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The New York Times should not be considered a reliable source of journalism.
  • Nobody and no system should be expected to be perfect all the time, I would anticipate some mistakes over a course of decades.

    Have you checked for any times they were critical of US foreign policy within the same timeframe?

  • ‘He checks in on me more than my friends and family’: can AI therapists do better than the real thing? | Counselling and therapy | The Guardian
  • Eventually, yes, I think it will be. Not yet though, the tech just isn't strong enough atm. But an AI is resistant to the emotional toll, burnout and low pay that a real life therapist has to struggle with. The AI therapist doesn't need a therapist.

    Personally though, I think this is going to be one of the first widespread, genuinely revolutionary things LLMs are capable of. Couple more years maybe? It won't be able to handle complex problems, it'll have to flag and refer those cases to a doctor. But basic health maintenance is simpler.

  • Men Over 30: What's one recipe or dish that you'd consider your go-to
  • This one:

    You want to cut the quantities in half, the batch is absolutely huge if you do the recipe as-written. It basically cooks enough chicken cacciatore for an entire team of firemen.

    It's a flexible and forgiving recipe, though. You can play around with it, do substitutions, etc.

  • Almost forgot to look in our own backyard
  • tbf, discovering Uranus was a lot less deadly before modern icebreaking ships. Age of Sail ships did not do well down there, and the economic incentives of sealing resulted in quite a lot of casualties back in the day. Doing math and peering through telescopes is much safer.

  • Rethinking Moderation: A Call for Trust Level Systems in the Fediverse
  • Ah. That's too bad, I think that's a worthwhile topic. His hardware is in the Netherlands if I remember right though, so everything has to comply with EU and Dutch law. Or, gone it goes, by necessity. That would need to be hosted on a different server.

  • Rethinking Moderation: A Call for Trust Level Systems in the Fediverse
  • That's kinda funny. It's still a barrier to entry though, as a niche, technical hobby. It's going to get less crap than, say, a news community, which does not require monetary investment and some genuine interest to engage in.

  • Rethinking Moderation: A Call for Trust Level Systems in the Fediverse
  • With all due respect, a 3d printing community is going to draw extremely low levels of bullshit.

    Other communities are seeing quite a bit of tomfoolery already. Personally, I do not think attracting all internet denizens equally is a sound strategy for healthy long term growth.

  • 👀👀👀
  • You can't escape the inter-connectedness of human body systems. Improve something somewhere, something else gets changed too. This is why being a doctor is so hard.

    So, it's only true from a 19th century understanding of science. Which a lot of people admittedly prefer, because of how simplistic it was. It's a lot easier to feel like you understand things if you just ignore all the complex and hard parts.

  • China’s fifth research station in Antarctica sparks concerns about its ambitions
  • Correct, I am not really approaching this in a dialectical way, I do not fervently ascribe to any specific ideology. I try to take all potential influences into account. Similarly, this does not mean human history is driven by "great men" or somesuch, only that individual decisions do have an influence on events, and should be taken into account.

    I do wish things could exist in such a simple way, where states operated in such a clear-cut manner, but that's just too oversimplified. The world is just messier than that, and individual egos cannot be completely separated from people's choices.

    Sure, states in the abstract do pursue their own interests, though there's a great many very small states that see their interests differently from how larger bodies tend to. This is potentially distinct from the exercise of power though, and is not necessarily imperialism. To qualify as imperialism in a way that fits empires throughout history, I think you need two things: scope and expansion. An embassy, while a means of national power, is not really focused on expansion, but diplomacy. An embassy can be a simple defensive precaution. State media can be, depending on what message it is broadcasting. If it broadcasts a warmongering message, it could easily be imperial in nature. If it's just reporting local news, not so imperial. Curbing other state media is just about stability.

    Nations exist, borders exist. Whether they should or not is more up to those individual peoples that live there, and how they want to set up their societies.

  • China’s fifth research station in Antarctica sparks concerns about its ambitions
  • No, which is why I have a default position of suspicion towards the words of my own officials. Because they're people, just like me, no better, no worse. They can make mistakes, exercise poor judgement, change their minds, etc etc.

    Not just national power, but expanding national power over people who were not part of your nation. The word is in its roots, people can redefine it into whatever they want, but it still has that historical root. I think this loyalty towards its historical meaning is more valuable than any redefining it for other purposes.

