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Like they're going down a fucking checklist
  • i have the same right to convey my thoughts as you or anyone other does. You're not obliged to care about my opinion tho, same as I'm not obliged to care about yours. So you either elaborate, and continue discussion by proving my opinion to be wrong, or kindly piss off. I promise to try to comprehend whatever you say in the first case.

    Or we can just exchange some silly insults to entertain each other, i guess this will suffice as well.

  • Like they're going down a fucking checklist
  • They are ideologically charged, indeed, yet, they also lack ambition and their grand delusional racial theory (tho i bet some they actually have). Where's the "drang nach osten", where's "we shall use all the inferrior races as our slaves" where's the one "race" they think of like a "human-looking parasites, world will thank us for their extermination"? Nah, in terms of being delusional phychos with supperiority complex they are just some puppies compared to hitler's Germany. It's just yet another fighting for resources, masked by politicians as ideological one, because it's always easier to command an ideologically-charged army. All the same shitheads thirsty for power, sending their fellow citizens to the war, so they would fetch some recources for them. All the same shitheads that we were unlucky to have in Ukraine and Russia. Sometimes i think it would've been better for us to get rid of such constructs as "nation" and "state" at all. It would've been great if the situations such as ones in the aformentioned states where impossible to end up in in the first place...

    And now i'm sad. Why do i even discuss politic matters?.. Depressing pile of hot garbage that topic is.

  • Like they're going down a fucking checklist
  • except historically it were the nazis who have burned books, gypsies and etc., and fascists just had a totalitarist regime when it was fashionable and happened to have a similar name, that is used a lot by the r words who think it's all the same.

  • Like they're going down a fucking checklist
  • lmao

    continue to think of people as descrete polarities with no inbetween, makes your brain all nice and smooth~

    Also, the fact that americans can't comprehend the existence of a political nomenclature different from the american one still astounds me. I guess the european one could've been one of Lovecraft's eldritch gods for you: ungodly unimaginable entity, that exists in the outer world and which was made of primodial chaos in the time before time itself.

  • Like they're going down a fucking checklist
  • rather, it's nazism only if you burn the "inferrior" "races" you don't like bc you're "an aryan gigachad".

    Calling people nazis, (or faschists bc you're illiterate and think this two things are the same) is tacky and is kinda the same as calling all people you don't like with one exact word, because someone told you that this word is the most insulting one. And it won't even work, because everyone nowadays claims their political opponents as nazis, so people have been desensitized towards it. Think of something less no-brained finally.

  • Like they're going down a fucking checklist
  • Savonarola was a nazi confirmed lmao

    i mean, if some people doing something horrible, it doesn't mean you have to attribute them to other horrible people. Also, calling anyone except the actual nazists a nazi is unoriginal af. Dunno, call them zionists or something, so they will be remembered as its' own horrible thing. Not to mention that the "nacional socialism" is a stupid name by itself.

  • This is a little believable...
  • Sorry guys, could you do less sex scenes pls? Everytime i watch a movie, I'd like to have empathetic connection with the characters, and since I'm using arch btw, all the aformentioned scenes ruin all the immersion for me :(

  • Mmmm Chicker Nugger
  • making food into a "marketable shape" so it will encourage your target audience to make an immature purchase. Immature purchases because of the product look (that being of the product your audience does not even consume lol) and not its let's say more essential properties is not a sign of high intellect per say.

    making food into a shape that suggests certain ways of cooking implies your audience does not know how to cook fucking feta cheese or whatever your product is and that they can't read whats written on your product's label / google some recipes.

    fucking genious

    I mean, i'm not vegan, but if i were one i would refrain from bying the ultraprocessed food that made of one thing but trying to visually resemble another. Most of all the ultraprocessed part here is what will push me away of course, especially that afaik some extent of vegans chose to be one because meat is not eco friendly.

  • As for people who are politically backward, Communists should not slight or despise them, but should befriend them,unite with them, convince them and encourage them to go forward. -Mao Zedong
  • ...there are people who are out there fighting who are risking their livelihood or even lives...

    never claimed the opposite. But for what do they risk their lives, huh? My fellow citizens (i'm a ukrainian) think they are risking their lives to defend their country right to exist. In reality they're fighting a proxy war for the natural resources of the east. Do they fight for the ideology or an idea? De jure they are fighting for the opportunity to be a part of EU someday. De facto they are fighting for the resources which, most likely, they won't even get, as they will be privatized by yet another rich politician. Both de jure and de facto they are also fighting for their country's integrity. There's actually no ideological fight. Why? Because both sides of the war are corrupt oligarchates. So why didhave you even mentioned modern conflicts? May be you meant some particular journalists and politics? They are largely prevailed by people lihe you and me, who won't do anything real to defend any idea's right to exist in the flesh.

