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Engraver - Ten Whole Dollars

I just found this Engraver at Harbor Freight for $10.

Yeah, it's Chinaman Junk, ...but $10!!! Now you have no excuse for not inscribing your precious seed words on stainless steel as commanded by God.

Pro-Tip: Ask your Dentist for his old drill bits. They work great, and now mine is interested in Monero.

Wall Street Crypto Bros Buying Politicians
  • I was being facetious. It's actually the opposite.

    Government Regulation is the number one way mega-corporations reduce competition, corrupt markets, and forcibly extract wealth from Working Class Mules.

    Fairshake, Protect Progress and Defend American Jobs, Brian Armstrong, Ron Conway, Fred Wilson, Ben Horowitz and Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss are laying the groundwork right now to literally steal crypto from us, the small Hodler.

    Crypto Pleb don't care now, but oh how they will howl when the Great Taking is actually executed.

  • Wall Street Crypto Bros Buying Politicians Crypto super PAC network goes into 2024 with more than $75 million as it aims to influence election

    A network of cryptocurrency-backed super PACs is heading into 2024 with $78 million at its disposal.

    Crypto super PAC network goes into 2024 with more than $75 million as it aims to influence election

    Benevolent Wall Street Crypto Bros are forming Super-PACs and spending almost 100 million dollars buying Politicians in order to protect YOU, the small Hodler, from rapacious Government.


    Why does Trocador use Cloudflare MITM?
  • We need a current comprehensive expose' of how CloudFlare is a MITM attack.

    Something solid and flawless we can refer people to, because most people don't believe it when you tell them.

  • 2024 Paper: How to De-Anonymize Monero on Tor

    Academic paper from last month's International World Wide Web Conference for people who enjoy reading such things. :-)

    *"Our approach involves injecting malicious Monero Tor hidden service nodes into the Monero P2P network to correlate the onion addresses of incoming Monero Tor hidden service peers with their originating transactions.

    And by sending a signal watermark embedded with the onion address to the Tor circuit, we establish a correlation between the onion address and IP address of a Monero Tor hidden service node."*

    Michael Saylor to Pay a District Record $40M Settlement in D.C. Income Tax Case Michael Saylor to Pay a District Record $40M Settlement in D.C. Income Tax Case

    MicroStrategy founder and Executive Chairman Michael Saylor agreed to a $40 million settlement with the District of Columbia, according to the attorney general's office.

    Michael Saylor to Pay a District Record $40M Settlement in D.C. Income Tax Case

    "Maybe you need something like a Monero". - M. Saylor, 2020

    Yeah bro. Maybe you do. 😂

    tim p2p trading .onion
  • Yes.

    Why not post a link @CaptainCanaryLLC ?

    Circumventing Bankster rip-offs like Ebay, Amazon, and Facebook Marketplace are critical to our survival.

    Increasing real-world Monero usage is how we succeed.

  • Bitcoin Number-Go-Up Degenerates

    Bitcoin Number-Go-Up Degenerates are like Gun Owners who support a law banning the sale of new semi-automatics if it would make the semi-autos they currently own more valuable.

    This may be a historical moment, Monero TX fee is higher than BTC
  • Some say this sudden increase in transaction volume is the result of Bitcoiners fleeing into Monero after the recent publicity proving that No-KYC Bitcoin use is de-facto illegal.

    I choose to believe this regardless of whether it's true or not. 😁

  • How the Banksters Co-opted Bitcoin

    STEP 1: FUD the Scaling

    The network that was meant to be the foundational difference from fiat was deemed unworkable. A Layer 2 solution was promoted as the only way.

    STEP 2: Introduce the Red Herring

    In order to hold off on-chain scaling, the Lightning Network was introduced. Just wait 18 more months. It'll be ready and it will be amazing!

    STEP 3: Jack Up Fees

    Use Ordinals to jack fees high enough that no one can afford to self-custody, let alone use the main layer for anything normal.

    STEP 4: Introduce Custodial L2

    Liquid hung out in the background while Lightning was promoted. When Lightning broke because of crazy high fees, Liquid was quick to slide in as a solution.

    STEP 5: Bridge from Exchanges Straight to L2

    Now Banksters use Ordinals to jack fees to force everyone to withdraw directly to the permissioned L2. A host of exchanges can bridge to and from Liquid, and this is promoted as the ultimate solution.

    Coinbase conveniently shuts off functionality for most payment coins on its merchant app. This funnels people into "trusted" KYC L2s.

    Congratulations, most crypto users are now permanently stuck in a permissioned, custodial system, unable to afford actually controlling and owning their own money on permissionless networks.

    Satoshi is rolling in his grave, but the Banksters are happy. What an amazing coincidence!

    (plagarized from Joel Valenzuela @TheDesertLynx)

    Is it just me or does every online Monero community feel like a ghost town recently?
  • I believe things are in a state of flux as security and privacy-minded people re-adjust to the new reality wherein attacks with real-world consequences (like getting thrown in prison on false charges) are no longer theoretical.

    In the past, such things mostly only happened to high-profile activists like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Now it's happening to normal, everyday people, just like we predicted for years would happen.

    Things are getting "real". People are adjusting.

  • Can LewRockwell be converted?
  • @SummerBreeze ,

    Is this you on Nostr ?....

    npub14slk4lshtylkrqg9z0dvng09gn58h88frvnax7uga3v0h25szj4qzjt5d6 ,

    I followed that account. I want to slowly organize a stealthy infiltration and eventual subjugation of Nostr by Monero Bros. :-)

  • Can LewRockwell be converted?
  • Naïve people often mistake malevolence for incompetence.

    Gatekeepers recommend ineffective and/or dangerous solutions on purpose.

    Monero is a good measure of how serious and trustworthy a news source or social platform is.

    For example, GAB refuses to accept donations or membership fees in Monero, and Infowars uses Cloudflare.

  • Imagine being such a Degenerate you put XMR on a Centralized Exchange

    I mean, really.

    It's like some people don't even know Atomic Swaps exist.

    Mental Outlaw's video about the Vastaamo Monero tracing claim Bad OPSEC - How The Feds Traced a Monero User

    In this video I discuss how the hacker responsible for the Vastaamo data breach incident was caught due to numerous OPSEC mistakes and not really any flaws with the Monero protocol.

    Bad OPSEC - How The Feds Traced a Monero User

    Contains good examples of the bad operational security mistakes one should avoid.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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