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U.S. gambling crisis feared as online betting rises
  • Haha I literally read this line and thought, "Jesus who do you think you are, UlyssesT??".

    Anyways, welcome back brotherino.

  • ‘Incredibly unusual’: Burning Man ticket sales dry up after sloppy year
  • I feel like all the magic has flowed down into the smaller regional burns at this point. Those are obviously hit or miss depending on your local scene, and you don't get quite the same huge community pieces as the big burn, but there's usually plenty enough to keep you busy just checking everything out for the whole event anyways, let alone a thousand times that if you really get involved with volunteering/organizing. Hell in a previous state I lived in, there were a few smaller local burns and then a bigger state-wide one, so even then you could kinda pick and choose how big and crazy of a thing you wanted to attend/do.

    I need to start looking at local options around here...

  • NSFW
    Illinois police release bodycam video of fatal shooting of Sonya Massey in her home
  • My favorite line on this subject: only call the police when the situation would be improved by the addition of an easily frightened maniac with a gun.

    That is to say, usually don't.

  • Thought gained: "Precious Bodily Fluids"
  • Maybe! I don't think it's so much about blaming people for their own suffering, but more of a recognition that suffering is just another state of being, and in a larger context that being is a part of everything else that is.

    In a broader sense I don't think that mindfulness practice needs to directly lead to nihilism, but it certainly can without an underpinning of philosophy that can make sense of what's left after dismissing the subjective as the only truth.

    Much like the monk that remains seated while self-immolating, it is possible to remain mindful and even euphoric in even the most extreme forms of suffering, but that said it would be disgusting to try and proffer that example as a way to dismiss the suffering of others in a current state. "hey that guy could do it, so why don't you just sit and be one and then you won't have any problems?" Of course that is rediculous. But it is a practice that can lead to reduced suffering, and it is available to everyone. But it's much like the tech bros that tell people suffering from poverty to "just learn to code". Like yeah, it's an option, and a thing that can help some people, but just because it's a thing that worked for you doesn't mean it's going to fix everyone else's problems, especially not right here in the now when that suffering is happening.

    Anyways, your last line is real. It's part of why I got off track of a regular practice years ago - it really did feel weird to be disconnected from people in that way. I felt like Dr Manhattan, being tired of these people and their problems, as goofy as that sounds. I'd like to think that's not how everyone reacts, maybe that was just my young adult narcissism in action.

    In another way though, it was almost like everyone in the world was on fire, and I had just jumped in a lake - why is everyone out there still running around screaming in pain, and insisting that I was the weird one for being wet?

    There's probably a balance there somewhere. I'm not really sure where I'm going with this lol, but I appreciate your viewpoint is what I'm trying to say.

  • Thought gained: "Precious Bodily Fluids"
  • Love love love this song. It came up as a spotify suggestion, at just the right moment in my life, and probably since I'd been big into The Books years before (same guy).

    Always happy to recommend this track to people, though few real bites into it so far lol. Glad to hear that there's love out here for it! (lot of really nice comments on the video too)

  • Thought gained: "Precious Bodily Fluids"
  • Yeah probably from a naive approach I'm sure it would wear off pretty quick. If you just happened to find a way to wiggle a muscle in your body or brain that triggers feel-good, I'm sure it would get old pretty quick. But with some guiding philosophy and intentional practice, it really can keep feeling good! (not always or every time, obvs, but it's still in you! Try again!)

  • Thought gained: "Precious Bodily Fluids"
  • In all seriousness, it is a little like that! One thing I found during regular mindfulness practice is that you get to this place of all around contentedness, and you start embracing the oneness of all things and the impermanence of subjectivity, and all of a sudden stuff starts to matter a lot less. And like, that's great when you're dealing with a lot of anxiety and depression and stress, since it's a lot less crushing, but also I found that it also killed some of the drive that led to action, as there was no urgent need to escape all of those feelings. It helped to a certain degree though, since that stuff also got in the way just as or more often than it was motivating.

