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A Tesla driver says he crashed his brand new Cybertruck after the brakes stopped working
  • I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and say he probably was being somewhat reckless and might not be telling the truth about all the details, but none of the provided evidence is definitive at all to support your conclusion, and the rash of similar stories and prior recalls definitely make the guy's story much more plausible than it would be in a Camry.

  • It’s weird how chuds perceive Tesla fans as hipster soy latte liberals but in reality they’re libertarian Elon glazers who are into shit like cryptocurrency and anti-woke hysteria
  • there's overlap

    Although yeah, real hicks aren't into the electric car thing, there are plenty of evangelicals and catholic (and probably any religion or none but going on personal experience here) electrical engineers (or similarly white collar who cosplay as hunters on the weekends and are more rabid than the average hick in a lot of ways. and they like tesla

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    Cuba, the ‘safest country in the world’ is getting less and less secure
  • drawing from my own experience in an american city where crime has been mostly on the decline, this is absolutely plausible:

    Last March, a representative of the public prosecutor’s office said there was no rise in criminality, but that the gradual widening of internet access for Cubans increases “the visibility” of the kind of crime that previously stayed in the shadows, and that online platforms are “spaces that also distort things that have happened.”

    There may be an increase in petty crime, idk, I know the economic situation is not great rn, but to say that crime is getting out of control based on increasing social media reports (in a country which until recently had low levels of internet access), is not a reliable measure, and the "independent journalists" could be about as reliable as the self styled journalist that runs my local facebook crime watch page and just sits on the police scanner and sensationalizes every little thing that comes across it. Or they could be reputable but I'm not super inclined to give capitalist media criticizing a socialist country the benefit of the doubt

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • The average streamer is straight up doodoo IMO, but some rare ones are good entertainers or speakers. I got into one for a while like 7 years ago that played mostly older games, but not all retro, and played a super wide variety (many of them entertainingly bad tbh), usually not for hours at a time unless the challenge was specifically to beat the game, and made like a game show out of selecting which one he would play, or what romhack, or whatever, and usually had other friends on to keep the banter up, play against him, whatever. And hilarious intermission gags.

    After that fairly short phase though I really started to get into twitch after starting to become radicalized and watched some varying levels of left wing political streamers, like half of them trans, mostly for entertainment, and one for background noise during work. Most of them turned out to not have the best takes tbh, and I got sick of all but one by mid-pandemic and stopped. I'd say only one has really gotten at all parasocial feeling and that makes me a little uncomfortable tbh so I try to be mindful of it.

    I also sometimes watch hasan clips but I straight up do not have time to watch his full streams ever lol, and its mostly him yelling at chatters for saying something reactionary I feel like so the edited clips are better and I can skip around if he gets stunlocked

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • I work with some people like this now, but I don't dare bring up real politics with them (my horrid american coworkers bring up surface level bullshit sometimes but not enough to gauge their politics. liberal at best I'm guessing)

    I think 2 of them are actually from guatemala. One married to a well-off american

  • Best way to talk to lib friends about Taiwan?

    Somewhat reddit-brained lib friend of mine sent this article which triggered a whole discussion of geopolitics:

    He said that would reduce the chance of an invasion and I was like (paraphrasing): "really? does it? the generations-long and unfinished business of the chinese civil war and all the history there is outweighed by the thought of losing one chip fab that they've already proven they don't really need after all the sanctions? They aren't going to invade unless their hand is forced, there's literally already US troops on taiwan-held islands, if they were on the brink of invading they would have done it already, but they aren't."

    He basically argued that the majority of people there wanted to be independent therefore its simple self determination and the US should help them, etc.

    I said the no capitalist state gives a flying fuck about self determination and asked if texas has the right to secede, or perhaps more relevantly, if texas settlers had the right to secede from mexico and join the US in the first place? because its not like the nationalists that took over the island were its native inhabitants, who are now mostly dead, flooding a low-population place with "settlers" doesn't mean you own it...

    we went back and forth a bunch and he stopped arguing when I pointed out the inconsistency of supporting palestine but also taiwan, when they (while not the same, taiwan wasn't settler colonialism) have kind of a similar arc, what with israel's "majority", both having invaded and largely displacing the prior inhabitants.

    I don't feel I had all the best arguments at my disposal, though overall I feel good about my responses.

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