  • What are your top 3 purchases of all time?
  • Just got one--a good, wide-brim, adjustable bucket hat. Shade during the sun, solid protection from the rain, comfortable, and not too difficult to make look decent, if not stylish.

    Don't get me wrong, education, housing, health care etc have all been pretty important too, but hat wins.

  • Pro-Ukrainian Youtube News/Analysis Sources

    With the Russo-Ukrainian War progressing into its third year, it's inevitably happened that there's been dropoff in English-language news coverage of it. Any sort of news coverage eventually exhausts part of its viewership, so news companies may wish to pivot away from coverage to something more fresh and engaging to their audiences.

    There are, however, significant numbers of independent folks/small groups that compile and deliver the news from a wide variety of styles, approaches, and areas and degrees of expertise. If you have an interest in just staying abreast of the events, or understanding a particular event at a deeper level, these are some people you can check:

    Denys is a Ukrainian former airline pilot, living in Ukraine. He has a very generalist approach, delivering everything from frontline news to international political news relevant to Ukraine. He has a dry sense of humor, and his videos move along at a good clip.

    Torsten is a German military veteran and historian. He mainly focuses on events at the tactical level, movements in the front line and news concerning the soldiers, weapons and equipment in the fight. He delivers news in a colder, more impartial manner, not very propagandistic, despite vocally supporting Ukraine.

    Anders Puck Nielson is a Denmark-based military analyst. He publishes less frequently, and in a shorter format. Prefers to focus on the bigger-picture strategic view of the war. Drier and serious.

    The Enforcer covers pretty much everything pertaining to the war. It's a small team of people, delivering more colorful accounts, but with a respectable amount of due diligence in their reporting. Everything from hours-long streams to short-form clips on particular highlights, they are among the most prolific and dedicated.

    Artur is a former Estonian conscript, and tackles the news from a more light-hearted, former infantryman's perspective. Frequently travels and meets the soldiers themselves, does a fair amount on-the-ground style reporting. Recently got his Patreon deleted, he's just a good guy fighting for the safety of both Ukraine and his own country.

    Vlad is a philosopher and former citizen of the USSR. Does extremely nuanced takes on the biggest-picture views of Russian thought and goals, in addition to covering global news at the political and ideological levels. This is his second channel, which features the bulk of his content.

    Jake is a former US Air Force missileer, the guys responsible for our nukes, among other things. With a history background, he tends to cover the news at the political and strategic levels. One of the very best at explaining the American political system and how it pertains to support for Ukraine.

    Daren is a US professor, specializing in leadership structures. Does mostly short-form content where he breaks down individual events and applies that to the bigger picture of war progress. Also handles international politics.

    Georgij is a Dane that cares an awful lot about Ukraine. Produces a wide range of content, mainly covering front line movements and specific battlefield events, but also covers pretty much everything else, frequently from a more personal, human perspective.

    Natasha is a Russian that somewhat recently fled Russia. She's more anti-Putin than anything else, and makes shorter-form content about what it's actually like to be a young Russian, and how a politically-active young Russian woman might think. Occasionally debunks Russian propaganda.

    Jonathan is a British political activist and journalist. He conducts longform interviews of a very wide ranging variety of people, collecting all manner of different sorts of perspectives on the war. Has a general focus towards combating misinformation, but it really depends on his interview subject for the day.

    Last but not least, B&B collects accounts of individual Ukrainian soldiers, as well as soldiers fighting in other global conflicts, and delivers them in a straight-forward manner. Compiling primary sources for future posterity, he ensures the individual soldiers' stories will not be allowed to die with them.

    As you can see, I wasn't kidding when I spoke of there being a lot, and coming from a very wide variety of perspectives. I'm neglecting to mention most of them, so please feel free to share any more in a reply. These are just some of the ones I personally check from time to time, and I tried to include people from a wide variety of countries and backgrounds that might be more interesting to any particular western lay-person.

    [META] Beginner's Guide to Arguing Constructively

    Cross-posting this from the Science Communication community over on mander.

    It's not directly politics, of course, but anyone political will probably immediately recognize its value, and even necessity.

    Love how concisely he put everything down though, this is a quick read.

    [META] Russo-Ukrainian War information spaces on Lemmy and beyond

    So, before I get started, I just want to firmly lay out my own personal support for Ukraine. I've been banned from communities before just for saying Slava Ukraini. I do my utmost to assist the Ukrainian cause, from cheering their victories to talking to other Americans about the importance of the war there. I've picked my side, on purpose, and I'm at peace with it.

