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Thank the gods we live in such a car-saturated nation, how horrible it would be if this space was used to house people
  • This is an issue sometimes. It's not great when suddenly there's no sidewalk and you're walking alongside a busy road. That said, I don't think this is the main contributor. I think people are just in the habit of driving everywhere to the point where they won't walk 15 minutes from their house to a convenience store and will opt to drive instead, and this is in neighbourhoods with good sidewalks and no particularly busy roads. People just don't think about walking as a means to get anywhere and they'll frequently drive just a couple of blocks if they're going to visit somebody nearby too, in my experience anyway.

  • Reddit must share IP addresses of piracy-discussing users, film studios say
  • Poor man’s TOR :).

    It’s not completely inconceivable that ISPs using CG-NAT could keep logs that would allow these users to be deanonymized, but it’s an extra step and they might not have enough information between the Reddit and ISP logs to do it. But… they’d have to be talking to the ISPs anyway, and the ISPs will probably cooperate?

  • This console generation seems skippable
  • The thing that always bothers me about people saying consoles are a good deal as the hardware is cheap compared to a PC is just that it gets more expensive really quickly with software. Particularly if you get a digital only console it only takes a few games until you’re at the price of a PC. I just can’t justify buying a locked down system anymore.

  • YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave
  • There is potentially a world in which you want to see ads because ads themselves do technically provide a service. You do want to know about things you care about and would want to buy… you just don’t want it obnoxiously shoved into your face all of the time in psychologically manipulative ways.

  • Oof
  • HAHA. I did the same thing in Canada with the national anthem for the same reason. Refused to stand for it or sing it. Some teachers would lose their SHIT. Like… grow up. I don’t want to sing the theme song, why care?

  • Are all programming languages based on English?
  • There’s a few programming languages that aren’t based around English, but they’re pretty rare and I’m not sure many people use them. It’s kind of sad because it makes programming much less accessible if you’re not an English speaker… But it’s also sort of a blessing because it’s easier to understand code you might have to interact with because it’s probably written in an English-ish language with the Roman alphabet, and you’re not stuck trying to read Japanese or Arabic or something to understand a library. I have mixed feelings on it. It’s convenient for me as an English speaker, but it also seems kind of unfortunate. I’ve heard that computer science is a field which is having a pretty big impact on the spread of English in the world, but I haven’t found a citation for that and I’m not sure I believe it.

  • I don't...
  • What does it do on new hardware? Not a lot of people are running normal desktop Linux on phones / tablets, are they? Which, totally cool if it works better on those things… but I guess I’m just surprised by how much hype there is for Wayland when X just works for me and would presumably just work for most people’s use cases. Like… who are all of these people that are emotionally invested in display servers, and what am I missing?

    I mean, 20 years ago or whatever there was always the pain of black screens and X configs… but it just kind of works now in my experience?

  • I don't...
  • What’s so much better about Wayland than X? I mean, I’m not really a fan of X and the security nightmare that it is, but as a user it’s all pretty plug and play these days. What does a normal user get out of Wayland? Would they even know they’re using it?

    I’d love to try it, but it currently won’t work with some software I use, so I haven’t bothered… And honestly I’m kind of confused about how everybody is talking about how amazing Wayland is (and how it seems to suddenly be the one true path for a bunch of distros) when my only experience with Wayland is people talking about how great it is and then not being able to screenshare or whatever… Which doesn’t make it seem great from the outside? That maybe sounds a bit flippant, but I genuinely don’t understand why “normal” people are so excited? I mean, I can see people caring about features like HDR and maybe that’s easier to build into Wayland than ancient X11, but I’d be more excited about the specific feature than Wayland itself which may make implementing these things easier?

  • People who order "a decaff coffee with an extra shot" - why?
  • I don’t drink alcohol, so I cannot comment on that.

    But that said, I kind of think of coffee as being pretty similar to chocolate. It’s an earthy but bitter flavour that can be nice, often when paired with something sweet and creamy. Also there are nice espressos that are kind of fruity and creamy on their own. There’s plenty flavours that are overwhelming on their own, but complement other flavours nicely. People are also known to like intense experiences, like really spicy foods.

    Anyway, I won’t fight you if you don’t like it. That’s totally reasonable :).

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