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New York’s Fat Beach Day gives plus-size people a space to be themselves
  • I don't really want to get into it, but, we have campaigns that actively target people who smoke and/or drink. Two other things that people can indulge in that can and will eventually lead to negative health effects and kill you, much like overeating will.

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • That's really the only thing holding EV's back. If we can get away from lithium batteries and get something like graphene batteries (one can dream), range, recharge, etc. everything immediately get's better.
    But electric engines are far superior.

  • How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs?
  • My job I'm classified as remote. And I like it that way. Recently they have decided that a bunch of people even if remote will now have to come on site at least hybrid. For "collaboration". I even noted that in my employment contract I had in there that I was to work from home, to which HR said that they really don't care.

    My last year-end review was stellar. Top marks, praises from multiple departments, even got a promotion.

    But I happen to live to close to a location, so there's 'simply nothing that can be done'. So I've already started looking for different work.

  • If you were offered knowledge of exactly when and how you'll die, would you take it? Why or why not?
  • I would. I could better plan out my life if I knew when and why it would end. If it comes back and says oh you dying 3 years from a brain aneurysm, I can't be stopped... Then why would I be trying to plan out for retirement? I can take everything I have and live happy for 3 years. Without knowing I feel like my last thoughts would be 'fuck, I wasted my life'

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • When you attack Stonehenge I'm not listening to what your ideology is. Because all I see is you being a jackass. Attacking works of arts or in this case Stonehenge to me looks like a child in a restaurant yelling and screaming that they want a cookie. I'm not going to give in to the demands of the child just because they're loud. You'll notice I don't talk about the ideologies, I talk about their actions, so it didn't work.

  • What is your BG3 unpopular opinion?
    1. The original vision for the game would have been better. EA was more interesting.

    2. Pacing and toes of gear is done poorly. There's swords for days but only 2 interesting tridents, war picks, or hand axe for example. There's barely any usable druid gear (anything that actually matters if you wild shape). And the most useful stuff for monks is found only in act 3.

    3. A lot of people are nitpicky only because it won so many awards and it's not their own perfect game (if such a thing exists).

    I still give this game a 10/10 for what it is. Despite knowing if it baked another year it might have been so much more.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • I really like the vibram shoes. They were fine for running, granted you could also get running shoes. But they also work very well for squats and deadlifts. And I do make proper lifting shoes too. But that's already too many pairs of shoes to bring to the gym for me.

  • Why does everyone hate Microsoft for adding LLMs into Windows and spying on users, but not Apple?

    So photos were forever stored on a database... How's that privacy and security? This isn't even just another iCloud leak.. these were things people thought were deleted coming back.

    Apple likes to talk because talk is cheap. Just like Apple used to say that Apple products didn't get viruses. Or how Google said do no evil. Talk is cheap.

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Their unapologetic human exploitation to get the things made. When I think of Apple, I think of anti-suicide nets designed to prevent you from jumping to your death due to work conditions.

    Anti-consumer practices. Which pairs well with the low quality, but high prices. (Before someone starts yelling at me, think how many strait up destroyed Apple product charging cables you've seen vs any other brand, or go watch Louis Rossmann)

    A walked garden experience. Both in software in hardware.

    I want to bring up prices again. Everything is overpriced.

    They do a bunch of the same things Microsoft does, but for some reason, get a pass. The features on an iPhone lag behind Android. But for some reason, Apple is heralded as a leader and innovative.

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • So you just like the new lazy writing. Got it.

    Because I know you didn't just draw a straight line from the 1939 Batman to the current Batman and was like 'these are the same!'

    I'll go watch my Adam West to Kevin Conroy versions. Where he was a multi-dimensional character. And you can enjoy the more modern one where he glares at people and had been reduced to 'I'm Batman'. And this is where we part ways. Cuz this is a threat about opinions I gave mine and you are clearly mad that I don't like your favorite version of Batman.

  • Fired employee hacked into company’s computer system and deleted servers, causing it to lose S$918,000 - CNA
  • I would guess man hours.

    Because it's going to take time to put those servers back in production. Depending what they did it might have causing outage to external facing customers, which will have a higher impact than internal facing. But with that amount of money, it actually seems fairly low to me so I'm guessing they weren't public facing servers.

    So it was probably the time that it takes to recreate all those servers get everything back up and running, and delayed work caused by the outage.

    That's just my guess though

  • Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser
  • They had a turd. They polished it up a little. It's still the same turd.

    Their 'modern' engine is only modern to them, but it's pathetically behind everyone else. I can only imagine the spaghetti code that thing is at this point.

