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which one do you prefer? having kids or no kids? and why??
  • Kids! I thought when I was a kid I wanted them no matter what. In my early twenties I decided I only wanted kids if I could find the right partner. Now I have one. Sometimes my partner is great, sometimes he sucks. I don't care, because my kid is great. She's a joy to be around and gives my life purpose in a way I didn't realize was possible. My whole purpose is just to enjoy reading her a story in that moment. My whole purpose is to feed her when she's hungry. My whole purpose is to look into her eyes. My whole purpose is just to enjoy the moment I'm in, and she accidentally causes me to be fully present so often. It's amazing.

    That said, I would say if you're not 80% sure you want kids, don't. Figure out what would get you to 80% first. Financial stability, a good partner, a solid career field, etc.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • How much is a convection oven? Because my air fryer was $35 and it's amazing. What's the scam here? It's much smaller and available for very cheap. Unless convention ovens are way cheaper than I think? Looks like even the cheap "countertop" ones are a couple hundred bucks. The real ones are 15 hundred easy.

  • yay, no dunning kruger for me! hold up, oh no
  • BuT yOuR pOtEnTiAl!...

    Green region comes with a higher propensity for self "medicating" as well. Honestly makes me feel like less of a failure because I may be useless but at least I'm not an alcoholic?

  • A supportive husband
  • Maybe you're right on the Japan thing, I always thought it was about distance from your thumb. Like A is closest and most common, then B, and some games mostly only use those, and then X, Y, and Z are for menus or less common actions, and of them, x is closest to your thumb. Makes more sense on an N64 controller or GameCube controller, and then the switch controller is just keeping the letters as consistent as possible.

  • Missing mother found dead inside 16-foot-long python after it swallowed her whole in Indonesia
  • If this were written for Americans it'd have the length of the snake in feet. Bowling lanes is such an absurd length comparison because you're not allowed to walk on them, so you don't really know how long they are anyway.

  • Saw this and thought it was fake until I googled. It's real.
  • Obviously brushing a horse is an unusual and fun experience, but that guy is right that they're the same amount of exploration. Kids want to play pretend at a restaurant. It's fun. Didn't your school do an "enterprise village" type field trip where you all play act grown up jobs for a day? It's fun!

    This is not exploration. The children are not providing anything of value period, except perhaps good will towards the brand in the future.

  • xkcd #2942: Fluid Speech
  • Are you the alien? Nobody calls a potato for eating hot potato... If you're eating a potato it's going to be hot. Hot potato is referring to the game where you pass something along very quickly. It's saying you're all passing something along that no one wants to get caught with or stuck with, and it's almost never literally, it's usually taking about a responsibility being passed or something like that.

  • xkcd #2942: Fluid Speech
  • We have a Bradenton nearby which gets shortened to branton (pronounced like brain-nton). Gotta have the long A or else you'll accidently send someone half an hour away to Brandon.

  • Issue where commenting refreshes post

    Is anyone else having the issue where you're 30 comments deep into a post, you reply to a comment and when you submit it refreshes the whole post making you lose your spot in the comments?

    Is there anything I can do to prevent this?

    I'm on a Google Pixel if that's relevant.

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