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My laptop hinge just ripped its screws right out.
  • I gave it a very short search back when it broke last year. I went with the cheapest way to get it back up and running which was just convert it to a desktop. She never goes anywhere with a laptop in the first place so there was no need to make it portable again.

    She's retired and just used it to surf the web. A Chromebook would work perfectly for her if she was not dead set of having Excel for her recipes and bill tracking.

  • My laptop hinge just ripped its screws right out.
  • This happened on a decent spec'd HP laptop I bought my mom a couple years back. No easy way to repair without ordering new hinges that were impossible to find and the PC repair shop quoted over $500 repair on a $700 laptop when it was new.

    Now she just leaves the laptop open in the 180 degree position with the laptop being held into a stand & bungie cord strapped to it to prevent it from falling foward. It is now a desktop PC and no longer a laptop.

  • Softbank plans to cancel out angry customer voices using AI
  • I work in the telecom industry in a call center environment. I just saw an addon for the platform we use with this exact capability. I laughed, rolled my eyes & shared it with peers for them to laugh.

    I would personally never recommend implementing something that can change the voice of the caller. Without having researched the product at all I will just say I cannot recommend any company install this capability. My primary reason for concern would be if legal proceedings have to go forward, what would stop either side from saying it was AI generated voice and not the actual caller? (Yes, for all I know the call recording may be stored raw.)

  • Nextcloud Hub 8 is now available
  • I tried a couple of LDAP solutions out there; Windows Server AD, Open LDAP, Samba4 in Debian, TurnKey Solutions LDAP before finally settling on Zentyal. It has a nice to use web GUI and can work in conjunction with AD RSAT tools that I have installed in a throwaway Windows VM for when I need more granular controls the web GUI can't do.

    All my Debian VM's and laptops connect to Zentyal AD via SSSD.

  • Nextcloud Hub 8 is now available
  • I just cannot find a use case for Nextcloud. I have gone as far as installing it and sync'ing it with my LDAP for user auth and sync pictures from my phone to my NAS. All the other features are just a big ole m'eh for me.

    This has just been my experience, so maybe I'm missing something that would just make it all click and make me not live without it. So far though, I've spun up and spun down an instance 3 times and never missed it afterwards.

  • Update for those following my mystery health problems: I'm at the Mayo Clinic. We may have at least a partial diagnosis!
  • Did you have to go through with surgery? I had a Heller Myotomy with Fundoplication and after the liquid diet recovery period was over, it was the best decision I ever made. Naturally, I have to avoid dry foods or stuff like bread that turns gummy when I chew it as it is difficult to swallow. Also had to stop eating cow & pig because of the texture of the meat when chewed.

    If you haven't thought about it, let me go ahead and break your heart now... we will never be able to go to outer space because we require gravity for the food to slide down into the stomach. Not that I could ever afford to go anyway, haha.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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