities and certainly this is just another In a long list of reasons to realize that the internet is not a place of any real change.

  • Regarding the PSL Post
  • I see. It's something I'll definitely look into and I think I'll give it a shot in the case that I can actually make it past the onboarding phase. I'll always have family and friends outside the org so that is probably a good boundary to keep myself from getting swept up in any organizational drama.

    Do you think it's worth any of our time to try to steer DSA into a better direction? I feel like if they could sever their ties with the Democrats it could become a vehicle for some real agitation and organizing. Again it just takes involvement. It's funny how "don't let perfect be the enemy of good" actually applies to socialist organizing because we are trying to change the world for the better but not to voting for genocidal capital-simp freaks because they are, you know, actually trying to do bad.

  • Regarding the PSL Post

    I appreciate everyone's responses a lot. I also think it was good to remove the post because there was some reactionary stuff in the google doc I linked. I found it through one of the articles that Bad Mouse's link led to, not in any of the other comments. I only looked at the "first hand accounts" links in the doc and didn't even double check what else there was so that's my error.

    I had a feeling the take would be that there are certainly big flaws, as there are in any org, with any group of people, but PSL is still one of the few vehicles for socialist agitation that there actually exists, and by joining it we can help improve it.

    I'm likely going to be moving to San Francisco when I'm back in the states in case anyone has recommendations about specific orgs in the bay that are certainly good.

    Also I got to say Bad Mouse's ultra turn also bummed me out a little. It seems like such a baby leftist thing to do to just shit on a socialist party from across an ocean and then refuse to elaborate.

    What does a free press look like?

    Maybe I haven't read enough about AES states, but I'm quite curious what people here think is a good model for a free press. While I once thought that maybe you could allow people and/or businesses to still get paid by "customers" for providing press !yikes-1!yikes-2!yikes-3 , I've realized that that doesn't really make any sense at all. Profit motive and good press will always be at odds, whether through over-sensationalizing or just by reporting what's in the interest of the owners. !porky-happy

    So, I think not allowing the press to be a profiting entity of any kind, nor one that ever runs ads for any reason (of course these go hand in hand) is a no brainer !centrist . And so money to fund the organizations must come from some taxes (I'm thinking of a DoP stage of development !porky-scared ).

    But then what should the press organizational structure actually be? What best way could you separate it from both the state and I suppose the party !mao-wave itself . Should there be press orgs at every municipal level, up through counties and states/national governments? Councils of citizens !not-a-journalist which are involved to have some say over organizational policy and journalistic standards (including the journalists in said councils of course).

    I'm open to all sorts of ideas, just would like to hear people's takes because every day we see more and more just how truly broken our laughable western "press" really is.!dumpster-fire

    Plus anyone who has cool ideas about how socialist school/health systems should work I also love hearing those! !stalin-feels-good

    Where did the emoji repo go?

    Did access to the emoji git repo change after federating? I'm trying to update some of my sticker packs !juche-rose

    Where should I donate to help out with Maui?

    I still haven't helped yet, I had some friends tell me that donating directly to individuals is one way, but is there a general mutual fund being organized anywhere? Or can anyone point be in the right direction of where would be the best place to donate?

    Miscounted Population in China?

    Can anyone explain the new talking point about some miscounted population in China causing economic devastation? First I heard a random acquaintance mention it at some lunch (which was immediately dismissed by our Chinese friend present at the table). Then I just saw the linked YouTube video in my recommended. I couldn't even stomach whatever brainworms they must be hocking to watch it.

    Just hoping someone can explain whatever the hell they're on about.

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    CaliforniaSpectre [he/him]
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