    That said, I can't help but notice a slow shift in the tone of Russo-Ukrainian War information spaces that severely disturbs me.

    The liberal west is based around a set of values. Freedom, mainly, that's the "liberty" at the heart of "liberal". Unless it's hurting someone else, everyone should, as much as we can manage, be free to do as they wish. This leads us to do things in a certain way, and it's "that way" that we use to look for and identify our friends.

    Many people over the decades have tried to drag us down, paint us out to be just as bad as everyone else. While we certainly make mistakes, I think you have to look no further than our domestic strife and what each side is fighting for, to see that this love of freedom and life is still strong. Free speech, very important. Freedom to be gay, also very important. Liberty, freedom. Do as you wish, and leave other people that same freedom.

    So, what I've been seeing that disturbs me so, is a slow shift in the tone of pro-Ukrainian voices towards a greater hopelessness and despair. A larger amount of censorship and banning here on Lemmy, but also in other places. A greater emphasis on the fear and violence of war, which is replacing and supplanting the admirable courage and hope that was so powerful in the initial days of the war.

    I hate to say this, but it's starting to look from an outside perspective that ... maybe we were wrong, maybe the Ukrainians are not actually all that different from the Russians.

    I personally refuse to believe this. I think the trials and horrors of war are simply wearing them down, and that's why I'm making this post.

    I hope everyone remembers, we live in a hard reality, combating not just Russian influence, but our own domestic problems trying to turn us into another Russia. We cannot allow this to happen, and the first line of defense against it is found in our own courage, our own heart.

    I would remind everyone that the most effective weapon the Russians have is their information warfare, that splits us from our countrymen and allies in good old fashioned divide-and-conquer. They can pretend to be us, they are smart enough to do this, and they can cleverly wreck our morale from within. We must fight this. What fights it is courage and freedom, two things that build morale in others, instead of tearing it down.

    To quote a famous American: "Give me Liberty, or give me Death." Those are the options Patrick Henry considered. "Just do what it takes to survive." is not listed. This is the American heart, so strong it even gets turned against us in the form of domestic, American terrorism--Americans killing Americans. It's not perfect and it's not pretty. And, if anyone wants to join us from authoritarian control, they'll find that blood and suffering is involved to get to it, and does not disappear once you arrive. The rewards, though, of having a non-totalitarian ruler, are worth it.

    Keep the faith my friends, long, gruelling wars with setbacks can still be won. We can someday see peace and freedom, it is possible. Just not for all Ukrainians. This is actual hard reality, accepting the unfairness of the world, and dying for it anyway.

    Personally, I was losing hope myself, about 2 years ago. One single man actually turned that around for me. Zelensky, and his courage, and the powerful Ukrainian heart he seemed to awaken. Don't let the Russians drag his name through the mud, he doesn't deserve it. Don't let other Ukrainians act like orcs, they can do better. We must not be like the Russians, otherwise we deserve no better than the lives they get.

    Slava Ukraini.

    World War Two's 001 -The Polish-German War - WW2 - September 1, 1939 [IMPROVED] [11:36]

    Been running this as my background listening for a couple weeks now, and have to admit, I am extremely impressed.

    The day-by-day format really puts different parts of the war into perspective, and while he moves too quickly to go into much detail about anything specific, it ends up functioning as an entirely different form of overview from what you get in more traditional studies.

    Super cool project overall.

    Lemming - The Little Giant Of The North (2017) [49:39]

    The first of the three inscriptions said to be carved into the Temple of Apollo, where the Oracle of Delphi resided: Know Thyself.

    While focusing heavily on the Norwegian Lemming, there's a lot of general Scandinavian taiga nature docu stuff here. Reindeer, moose, artic fox, etc.

    It's a good one. But at any rate, we should clearly have an understanding of our namesake, I think.

    Hirokazu Tanaka's Original Tetris theme (Tetris Soundtrack)

    I didn't know it at the time, but hours and hours of exposure to this theme during car rides would implant within me an innate appreciation for what video game music specifically tries to do, and the limitations it tries to do it within.

    Which persists to this day.

    Himekami's Transcending Love (Suikoden III opening theme, PS2)

    Either you played the game or you haven't. It's the only one that has ever made me regularly let the opening cutscene play out when I fired the game up to play.

    Not at first, but as the story dug its hooks into me, I'd let this song play out more and more often. The accompanying animated music video isn't bad either.