    And in that way, it was also a little alienating from other people, since all of their petty dramas and overblown concerns just felt very petty and overblown, but you could tell that they were truly and deeply invested in them. It was like, do you not realize that none of that (or truly anything) really matters?

    So yeah, in some ways I would call deep mindfulness practice a little bit masturbatory (in a mostly good way). But still, very little to do with cum.

  • Thought gained: "Precious Bodily Fluids"
  • They are like, so close to catching on to something here. You can feel so good!

    To quote my favorite Zammuto track:

    Your blood pumps through your heart

    And flows to the other parts of your body

    Let yourself feel your own heart

    Beating and pumping

    You know what a heart looks like

    That good feeling is always there

    You can feel so good

    And it's true! You can learn how to capture those good feelings that are usually only fleeting in life and harness them, and make them available to yourself at any time. It's really powerful!

    But it's really more a trick of like, TM or mindfulness practice. It has very little to do with cum.

  • NSFW
    Starting to have vivid dreams after running out of weed
  • Yeah I feel this. My dreams are usually very realistic and very mundane. It fucka me up because I'll dream about planning an event or doing a project at work or something, and then I wake up and feel like I have a bunch of stuff on my todo list, but none of it is actually real. It's not nightmare-bad, but it is goddamn annoying.

    When I was a much more regular user, that mostly went away and it was great. Now I only rarely get to have any and it's boring-town dream city, basically every night. Looking forward to recreational sales in this area soon.

  • Tropical Fuck Storm - Soft Power

    Tropical Fuck Storm's "Soft Power", from their wild LP "A Laughing Death in Meatspace".

    So many good tracks from this album, but this one is particularly notable for the geopolitics angle. The titular refrain comes from Joseph Nye's concept of soft power, the cultural and social influence of a nation, posited as the other bilateral avenue of global hegemony distinct from its counterpart, hard power, representing military force and thereby influence.

    This one's definitely got a little "orange man bad" flavor to it, but is a little bit less just about that and more about the geopolitical power vacuum left in the wake of the amerikkkan empire voluntarily slam-dunking itself into the shitter, particularly when it comes to having any meaningful influence on the world via culture or human rights or anything like that.

    If the style grabs you at all, check out Gareth's other work with The Drones, really fantastic off-kilter aussie-rock, with some of the weirdest and wildest guitar tones out there.

    i fuckin hate jimmy fallon
  • Yeah I can't really stand the guy, haven't really like him since anything after "Snowball Fight", but I gotta admit his late night show is easily the best out of any of them right now. Notwithstanding of course previous goats like Conan (or Ferguson a little).

  • Vampire Weekend - A-Punk
  • Definitely! They've got a lot of understated but really cool instrumentation on this one. I tried drumming along to a few of the tracks, and it's easy enough to get a decent groove, but the subtleties they're actually playing are just completely wild. Like a jazz drummer just going nuts and doing his own thing, but just softly and real gently mixed. It's pretty impressive.

  • Vampire Weekend - A-Punk
  • They just dropped a new album, "Only God Was Above Us", and as much as I was totally ready to hate it, it's actually really good. Nowhere near as saccharine as this track, but just real nice, very chill.

  • Anyone else take a manager/team lead job and instantly regret it?
  • Congratulations, you have a conscience, and are therefore unsuited for management.

  • Anyone else take a manager/team lead job and instantly regret it?
  • Also the confrontation thing, yeah big time. Moving up means more crushing downwards, which feels bad no matter what. Either somebody genuinely fucked up, and it's some degree of your fault for not training them right or catching it sooner, or they really did what they thought was right (and may have actually been the right thing) but a customer is mad or your bosses are mad or another department is mad, and you have to discipline them anyways.

    You also have to fire people, which is probably the worst interpersonal interaction you can ever have at work, let alone in most areas of life. Again sometimes it's fully justified, and it still sucks, but plenty of times it's something like a layoff where it's "nothing personal, just the bottom line ya know", or it's that the bosses decided that this person needs to be fired for some arbitrary reason you may not even agree with, but you still have to be the one to pull the trigger and ruin this person's day/year. Additionally, you usually can't talk about the reasons with anyone else, so you have to field questions from the rest of your team that are usually good and valid, but you have to explain the away with vague corpo-speak and can't really tell them what's up.

