DankOfAmerica @ DankOfAmerica @reddthat.com Posts 22Comments 401Joined 3 mo. ago

I can't stand being around fishermen that place their live catches on the bare open floor and watch the fish drown in terror after having their entire weight carried by a piercing and dragged into a new world in which they're immobile while likely burning and drying out at the same time. It makes me check out.
What continent is Canada on?
Everything he and Elon are doing seems to be doing nothing but undermine standing and stability.
They're disbanding over half of the federal government. We're seeing it happen.
That's how you lose with characters like Trump. They're looking to trigger you into a shit show, and then beat you with experience. You have to stay calm and let them make an ass of themselves. They will eventually get too rash and make a royal fuck up.
Yes it is because keeping Ukraine out of Putin's hands is essential to Western prosperity. Do you understand Ukraine's role in global wheat production? Do you understand the value of naval ports in the Black Sea? Do you understand the danger of having a Russian border even further in Europe and NATO? Plus, do you think you're going to see any of the savings? The maybe 1.5% of the federal budget that went to Ukraine...so if you miraculously got those $20 of your federal income tax back, they are gonna turn your life around?
Aside from that, I find it weird that the governor of a state has repeatedly spoken on behalf of the entire state illegitimately declaring what is and isn't welcomed in the state. In the past, he said something about Florida is where woke goes to die. It's a weird thing to do because the governor is the lead executive of a state government, not the cultural voice of the entire state. As far as I can tell, the state legislature decides who and what is welcomed in a state through laws. Aside from that, the population itself would be its own voice. Am I wrong? Does any other governor do that?
Disclaimer: I don't disagree with the Andrew Tate thing, but I find it weird that a governor is making these statements.
Who uses 568a?
The 3rd dude is a reverse Popeye with a massive upper arm and thin forearm.
Those extra 10mm in the A10 are very important, especially for supporting ground combat. It's used to fire at heavily armored targets such as tanks. Also, the A10 's targeting system is more advanced and precise, though that could potentially be implemented on the Corsair. Regardless, the Warthog has better armor, making it more resilient to ground fire from the enemy. I believe that the A10 is better designed for ground combat support than the Corsair.
What congressional representatives are you contacting so that I can counter your arguments with them?
Crack addiction is so sad. The war on drugs has been such a disaster. Look at people that are addicted to crack and assess if they're having a good life at everyone else's expense. They're absolutely not. Yet, we punish them by placing them in steel and concrete cages for years, make their lives much more difficult afterwards, then expect them to not use when they get out.
That band is ridiculous. Fun to listen to, but I would probably not function well as friends with their main followers. They seem a bit intense and chaotic.
It's a Mars Beach Boy/Girl D-10 Million Years Summerrrr!! 🌅🌊🏖️⛱️👽
The anti-American circle jerk is irritating and a bit hypocritical. There are very few countries that haven't done fucked up shit, so that's where I think the hypocrisy comes in. However, I think the real damage is the division it grows. It draws lines by nationality instead of more helpful characteristics such as values, ideals, and goals. We all have a lot more in common than we have differences. I tend to believe that things could improve if we work together towards a common goal rather than going around stereotyping and placing blame. Personally, I don't think that an "us vs them" model is the best approach. We're all here in this together. Maybe we could work towards understanding, inclusion, collaboration, and interdependence while accepting and even celebrating each other's differences.
Maybe instead of "winning", y'all could debate to understand. You might even get a better outcome that includes both perspectives.
Fellow Eurobros, I know it's unlikely, but if it came to this which front would you rather fight at?
You're right. It won't be 90% of the world population, but it would definitely be more than 90% of the countries involved (e.g. NATO, Russia, and China). As far as the world population, people in countries of the southern hemisphere might have more chances at surviving, but with geopolitics changed that drastically with an impossible to resolved food shortage, things could become chaotic pretty quickly. Don't argue with me. Here are the sources I based my opinion on.
- Kurzgesagt video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrIRuqr_Ozg
- Their background sources: https://sites.google.com/view/sources-nuclear-winter
but wat if cat no has air
Sesame Street's finests over here. We doin things right. And we knockin n**gas grandmothas off they fuckin skates, ya heard? Right out of they fuckin socks, ya heard me?