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Windows95Man to represent Finland in Eurovision. Linus Torvalds must be so disappointed
  • En kyllä todellakaan jaksanu lukea sitä :D menin iltalehden etusivulle ja ensimmäisenä vastassa otsikko jotakuinkin "huomasitko viisufinaalissa? Windows95Man ja äärioikeistolainen symboliikka" Ei sanasta sanaan noin, mutta noita sanoja käyttäen.

    Pari tuntia myöhemmim yritin etsiä uutista näyttääkseni sen kaverille mutta ei löytynyt enää mistään.

  • What is the most noob friendly video editing software on Linux?
  • Youtube is full of Kdenlive tutorials. Within 1 hour of learning you'll know the basics use of it. It is easy if you're willing to start with tutorials since it is different from other video editing softwares.

  • Can Linux be dual booted on a computer with Windows?
  • Just to clarify, you don't need to shrink your storage drive for any VM. I haven't used Windows for so many years, that I can't remember can you shrink your C:/ partition, so search for it from your preferred search engine.

    For a Linux Newbie Nvidia should not cause problems. Pop_OS! releases their own .iso for their own made Nvidia drivers. Also other Nvidia driver named NVK should be available soon for any distro out of the box and it will remove most (if not all) Nvidia-related problems on Linux. But I bet most Linux-gamers uses Nvidia without issues anyway.

    When you're about to do your first dual booting attempt, I highly recommend to take a backup from your Windows install since it's your first time so something unexplainable can go wrong.

    Ps. Remember this until the rest of your life: no matter how you do it, Windows will always override and format your Linux ESP partition, so you have to always install Windows first and Linux second and preferably with its own ESP.

  • I tried, I really did
  • Then demand Nvidia for better drivers. The new Linux users doesn't deserve all the current hassle because that instantly kills the motivation for even actually starting the Linux journey at all.

  • nvme usb c enclosure vs fast usb stick write speed

    I am planning to get an external storage for Ventoy use. My current random usb 3.1 stick writes .iso-files with only 10-15 mbps only. I found this webpage for usb stick speed comparison:

    The fastest usb sticks writes 800-1000 mbps in the crystaldisk-test.

    If you have personal experience on this, please recommend which approach is better.

    I tried, I really did
  • It faschinates me a lot how a company like Nvidia can't make working drivers even for xorg despite all the hype Nvidia moving their drivers into firmware. Amd sells gpu's very low numbers and they never have these issues because they can afford to release their drivers for Linux.

    Linux foundation should ban Nvidia. So many headaches and wasted resources cured immediadly.

  • I started using tiling window managers. What tips do you have? What packages do you use to make yours fully functional? Lost noob needs some guidance...
  • So what? For newbies it isn't as bad rant Youtubers tend to claim, but yeah I guess the problems are real. However, my brother has daily driven Manjaro KDE for 4 years and hasn't have bigger or more issues what you would have with Ubuntu.

    I also recommended to try it out, not to daily drive it. Manjaro's Sway configuration is much more fine-tuned than in the Fedora Sway.

  • New laptop time. Thinkpad recommendations?
  • I have no personal experience from any P-series, but my friend has a P50 or P52 as his work machine and he has daily drive that for years in CAD and he loves it everyday. The chsssis is same qaulity as T-series.

  • Has anyone tried booster to replace mkinitcpio?

    Does this give any real world value for boot times or anything else?

    I have no possibility to test this in VM so that's why I'm asking if anybody has actually tried this and found benefits.

    RedoxOS in a VM and not working internet connection

    I am trying to experiment with RedoxOS in qemu and in a virtualbox, but the internet connection doesn't work out of the box. I tried to search from the documentation (which is great, thank you all for maintaining it) for the steps how to activate but no success.

    So, how am I supposed to activate the internet connection in a VM?

    How to delete Steam games in Linux?

    I can't delete any games because nothing happens when I try to either delete the game or manage game files.

    I tried to reboot and waited for game updates but no success. Is this a known issue or what?

    xdg-open / mimetype for terminal applications in a minimal Wayland wm (dwl)

    I'd like to make multiple terminal apps to launch in foot terminal, but I can't figure out how to se it properly.

    ~/.config/mimeapps.list contains a line "terminal=foot.desktop" (tried also without .desktop).

    Dir /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache has everything set properly (swayimg.desktop as a imageviewer) but still every picture opens in a browser which I don't want to see.

    As a file managers I use lf and nnn, they both contain .desktop-files but I can't launch them with keybinds or menu launcher. Same applies to vim.desktop, nothing happens.

    The distro I use is Artix, but I assume this problem is unrelated to this problem. I tried to google wiki but none of the xdg- related articles contains this.

    Edit. I managed to find a workaround for lf and nnn by editing the Exec= line in /usr/share/applications/*.desktop file. (Exec=/usr/bin/foot -e nnn) but I still can't figure the swayimg imageviewer.

    Alsa is a dependency for emacs?

    I am asking for learning purposes. I don't fully understand what Emacs does with sound either, but is there a logical reason why it still uses Alsa and not Pipewire?

    #32 podcast has the magic word 'immutable'

    Is Alpine also becoming immutable, or is this development towards immutable independent/separate from Alpine?

    I'm not involved in the project by any means. Not even an user yet. Just a fanboy. Thanks for everybody involved in this project.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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