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Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • I mean thats bullshit, because they are being told move left, and they are saying "well we dont know how left so we are going to move right vote for us your your terrible" that is not the way to handle this. You start to move left and you will gain more voters, and if you keep moving you will find the point that satifies most of them.

    You are very likely to lose votes by doing this, see the decreased voter turn out, and the varuable voter turn out, you are losing people as they stop approving of you, and the likelyhood of you gaining new voters shrinks as you chace a narrower and narrower market

  • Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • except the slice of the pie being argued over is so small now, you have to get the group of people who vote republican, but are willing to conseve of voting for the democrat, and then pull them off ...

    the math does not add up when to the left of democrats there is a large untapped market, you can see some of this by the lesser evilism argumentation, that there are people once agian near the drop off point of being able to approve of the democratic canidate. Even one step to the left would open up a large amount of voters back up, aswell as father sure up and engage the base, allowing for a more energetic and larger voter turnout.

    also agian... the staffers and cheney should be enough given no denouncement or rejection of the endorsement to get anyone who was alive during those times who was opposed to them to keep from supporting harris, or atleast question the suport

  • Know your nazi
  • I thought we had all agreed that we punch nazis? LIke was this not the agreed apon reaction. If you had something more dangerous than a fist I would say you could use that... but this feels overly cowardly

  • Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • you merely posted a link aserting that it was credible, I said that it was not, no one has presented a link over the credibility, my argument is that basic media litericy shows that this has severe biases and not truthful, you have provided nothing, we are still operating under asertions

  • Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • You keep talking domestic policy, but you have not given a reason on why Putin cannot be trusted on his endorsement. You are also missing the point that trump is a less stable commander in cheif, and may oppose Russian intrests elsewhere not just ukraine

  • Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • I have provided the same level of evidence, that you have that it is credible or factual or not bias. You where the one that made the positive claim, as is typical rules you have the burdon of proof

    second my evidence is ... BASIC meida litericy skills

  • Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • the reason there are more active voters in the middle is the ones to the left see no gain in voting for either mainstreem, once you loose appeal you cannot draw people to vote, this is a fundimentaly flawed stratagy that disposesses the left

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  • If you read the report from CNN Hezbulah takes credit for attacks in the area, however does not take credit for the one the article is talking about.

    I do not see the reasoning for a military group to take credit for attacks in an area but not this one if it was one they launced. I will be honest my analisis beyond here would be tanted by my own personal bias however.

    We are also talking about civilians living in occupied territory that even the UN has said is illegal and ought to be returned, agian I would like to refer you to the international law that allowes for asymetiric warfare in causes of national liberation.

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  • the diffrence being that Missles are valid military tactics esepcialy when sent to military targets, and as far as I am aware that is what Hezbula is doing, as for palistine, as an opressed group fighting for freedom the UN has a seperate set of rules of war they are permitted to engage in, does that make it asymetical, yes but that is how the internaltional law is written (and you dont need to agree with me editorializing of palistine for the seperate rules of war that they use kick in)

    Isreal sent in bombs with no way of discriminating civilian and military targets, and knew said individuals would bring it into civlilan centers, the fact they did that in a way where it entered civilian centers, with no military objective is also a war crime.

    we also can be pretty sure that this shipment was not all going to Hezbula and it can be reasonably assumed others in lebenon where effected, though I will admit this part is me thinking outloud with no evidence to back it up yet

  • I promise the Republican Party
  • First, finaly someone noticed my username so thank you for starting your correct accusation of me being a communist origionaly at my name and not my instence

    second, no one told me to orde or brigade, did I post alot to you, yes but that is because as I was reading through this it was your posts that seemed to make me the most upset, or give me the urge to talk to. I have no idea who this Tovarish is, no would I follow them with no reason

    last, what do you mean "theoretical communist" this seems like something that you can throw that is desinged to picit in such a way that it becomes unfalsifyable, let alsone your last part makes it so that the only way to falsify your claim is to atleast partialy dox myself. I can tell you I am in both education and trade if that makes you feel any better, beyond that I do not feel it wise to scream it on the internet.

    this also answers none of the things I brought up, other than welcoming me, a thing I do want to thank you for you did nothing but accuse me of brigading, having no mind of my own, and not being a real comunist. I fail to see how this is productive

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  • why do you want a theocracy or ethnostate? Also what one is it you are advocating for, or is it both, because Isreal is both of them under the status quo. and I find both of these types of nations moraly reprehensable

  • Locked
  • ... You are aware of what happens when you explode bombs in civilian heavy areas. You are also aware that is a war crime right?

    also Lebinon is not at war so none of there citizens are valid targets

  • I promise the Republican Party
  • OSHA, as much as I love it is not even close to Socialism, its enabling act requries it to consider the effects of profit before any rule comes into place. The citiations are far too low to mean anything, and almost always the too low fines are negotiated down, or vacated intirely.

    OSHA is a worker protection but it exests as part of capitalism

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