    Advice/tips/guides for a new scout?

    So, finally decided to pick the game up recently, and really enjoying it. But, I do have to admit, I'm a little rusty with shooters in general, and the scout role is pretty chaotic sometimes.

    Anyone have advice/tips/reliable guides they prefer for the scout class specifically?

    What kinds of things do scouts do, especially newbie ones, that kinda bug you? What are the things a really good scout does that marks them as a really good scout?

    So far, I find myself focusing kinda heavily on combat just because it's an obvious thing I can do, and zipping behind a bug to blast it in the ass with a shotgun is really fun. I assume that's not really my #1 job though. I keep our cave lit up pretty reliably, but should I be doing more ... actual scouting I assume?

    Where did all this reddit hatred come from?

    I know we pretty much all hated spez for all the shit he pulled, but a few weeks ago the tone towards reddit itself around here was more neutral. People liked it here on Lemmy a lot better, but people weren't hating on the old place so much.

    Recently I'm seeing this huuuuuuuge surge of just pure fucking hatred leveled at the site itself. Anyone else notice this or is it just me?

    I mean, I was there because I thought it was alright. I hated spez for fucking it up and completely screwing his communities over. But I never hated reddit itself, and I still don't. Otherwise I would've left a lot sooner.

    Do you personally hate reddit? If so, why?

    This fine young gentleman came in, he would like his dance moves appraised please.

    cross-posted from:

    > Dancing? Check. Old meme? Check.

    AlexRollinsNFL's The Ravens have (finally) freed Lamar Jackson [11:11]

    With fantasy season starting up here soon, and hoping none of you are in my league, thought I'd share one of my best research sources.

    This guy does breakdowns of specific players, plays, coaching strategies, etc, and is frequently one of the first guys to start noticing something. Once the season gets rolling and he starts getting more game film to work with, he's frankly amazing sometimes.

    Debunk This: The Council On Foreign Relations is a shadowy cabal that decides US foreign policy The American Empire and its Media

    Largely unbeknownst to the general public, executives and top journalists of almost all major US media outlets have long been members of the influential Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

    The American Empire and its Media


    Bess' Selflessness and the Self in Madoka Magica [21:35]

    Bess is criminally underrated, take a look for yourself.

    Villagers React to Fantasy Movie! Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring !

    So I've seen a few of them, I have this strange thing for LotR reaction vids for some reason. And Schindler's List reactions too, but let's not get into that. Anyways though, this is the best.

    A lot of them are faked imo, most of the others know a little bit going in. And they're exaggerating for the camera.

    Now I don't know where these guys came from, but their reactions are genuine and enjoyable. It's also fun to see how the appreciation of the film crosses cultures, they pick out and focus on different things than westerners would. And they're not completely ignorant of conventions or anything, India is the home of Bollywood, these folks understand films. They've never seen this one though...

    Mitch Hedberg - Best Show Ever!

    The undisputed master delivering his best for a half hour.

    This sub is one of the hardest to run that you can possibly come up with.

    Possibly only surpassed by a healthy battleboarding or general martial arts community. Those are headaches galore, I'm sure.

    At any rate, good luck guys.

    YSK: How Lemmy Works

    Why YSK: Because intuitive explanations are few and far between, and the technical explanations often present too many "trees" and not enough "forest", which is just how technically-minded people are trained to approach things. Forests are, after all, made of trees, and it's not their fault we don't care about individual "trees". This then, is my unprofessional attempt to consolidate everything I've read over the past three days into one, easy-to-understand explanation of how all this shit works in lay-person's terms. Due to my amateur background, I may have details incorrect, and I would request that anyone who catches anywhere where I have made a mistake, even a small detail, to please correct me. I will also include a few links to my best sources at the bottom. tl;dr style explanations will be included after every paragraph in parenthesis. So, let's begin:

    Imagine you have reddit. Fantastic, it's a giant forum composed of a whole bunch of smaller, sub-forums. But let's take this one step further. Why have just one reddit? Why can't we have lots of reddits, each capable of having its own complete set of subs, where each reddit is independent of every other one and has its own web address? Okay, let's do this, and push it to the extreme. Let's make it so everyone can make their own reddit, even individuals. So you, if you wanted, could set up your own complete reddit, with just you in it. You could have all the subs, r/TIL, r/TIHI, r/pics, etc etc, all with just you in them. You have total control! But you have no content and are probably pretty lonely, right? We'll get to that. Let's call this Self-Hosting though.

