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Former distrohoppers, where did you settle down?
  • Ubuntu.

    I jumped from Ubuntu to Fedora to Netrunner to Arch to Gentoo to Mint then back to Ubuntu.

    Did I regret it? Nah, I learned alot with my adventure but these days I just prefer the common distro denominator. Although to be fair my Ubuntu isn't exactly a vanilla Ubuntu as I did add some changes I see fit.

  • A quick look back at Corel Linux OS, another attempt to make a competing Windows-like OS
  • It's a default wallpaper on KDE. The name is Safe Landing but to save you the hassle, here you go

  • A quick look back at Corel Linux OS, another attempt to make a competing Windows-like OS
  • I installed OnzeMenu and EventCalendar via the settings > add widgets. The Windows 11 theme and Icon on Settings > appearance.

    If you right click the KDE menu icon from the taskbar, there is an option show alternatives, pick OnzeMenu from that. Same case goes to the time/date.

  • A quick look back at Corel Linux OS, another attempt to make a competing Windows-like OS
  • This is a 10 minute effort but I think you can push this even further to make it look like Windows 11 on KDE

  • Does Wayland really break everything? (Nate Graham's OG post ref'd in the Phoronix article)
  • I wouldn't say it breaks everything. Franky it fixes / handles better issues that are common usecases today that was not the case during the time X11 was still the norm / actively maintained such as:

    • Multiple monitor support with varied refresh rates
    • Hybrid GPU setup (including being able to use your motherboard's hdmi socket and your dedicated gpu hdmi at the same time)
    • Display scaling
    • Better isolation of applications (to the deterrence of existing linux applications)

    Of course granted its a new protocol, it doesn't support all the usecases that X11 was designed for due to variety or reasons (including controversial decisions)

    Mind you, Wayland isn't perfect either. For example, I found out that despite Wayland having better Hybrid GPU setup support out of the box, there are applications that ended up having broken multi-gpu support (where the application in question can choose which gpu it would utilize for its processing) where it works fine X11.

    With the state of the hardware we are having, it is understandable why distros have been focused on pushing Wayland as the default, although honestly, it would be wise for these distros to not completely phase out x11 because currently, Wayland isn't perfect.

  • F#ā‚¬k $pez
  • omg the reddit atheists, r/jailbait drama, spez editing user's post. brings back memories.

  • What game do you play to just chill?
  • These days it's Baldurs Gate 3 but before that, it's Grimdawn for ARPG itch or Stardew valley if I just want to turn a game on and afk alot. (Sometimes that's Grimdawn too)

  • What game did you last finish? What did you think of it?
  • Same! it is like my 7th playthrough already, going for the good dark urged route.

  • OK Microsoft... trying to log into Teams while work lapop updates to Windows 11. No longer works in any iPhone browser, including Edge. The app will not authenticate my work login.
  • You know what's great about Microsoft Teams compared to other chat apps? It's super on point with updating your colleague's status. There've been times I thought my colleague was MIA for hours, but turns out, it was just a glitch. A quick restart with the app and boom, we're back in sync! šŸ¤Ŗ

  • Why do you use firefox?
  • Was originally an Opera user (before they switched away from Presto), then switched to Firefox afterwards.

    Firefox was my pick because it was good enough and extremely customizable.

  • What do you do with all the free time you got once you stopped using reddit?
  • All my Reddit time was diverted to here, lol

  • Why is firefox losing market share? Why don't more people use Firefox?
  • Base on my experience, lower end phones (especially ones that does not have the latest android versions) struggles with Firefox.

    They have these sorts of issues such as webpages refreshing when switching tabs or applications and etc.

    As for me, I am in the same boat as you. No issues and pretty snappy imo.

  • Is anyone else having trouble giving up Reddit due to content?
  • Nope but I aint lying that there are communities that are not here that I do miss (since they never left Reddit).

  • Subscription = addiction
  • I use Gnome document viewer on Gnome and Okular when on KDE when viewing PDFs.

    For editing PDFs, always was used to PDF Studio. I heard LibreOffice Draw is decent but never bothered trying it as I am happy with my current workflow... for now.

    PS: PDF Studio is a one time purchase

  • Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW
  • Linux is great for some stuff, but unless there's massive upgrades to where you can just hit "install" and something installs and works without fucking around in terminal

    Wait what!? I just mark file as executable, run as program, and click nex then install.

    Also on a more serious note, how easy is it to find apps on the software store too (yes, because most linux distros offer a software store now)

  • Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW
  • Even if it isn't, this is going to be one, I'll put this as my "Windows is better than Linux copypasta"

  • Here we go again
  • Meanwhile at Google... Problem: People are flocking away from Chrome Solution: Implement webpage DRM

  • All my hommies prefer Firefox
  • I remember encountering this issue before I switxhed to a more powerful one that can run multiple apps in parralel (split screen)

    I didnt think it still existed now, but following the bug tracker, did you do the dom.ipc.processPrelaunch.lowmem_mb modification? I am quite curious

  • Brands that don't buy enough Twitter ads will lose verification
  • Problem: Decrease of Twitter Blue subscribers

    Solution: Sue every other competitor for alleged infringing Twitter's trade secrets

  • When will America stop worshipping the Christian god in favor of legit worshipping companies?
  • You need to delve deeper; from what I can see, there are people worshipping not only Google and Microsoft but even Meta!

  • Ubisoft will delete your account if you haven't logged for some time (Even if you owned games in it) Ubisoft Can Delete Inactive Accounts, Making Users Lose Access to Their Games

    In a move sure to draw ire from players, Ubisoft reveals that users who donā€™t sign into their Ubisoft account could lose access to their games.

    Ubisoft claims they do not want their players to lose access to their accounts but it's pretty clear they do want to (so they can repurchase probably), otherwise they would not implement such feature šŸ¤·

    PS: Feels good I didnt buy any Ubisoft (and EA for that matter) in the recent years that requires their stupid launchers

    Using retro inspired controllers when playing emulated games

    Anyone here purchasing/collecting retro-inspired controllers like the 8bitdo SFC30, M30, FC30, or inexpensive replicas solely for the purpose of reliving the nostalgic experience of playing retro games on their original consoles?

    Surely I ain't alone right? What other controller brands do you guys like or want to share. Feel free to share your favorite controller brands or any recommendations you have šŸ˜
