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  • That is only temporary though and does not set the default.

  • Square Enix Celebrates Kingdom Hearts' Debut on Steam with Steam Deck Giveaway, Signed by Co-Creator Tetsuya Nomura
  • Damn after 2 years had passed from the release on Epic Games I thought they just weren't going to bring it to Steam at all so I went to the high seas.

  • anti-snap stance is anti-consumer
  • Can you link the original quote? I feel like there is a lot of context missing here.

  • TCL demonstrates 4K gaming monitor with a 1,000 Hz refresh rate
  • From what I understand in the article the prototype TCL panel being demonstrated is actually 4k@1000hz. They mention a few competitors with multiple modes right after which could be where the confusion comes from.

  • XWayland 24.1 Released With Explicit Sync, Better Rootful Experience
  • iirc mandatory Client Side Decorations is only a Gnome on Wayland thing and everyone else has support for both Client and Server Side Decorations.

  • What launching through Steam feels like
  • It is used in the Launch Options of a Steam game. %command% just gets replaced by whatever Steam would use to launch the game. It's useful to set up anything before the game actually launches, such as setting environment variables or run scripts.

  • Regarding The Hyprland & Vaxry Situation
  • Hyprland itself will still continue to work just fine. What it does affect is Hyprland's ability to propose changes to FreeDesktop specifications like Wayland. Although I think only the lead dev Vaxry has been banned so potentially they could just get some other dev to do that instead.

  • What could your distro learn from another distro?
  • I've been messing about with NixOS for the past 2 weeks or so. While I think I know enough to plug in the right text in the right spots to get a system configured I feel like I understand nothing about the nix language and the syntax is extremely unintuitive to me. If another distro offered declarative configuration as well as something like Nix's options I would easily swap away from NixOS at this point.

  • Any good Linux Tablet recommendations?
  • Minisforum just announced their V3 which is a Windows tablet with amazing looking specs. I would wait until people confirm if everything works on Linux, but it's an option to consider.

  • Noticed this while talking with a couple of friends
  • What's a "pavement princess"?

  • Linux Gender?
  • I have a number of IRL friends who daily drive Linux and we all at least have some small partition or drive installed with Windows on it just in case for that one program. I haven't used it in over half a year and it was for some Need For Speed Underground 2 mod making tool that I used once and never needed again.

  • Do you daily drive Wayland, if so since when, if not when will you?
  • I can't use Wayland until this xwayland Nvidia bug is fixed, which is a shame because I think that's the last thing holding Nvidia users back. I tried the new Plasma 6 recently and for the most part it was great until I tried gaming and hit that bug. I tried different older and newer beta driver versions but it was more or less the same bug.

  • Best way of switching between keyboard/controller?
  • The consensus solution. The Steam Deck and Steam Controller's touchpads can result in both mouse and joystick input being used simultaneously. Locking down which input is used prevents this from working as intended.

  • How to move NSP files to SD card from Mac?
  • Switch Lite

    Has your Switch even been modchipped? Only the original V1 Switch can be soft modded. All other Switch versions require a hardware modchip to be installed.

  • Steam Audio Open Source Release
  • No, this is for game developers to make it easier to add more realistic sound propagation to their games, particularly for virtual reality games.

  • Installing nvidia driver installs a new kernel [SOLVED, LOOK IN THE COMMENTS]
  • The proprietary Nvidia driver has kernel modules that are specific to a single version of the Linux kernel. With pre-built packages that's typically whatever the standard kernel is for your distro. If that kernel isn't booted then you'll have no graphics driver.

    This is solved by DKMS, which will build those kernel modules for every kernel you have installed. You'll need the kernel headers for the kernel you want to build for, as well as the nvidia-kernel-dkms package which the wiki you linked only offhandedly mentions. Whenever the kernel or driver updates it should build the required modules.

  • Want a 3D printer in New York? Get ready for fingerprinting and a 15 day wait
  • If it's only 3d printed plastic, yes. Most "3d printed guns" are like Glocks. Metal for the important bits, plastic for everything else.

  • is there any foss discord client for mobile?
  • While Vendetta may still work for now, the devs have officially stopped working on Vendetta as of February 6th

  • What tools to verify NSPs?

    What software is out there to verify that NSPs are authentic and unmodified? I would prefer one that runs on a Linux terminal.

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