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The sea takes another W. US Soldiers Were Stuck in Beached Boats Along Gaza After Storms Broke Apart Aid Pier
  • I'm starting to think the brilliant minds at the Navy built this $320,000,000 pier out of bondo, plywood, cardboard, and duct tape.

    How could the terrible might of the sea break our beautiful pier, which was constructed entirely of thrifted porcelain and sugar glass?

  • The Economy Is Booming, Jack!
  • No you don't understand. It's an arms deal, not aid. Israel has to pay for those guns. Which means that, on the US's part, there's no moral quandary whatsoever. The Biden Admin is just acting as a totally neutral arms merchant, and it's definitely not Biden's fault that Israel will use those weapons to massacre an entire people. There's no culpability at all! Vote Blue!

  • I'm freaking VOOOOOOTINGGG!!!!!
  • I don't know about this one chapos. I mean, can you imagine what it would be like to live under a dictatorship? They'd probably do crazy shit like ban bodily autonomy, ban protesting, make it illegal to criticize regimes that are in league with the dictator, ban mass communication platforms, crack down on immigration, allow friendly corporations to operate their own mafias they'd use to kill whistleblowers, and just generally crush poor and working people. I wouldn't want to live under a rule like that.

  • [Edit] More than 100 protesters were arrested at Columbia University and City College. Most of the arrests were made at Columbia.
  • I think my favorite narrative I've been hearing regarding these protests, and you heard this a lot in 2020 too, is that all these protestors willing to engage in property violence and physically clash with the police are actually outside agitators. And in this case they're outside agitators occupying a privately owned building, which the media is happy to compare to a private single family home. That's right, protestors occupying a private university building is exactly the same as them occupying your home, you braindead TV consumer you.

    Sometimes the 'outside agitator' narrative has merit. I imagine we've all seen videos of obvious police plants trying to rile up people in order to get them arrested. Maybe some of you have witnessed such things in person. I vaguely remember reading that the guy who started the fire that burned down that Minneapolis Police station was actually a chud trying to make things worse. That sort of thing, I guess, really does happen. But it's also such a convenient narrative. "Oh, it wasn't concerned student activists and professors and ordinary people trying to stand against a genocide. It was wild-eyed barbarians, outsiders from outside, and thus all the police violence wielded against these people protesting a genocide was wholly justified."

  • What

    The fuck? I've been holding down a finger and trying to scroll to the right spot (which usually fucks up when I release the hold) for years.

    what kind of online games are you all playing?
  • I don't play games. I just plow.

    To make the joke work I'd have to play some sort of online farming sim, and I don't even know if there is such a game. I play Medieval Dynasty sometimes, which has farming in it, and it has a co-op mode, so it's an online game. See, perfect joke.

  • Larian publishing director says "marketing's dead" because players don't want to be "bamboozled," and "we learned that with Baldur's Gate 3"
  • I still go back and watch the cinematic trailer for Wrath of the Lich King sometimes. I've never even played the old RTS warcraft games, but when I saw that trailer on our satellite TV back in 2008 I thought it was the most incredible thing I'd ever seen and had to play the game. Because of the strength of that ad I've given blizzard hundreds of dollars over the years. I even bought some the ancillary media. I saw the movie they put out like five times. I didn't even like it that much. When they put out lorebooks a few years ago I bought those even though I hadn't been a regular WoW player for a number of years and even though I've come to despise WoW's approach to lore and storytelling. And all of that off the back of one incredible advertisement.

    Hell, even as a long time D&D player there's an alternate world where BG3 just isn't on my radar if they never release a cinematic trailer. It'd just be a game that the slightly annoying gays, tumblr users, and the people who are too into Critical Role won't stop talking about.

  • :joker-amerikkklap:
  • Normally I try not to care much about what individual celebrities think about politics. Mark Hamill is a lib, "so what?" I figure. Most Americans are libs of one stripe or another, usually it's not worth getting worked up about.

    But this one in particular, whooee. What the hell has Biden even done, other than not be Trump? He's a President without vision, "nothing will fundamentally change". He passed an infrastructure bill and appointed some not so terrible NLRB picks. What else did he even do? Some bullshit loan forgiveness that looks good in a headline but actually does jack shit for most people in debt? Ditto on climate stuff and green energy?

    Like, obviously there's a lot from a left perspective to criticize about the likes of FDR, JFK, and LBJ, but from a liberal perspective they were all Presidents with a strong vision who wanted to create a soft domestic welfare state. So that's easily way better than Biden. Hell, even Obama had the ACA under his belt. Surely, from Hamill's perspective, Clinton's America was better than Biden's? Surely, from a liberal perspective, Biden doesn't compare favorably to any post-WWII democratic President except maybe Carter?

  • But in a democracy you win some and you lose some.
  • I'm not saying they shouldn't put her out to pasture and replace her with a 35 year-old who will never die but on the other hand she isn't that old. She'll turn 70 this year which is well into retirement age for us working class schlubs, but for a cushy gig like theirs that's no deal. I know Ginsberg refused to retire but RBG was well into her eighties when Obama was still president and she had pancreatic cancer. Unless democrats believe they won't control the presidency or the Senate at any time in the next decade this isn't a big issue. I mean, unless I'm wrong a seventy-something woman dies during a Republican presidency, then it's a huge issue for them.

  • Trump just posted an image of a pickup truck that has President Biden bound with rope and laying, apparently kidnapped.
  • I mean, I'd rather see this than the usual version which features a young woman bound in place of Joe Biden.

    I'm always astounded by those. What sort of guy would have one? Does he have any women whatsoever in his life? If he does, what do they think? Why doesn't anyone ever, like, see that guy get out of his truck and just attack him? Such a man must be among the scum of the Earth, the absolute dregs of humanity.

  • How do people not realize supporting Biden is actually the epitome of privilege?
  • Libs love to pretend that if you just vote blue enough that the valiant democrats will do another New Deal, or realize the Great Society, or build an American Nordic model, or do anything good.

    Even from a left lib position, even if you for some reason believe that Biden actually cares about LGBT people, or trade unions, or making a robust and safe immigration system, or reproductive rights, etc. what has Biden actually done to make the case for himself as the lesser of two evils? As far as I know basically the only accomplishments of the Biden admin are the infrastructure package and taking credit for the economy.

    I guess a left lib would probably agree with those, but obviously money for infrastructure in this country is more like a government handout for deeply corrupt construction companies. And I would personally advise libs to stop trying to take credit for Biden fixing the economy. Just because the line goes up doesn't mean the economy is good. Or if it does then whether the economy is good or not doesn't matter to the lives of normal working people because the cost of everything is absolutely fucked. And sure, maybe Biden can't wave his presidential hand and fix that, but he shouldn't take credit for it.

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    Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
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