    So ya know, if any of that sounds fun, I mean, get checked out, because yikes.

  • Anyone else take a manager/team lead job and instantly regret it?
  • I could have written this exact post, down to most of the same numbers lol.

    If you think you'll actually like management (which probably means a lot more meetings, reviewing other people's work and time sheets, and making high-level decisions instead of actually doing any of the work involved) (and also means taking the flak for any screw-ups your subordinates make, trying to implement new procedures in a desperate attempt to make things better but your underlings hate the changes and your bosses are never as impressed as you thought they'd be, and watching other people excel and grow and learn new things doing the stuff you probably got into your industry to do in the first place), then by all means go for it.

    I fell for this trap a few times. I was desperate for the pay increase at the time, which go figure never feels like as much as it looked like on paper, but I still needed it anyways.

    These days, I keep it very explicit with my bosses that I have no interest whatsoever in doing those roles any more. It might make me a slightly less attractive employee, and it might hamper my career growth to some extent, but it means I get to actually do the thing I've always wanted to do every single day, instead of getting sucked into a bullshit-conjuration position vaguely adjacent to that thing, and I am grateful every day for that.

  • Any fellow black coffee drinkers here? What made you come over to the dark side (pun intended)?
  • It's just yummy, and the flavor is way more intense. I brew and drink some pretty fancy coffees sometimes, but even still I don't really care about the differences between anything above mid-tier, so that's where I usually live. It's just nice to have something to sip on that hurts ya back, ya know?

    Though admittedly, I'll sometimes go for a brown sugar shaken espresso monstrosity, but those are on pretty rare occasions, and usually when I'm already making one for my spouse anyways.

  • Dumb little complaint - I hate how everyone wants to talk on snapchat
  • Snap always seems to me like a red flag for poly/enm. Like, it usually seems like people insisting on that are often the ones looking for plausible deniability about their conversations and activities.

    Like I guess if you're sending a lot of lewds, they are slightly less likely to be sitting in the storage of someone else's phone, but if you don't trust the person you're sending it to to keep it safe, then you better not care what happens with it after you send it anyways.

    Beyond the disappearing thing, the rest if it kinda sucks to use. The only really good thing it has going for it is a super robust camera filter marketplace. They've got really good face swapping and image manipulation filters, and that shit is genuinely fun to use. I really wish they would just release the camera part on its own, with no connection to anyone else at all. But ofc that's jot their business so they won't.

  • Anyone interested in some hexbear online magic the gathering?
  • Very yes! UTC-5 here. Got kids though so not a ton of availability, but this is something I'll make some room for.

    Usually play edh and draft, but down for whatever.

    Spelltable is is my usually haunt, and it's pretty cool for anyone that wants to do some paper. You can use OBS with something like Moxfield or similar to play webcam without having any paper. Maybe not so good for opsec I guess, but certainly fun.

    Edit for *OBS.

  • Black Bear has released a follow-up to 2006's "Black Bear". Get ready to cry.

    Link is to the original 2006 release, a bedroom-indie track about how cool bears are. If you haven't heard it, give that a listen and let it stew for a while before checking out the new stuff, because there's a big tonal and perspective shift between them.

    Apparently, the artist put out the original track, which is mostly pining about the simplicity of a bear's life compared to the difficulty of our own. The artist then immediately went on hiatus, got married, both of their fathers died, they had a kid, and then they decided to make this album together just this year.

    It's extremely beautiful and heart-wrenching, and the contrast in perspective from the break in time is really astounding.

    If you've got kids, this thing is probably gonna sucker-punch you pretty good, so find some private time to listen and strap in.

    The 2006 track (the rest of the album is just ok, imo):

    The new album ("the dreaming's what carries you through"):

    Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping
  • Rep. Gregory Meeks

    Nominative determinism for cowardly shit-libs.