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đź’¦Drink democracy's last dropđź’¦
  • And only Amy Klobuchar is ready to Balkanize the world

    IT'S KLOBBERING TIME! klobuchar

  • Violence on Reddit Support Forums Unique to r/NoFap. Multiple mass murderers have also been identified as NoFap Army followers.
  • Blue Balls Terrorism


    In all seriousness though, this is sad and concerning stuff.

  • Anyone got some good prog rock recommendations?
  • The Dear Hunter, they're my favorite band of all time. Theatrical/symphonic prog with an incredible vocalist.

    Regress + The Moon / Awake

    The Bitter Suite IV and V: The Congregation and the Sermon in the Silt

    Ring 4 - Patrol

    Mustard Gas

  • Locked
  • Finally, good fucking riddance crab-party

  • Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay blames his 2014 DUI arrest on police prejudice against white billionaires Jim Irsay blames his 2014 arrest on police prejudice against white billionaires

    Colts owner Jim Irsay says his 2014 arrest for driving under the influence was a result of prejudice against him for being white and rich.

    Jim Irsay blames his 2014 arrest on police prejudice against white billionaires

    “I am prejudiced against because I’m a rich, white billionaire. If I’m just the average guy down the block, they’re not pulling me in, of course not.”


    Did you know this? I didn't.
  • Very weird and telling comment to make

  • bro did @everyone in a ~2k member modding server out of fucking nowhere just to say this shit
  • I always read PMC as Private Military Company before Professional Managerial Class and get confused lol.

  • Good morning
  • so-true "Wow it's just like [entertainment] but the people I don't like are the bad guys!"

  • lol, lmao even
    USians are you voting center right (Democrat) out of fear of the alt-right (Republicans) winning?
  • I vote dem downballot because the republicans are worse and I would maybe consider voting dem for president if I lived in a swing state.

    Also I only vote at all because I live in a vote by mail state (ballot gets mailed to me a couple weeks before election day, I fill it out in like 15 minutes and then drop it in a ballot box whenever I'm in town next), if I had to go stand in line at a polling place on a specific day I absolutely wouldn't.

  • I think every country needs to have a mandatory bilingual policy
  • So if someone doesn't know two languages by the time they turn 18 they would get their citizenship taken away? Anyway what I was getting at is that citizenship is basically a person's personhood under the current state system, so there should really be as few things tied to that as possible (birthright and/or residency only imo)

  • I think every country needs to have a mandatory bilingual policy
  • I could get behind mandatory instruction in a second language in schools but any sort of knowledge requirements for citizenship really rub me the wrong way

  • Noticer of politics and dyed hair
  • because it is one

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The realization that we're absolutely fucked from climate change.