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To anyone who thinks music piracy is dead
  • FLAC isn't too bad on disc space.

  • the future capitalists will take from us if we let them continue destroying our planet
  • There isn't any. Just the typical 14 year olds railing on about the same ten commie phrases as if it was ever funny. Looking forward to more diverse meme communities coming to Lemmy so I can block the communist stupid.

  • YSK: Flossing your teeth is only uncomfortable when your gums are unhealthy
  • I imagine that a floss pick is better than nothing, but string floss is the best way to go about it. Proper flossing technique requires you to be able to have a small amount of slack so that the floss can wrap around the contour of your tooth and slide past the "triangle" between your teeth. The floss picks are too taut to be able to do that adequately.

    I'll also say that I completely agree with OP: picking up a good flossing regiment helped my mouth health immensely. It also helped improve my gum health and made my teeth feel "tighter" in my mouth, not like they were always a little bit loose.

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  • Same, my 90s HP is a damn tank and it accepts knockoff toner carts.

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  • I'm so rich, the majority of my cooking is with ghee!

  • Smash Mouth wasn't lying when he said "the years start coming and they don't stop coming"
  • I'm wearin' myself a T-shirt That says "The world is my ashtray" Our hearts pump dust And our hair's all gray And I just got a message that says "Yeah, hell has frozen over" I got a phone call from the Lord sayin' "Hey, boy, get a sweater, right now!"

  • Do you watch your citric acid intake before/after taking stimulant medication?
  • When I took Vyvanse I couldn't eat grapefruit. It made me throw up and then I developed an aversion to it, and even now almost a decade since I stopped taking it I still really dislike grapefruit. I'm not sure if it's because of the citric acid content or what else, but oranges didn't ever bother me in that way.

  • Dragon Fly from last Summer
  • Looks like it's a species of meadowhawk, this one is called either a red-veined darter or a nomad (Sympetrum fonscolombii). Great pic! Dragonflies are a lot of fun and a great challenge to photograph.

  • What's your favorite alternate launcher?
  • I've been rocking OLauncher for a few months now, I love it. Cutting down the extra noise on my home screen felt good.

  • Curl friendly alternatives to Head and Shoulders?
  • I'm a guy with extremely curly, long hair (about 20"). I use goat milk soap and it's been fantastic for my hair health. Before that I used the brand "Pattern", which I also liked but it was very expensive.

  • Favorite casual workout challenges?

    I am semi-reguarly going to the gym (2-3x per week, depending on the week), and I decided to try a home workout challenge this week, adding 15 pushups every single week from Monday. At first I was doing sets of 15 but I've changed my style with time to minimize sets and maximize intensity.

    Monday: 15 Tuesday: 15+15 (30) Wednesday: 15+15+15 (45) Thursday: 20+20+20 (60) Friday: 20+20+20+15 (75) Saturday: 20+20+15+15+10+10 (90)

    Today I gotta do 105 and am considering how I want to approach it. Or, I can cap it at 100 and try to just do 100/day. Do you guys feel like it would be better to do 100/day or continue trying to increase my reps? Or perhaps I should start incorporating different pushup techniques (narrower hands, diamonds, lower hands, etc)?

    I'm bringing over the popular subreddit, Spiderbro! Come post your favorite eight-legged friends. spiderbro -

    Spiders are our friends, not the vile, eight-legged monsters they have been demonized to be. Share your favorite photos of spiders and arachnids here (yes, daddy-long-legs or order Opiliones are welcome, too). Community Guidelines: 1. Be respectful to each other, try not to get into petty arguments....

    spiderbro -
    Bronze Jumping Spider, Eris militaris

    What a fun little guy. I love jumpers: you can just pick them up and carry them around with you and they'll flit about your fingers exploring you with no qualms about it. I saw this guy on an outdoor playset at a local park.

    Long-Jawed Orbweaver (Tetragnatha)

    The story of how I discovered this beauty was unfortunate, and a borderline Community Guidelines point 2 violation on my part.

    I was kayaking down a rather wide river with some friends, and I was getting into the habit of gliding underneath dead branches overhanging the water so that I could hunt for insects and plants to photograph (I enjoy studying naturalism). By accident, I knocked a spider out of its home, and I proceeded to absolutely freak out and ended up killing the spider. Upon learning it was an orbweaver I felt bad, because I know that they are typically harmless to people, but hey, it's all a learning experience.

    Grey Cross Spider (Larinioides sclopetarius)

    I saw this creepy little fella at work a couple of months ago. I work at an RV factory, and as such I have to deal with my fair share of skids. I was lifting one up and getting ready to move it when a large, grey blob fell out between a couple of boards.

    When I saw that it was a giant, hairy spider, I did the only natural thing a spiderbro could do, and scooped it up in a box to take it home and get some good photos.

    Turns out it was a grey cross spider (AKA the "bridge spider"), Larinioides sclopetarius, which is in the Orbweaver family. They tend to live in anthropogenic environments, especially bridges, under porches, street lights, etc. I released it into my front porch once the photoshoot was done.

    Bumblebee on a thistle
  • Gorgeous photo! Looks like an eastern carpenter bee on perhaps a sow thistle?

    Time to get a good solid botanical society going on this platform.

  • Classy Classy

    Recent convert from Reddit (June 2023). I am a musician, composer, amateur naturalist, and also a fan of a lot of small, random things.

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