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • Yeah no. I think you're confused because Batman Begins came out in 2005 which was decades ago.

    If you forgot he's actually also known as Bruce Wayne and he knows how to smile and have a good time. Any actually cared about the various villains that he fought against. He used to be a clever detective.

    Post Nolan he is has lost a lot of complexity. That complexity of the character offset his serious side when the cowl came on.

    Look me dead in the eye and tell me Nolan's Batman is better than BTAS. Or is even in the same ballpark.

  • Handbreak encoding help

    This might not be the best place for this question but I honestly can't think of another place, but if you know of one please let me know. But I figured someone here might have the experience I'm looking for.

    I own the discs for various Star Trek series and everything Stargate. What I'm trying to do is use handbrake to encode them to put them on Plex. But everything I try, it just looks worse. Is there a repository of like recommended settings for various media?

    My love letter to Baldur's Gate 3 and Larian Studios

    I'll try to keep this short, sweet, and to the point.

    I, like so many of you, love this game. Possibly more than we should. But for me, before this game, I had truly lost most of my interest in video games as a whole. Every year, various problems get worse and 2023 was the final straw for me. Ever increasing greed (Blizzard, Unity, EA, just every studio really). To say they came out in a lazy, incomplete, greedy state undersells it I feel. I truly feel we're still on the brink of another video game crash. Because the crash wasn't just one game (E.T.) but was the general greed and terrible quality of the industry back then. Pushing new products (games, consoles, accessories, etc.) just to push new products with crazy turn around time all in the name of profit. And this year, just stacked with all prior years, I had enough.

    This game is so good in all the right ways. The writing, the acting, the world feels alive. NPCs respond differently based on who you are and what you've done. Even banter between your party. A truly impressive amount of thought put into things allowing you the player to really play however you want. It's not a mad loot carousel because your character power isn't based on gear directly and is tied to the character which allows for far more interesting items. There's no greed either, no stupid 'sEaSoN pAsS', no excel spreadsheets worth of 'versions', no subscription, no shop using real money for gear/cosmetics, no 'planned DLC' that's obviously content they cut out in order to sell back to the consumer. Heck, this game supports multiplayer... REAL multiplayer in that I don't believe you ever actually need a dedicated server. I believe you can do direct remote, split screen co-op, and LAN play... what other game in the last decade does that?

    It reminds me of how games used to be before Bethesda broke the seal with horse armor.

    BG3 is just a complete, high quality game, for gamers. It feels like it was made with love, care, and respect. And playing the game brings me joy.

    [SPOILER] Where to find EA information

    Are there any good collections anyone might be aware of, for EA information or datamined information.

    I'm curious to see what ideas got scrapped and how things changed. I know of a few things, like a little on Daisy. How certain abilities were actually going to be handed out.

    But places like Grymforge really elude to something... there's a bunch of stuff hints that something might be near. From whatever caused some of the destruction you see. Because I refuse to believe it's all a vague reference to Yurgir.

    And then there's some MTG pictures I saw, that list someone has potentially the main villain, in the very least a bad guy, and in the current game plays a very different roll.

    Edit: Added spoiler tag just in case

    Only 'complaint' with BG3

    So, after playing many hours and just recently starting Act 3, there's been one thing that's been bugging me and I finally have it sorted out.

    The whole "rarity" attached to gear is really dumb and misleading.

    It's using the overly used grey/green/blue/'purple' coloring and naming that's common and many other RPGs. But in those games, it's somewhat reflective of rarity... which is what it's described as in BG3, the rarity of an item. But it's a lie.

    Example Periapt of Wound Closure is an item that's sold by a vendor. How is it rare? As far as I can tell, there's just one in the game. But every named item I have, there's just one in existence.

    I think labeling things as common/uncommon/rare/ etc. is wrong and thus makes people think certain items are better simply based on the 'color' of the gear instead of considering what the gear does. I've already had this conversation with multiple friends who absolutely think they're going to give a "stat stick" to their caster, because they're so used to Blizzard's way of thinking. Or that they 'needed' new gear because they leveled up and now must replace gear asap (even in Act 1). The fact I showed videos of some guy soloing the game, or beating the game as lvl 1s, or a video of some guy causing havoc by chucking potatoes and only potatoes... falls on deaf ears.

    I think if the naming was swapped from 'rarity of item' to 'quality of enchantment' it would make more sense, but I still think it's not necessary. Or if it was standardized to like normal gear (nothing special) remains grey, gear that's just slightly enchanted (like +1 Sword) is green, and all unique named items are blue. Since you certainly can get lots of grey, fewer greens, and only one named. But that's just an idea.

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