    (So, we now have a situation where many whole reddits can individually exist, each in the vacuum of space.)

    Now let's fix that content and loneliness problem. What if we allowed each reddit to communicate and share content with every other reddit, similar to how subs can communicate with each other? Boom. We just created a spider-webbed network, of countless individual reddits, each composed of subs, that can now all share content back and forth. Let's call this big spiderweb an over-reddit, to contrast it with subreddits.

    (Now instead of a two-tier system of isolated reddits and their subs, we have a three-tier system, of over-reddit [the "Lemmy-verse"], reddits [Lemmys or Instances or Servers], and subs [communities or sub-lemmies].)

    But, we actually have a technical problem. How do these individual reddits find each other? How do they know the other ones even exist? They could be on servers on opposite sides of the planet, with random web addresses. Obviously we can't just guess. So, okay, let's let users solve this for us via crowd-sourced labor. We don't have to find all the reddits for them. Let's just design the system so that the reddits only find out about each other after any random-ass user introduces them to each other. We'll call this batching, they can do it with the reddit search bar. Then, we'll wait for that random-ass user to actually subscribe to any new sub/community over there, which they'll only do if it's any good. Once this is done, now the two reddits and that one sub become connected, not just for that user, but their whole reddit userbase too. The rando doing the search and subscribing simply introduced two good reddits to each other. Now that they know about each other though, they'll share content back and forth freely, with comments, votes and posts all being visible to both reddits. Let's call this "federating with each other". It's not too different from neurons in the brain reaching out to each other, really.

    (To find and connect the disparate, scattered reddits into our over-reddit, we use crowd-sourced labor.)

    Well, that's it. That's the Lemmy-verse. But what about this Fediverse? Well, okay, remember what we did with reddit, and giving it a third tier of over-reddit? Let's do the same exact thing with twitter, facebook, youtube and every other thing we can pull out of our asses. Let's let all of them share and access each other's content with the exact same structure and system, so now you, hanging out in your reddit, can get all the tweets too. We've made a fourth tier now. The Fediverse, which is most comparable to the internet itself, and includes the Mastadon-verse, the PeerTube-verse, etc etc.

    (Why stop there...? reddit is chump change, let's just do this to everything.)

    So, that's it in a nutshell. That's how this shit works. And the next time someone says it's like email, I'm going to climb through their computer screen and smack them. It's only like email at that technical, "trees" level, and when you go up to the more intuitive "forest" level, this just serves to confuse the ever-living hell out of everyone.

    (I'm a bit of a dick.)

    One last detail: Admins can whitelist (allow-list) or blacklist (shadowban) other Instances/servers. As an example, one of the other largest Instances has blacklisted (shadowbanned) us here at, because we were producing too much spam. As a result, until they undo this, all of us here are shadowbanned from their Instance/server. We can see their content, they can't see ours. This enables them to control how much connection they have to the rest of the Fediverse.

    (Let's not forget to give admins the power to stop people from other places bothering them, if they do not approve of the content. Very important feature.)


    Again, if I've made any errors, regardless of how small, please let me know below. This is intended to be another reference material for lay-people, so accuracy is important. However, outside of major errors, I will not be editing this post to correct it, as I would prefer any corrections to be delivered from the full perspective of someone's individual expertise, instead of being translated into my own words.

    (I don't actually know what I'm talking about. Scroll down for people who do.)

    Hope this helps.

    edit for grammar/cleanup

    YSK: This service needs more content creators, and you can invite them.

    Why YSK: We have a significant number of users now, and yet the amount of content to scroll through is still fairly small. This is because not all users are the same, and while the majority prefer to lurk, and a much smaller minority prefer to comment, the percentage that really likes making posts, memes, art, rants, videos etc is extremely small.

    One way that we can all assist with this is to simply make content ourselves. But even if you don't want to do that, you can still help by finding productive creators elsewhere on the internet and telling them about us.

    Many reddit users are still simply unaware that we exist. They don't know that there is a community of consumers here, waiting for content. They don't know that if you can navigate reddit, then you can navigate this. Lemmy is just not as complicated as it can sound at first.

    So, if you want, simply invite them. Give them a link to a community down here that would fit the content they like to produce, and let them know we'd love to have them. Because we really would love to have them. Let them know that you, as a fan, would love to see them here. After all, wouldn't you?

    Thanks for reading.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (


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