    ...sounds more like a cult...

    yeah, i guess what i said is a bit of an overstatement. My point still stands tho: if you're not ready to do anything for the idea you want to be the reality then who will?

    The spirit of the quote needs to be understood in the context of communism ... in terms of liberating from imperialism, from the capitalist class ... uplifting people and helping them

    "The spirit" huh? Are you sure we're not talking about a religion? Because this "the sence could be understood only if you open your heart to it" or your equally "spiritual" shit stinks of religion. Any set of words formed into a sentence tries to convey a thought. If it has to be read under the right angle at the full moon while singing a chant praising Beelzebub to be understood then it failed in its purpose to share the information. Period. Ever heard of Occam's razor?

    You might be surprised just how much material there is already existing on theory and practice ... I'm talking about a lot of historical context and detail you can get into ...

    You won't believe me, but i know the history. My knowledge is not scientific, yet i checked various points of view on certain events. My point is if you want to build a communism, then do something. At least don't let the workers' unions be crushed by the corporates. Why do i hear "eat the rich" only in the internet? If you're an american then your position is even more alien to me, given your party system being the complete and utter bullshit.

    I'm not sure where you get the idea that this process would have no hierarchy or structure ...

    I'm not sure where you saw me saying that.

    In the US, for example, there is a certain amount of what I'd call ideological splintering, where people have some vague agreement and overlap on philosophies such as "being nice to other people" ...

    being nice to other people is not a philosofical concept. It's called empathy, and i assure you, its just as common in any other culture.

    "Ideological splintering" as you put it, is completely normal in any society. How come one ideology is worthy of its own regiment but the other does not though? Especially if we're talking about the ideology you so dearly support? Its not a rhetorical question as i haven't found any ideology dear to me, since depending on the situation any of them could work or fail miserably. I prefer to rely on personal principles rather than political ideologies. I'm a human being, not a political figure. Till i and my surroundings are happy, i don't care who sits on the throne, how far left or right it is, or is it even there.

    But back to you, and your uncertainty. How come the revolution came to russia in 1917 but now it won't happen anywhere? What's changed since? How come jews took even not so free land for themselves but you couldn't take one noone needs for yourself? There's lots of unoccupied land even in the 21st century. Grab it.

    Ok, may be you're not ready to build the communism and the ideas i mentioned are too ambitious. You guys still have lots of things to do, for instance, help the working class to stand their rights. large IT companies treat their workers like some kind of disposable and replaceable garbage. All they recieve in response are the so called "quiet quitters". Compared to workers' protests of the 20th century it's nothing more than pathetic. Its almost like internet works as the "embrace, extend, extinguish" strategy to keep the people at bay.

    P.S. learn to write breavily please. So much words you wrote to convey quite simple thoughts. I know I'm not quite the right person to say it to you, but man, even i was surprised by the amount of phrases that are here only for decorative purposes. I get that you're happy to "share your wisdom" and worried that i won't get it if you won't explain it thorougly, but this is too much.

  • 'Your Name' Movie Producer Confesses To Have Paid Over 20 Underage Girls For Sexual Favors - Animehunch
  • i'm being a jerk towards you because you're being a jerk towards random people who do not deserve this. I don't care if you will do my request as the moment when i was angry at your jerkish behaviour has long passed, but you will continue to passively be a jerk towards everyone who never read the book but would've liked to. It's kinda funny if you think about it.

    Also, i'm making fun of you because your opinion is immature and dumb and i even said why. If the only thing you caught from my message are insults and belittling then you completely deserve it as your inability to separate emotional and rational parts of a message makes your perception as biased as it could be, therefore making you an idiot. Its ok to be emotional, but anyone should know when emotions should be ignored.

    And i'm not gonna lie, i enjoy telling idiots that they are idiots. This is my little guilty pleasure. You can call me whatever you want for this.

  • Has Generative AI Already Peaked? - Computerphile
  • there's a lot to optimize in LLMs and i never said otherwise. Though, photonic computers if the field would be researched, could consume as much as an LED lamp making it even more effective than our brain. given the total amount of computers in the world, even the slightest power consumption optimization would save colossal amount of energy, and in case of photonics the raw numbers could possibly be unimagineable.

    Regarding research...

    I bet they simply will find a way to greatly simplify the mathematical apparatus of the neuron interaction. Matrix multiplication is kinda slow and there's lots of it

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