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Syrian mass graves show the worst abuses 'since the Nazis,' top prosecutor says
  • The Cambodian Genocide

    The Cambodian genocide was the systematic persecution and killing of Cambodian citizens by the Khmer Rouge under the leadership of Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea, Pol Pot. It resulted in the deaths of 1.5 to 2 million people from 1975 to 1979, nearly 25% of Cambodia's population in 1975 (c. 7.8 million) reducing the nation's life expectancy to a staggering 12 years in 1975.

  • Sanders Rips Lawmakers Saying 'We Don't Have the Money' While Backing $900 Billion for Military
  • But actually a lot of what we’d need is much easier to mass produce and research than you think it is. Like your average artillery, armor, and infantry unit basics.

    That's true, so we'd need more details to discuss specific spending and costs.

    Also, it doesn’t need to be a two front war. We have an entire ocean protecting us on both sides.

    The naval and island hopping campaign battles for the Americans in WWII seemed like they had to happen. I would prefer that the battles take part in the open ocean than in the homeland, though I wouldn't want the battles to take part in islands of allied and neutral countries where the locals have to pay the toll either. Still, it seems like a war with China and Russia at the very least would take part in Europe and the Pacific. Perhaps Africa will be a theater since Russia and China have been developing a lot there. In fact, Wagner Group (the Russian mercenaries that was lead by Prigozhin) has had a presence there for years now. Regardless, that's only China and Russia.

    If North Korea joined, then we would include the Korean peninsula, of which North Korea has spend decades preparing for an invasion by digging tunnels and setting up other defenses while their population is brainwashed to fear anything that is not North Korean. If Iran jumps in, then the Middle East including the Persian Gulf which would be an important theater because of energy/oil resources. Basically, a war like that would have the capacity to involve more than two fronts.

  • I don't want to have tons of subscriptions to read interesting news

    I understand that effective journalism costs money to produce, proficient journalists should get and will go where they are paid, and sites need funds to maintain their operations. All that makes sense. However, I don't read one website I use Lemmy and internet searches to find news I'm interested in reading. I maybe go to the same paywalled news site twice a week at most, but rarely if ever quarce a month. It would make no sense for me to have a subscription to any paywalled news site even if I wanted to spend money. I have no option other than to use proxies, assume the article from others' comments, or just read the title.

    The internet news media system sucks, but I don't see a solution.

    We need to stop the attacks against those who are trying to level up their privacy
  • It's not an approval rating. It's a rating of what percentage of users find the post and discussion worthy of attention.

  • Sanders Rips Lawmakers Saying 'We Don't Have the Money' While Backing $900 Billion for Military
  • I kind of agree, but also think it's important to understand a few things about this:

    • The US needs to keep its military-industrial complex active and technologically advanced at all times if it wants to be a military powerhouse. It can't decide to start it up whenever it wants because war machines have gotten too advanced. During WWII, it was easy to get the complex rolling because they just needed to churn out simple prop planes, tanks, rifles, and food. Now, they need stealth planes, laser-guided munitions, and high-tech chips.
    • Because of the geography of the US and the geopolitical situation, it would likely fight a two-front war. If the US goes to war with a formidable power, said power would surely ally with another. The US will not just fight China alone. Russia and North Korea would join. Therefore, the US military needs to be large enough to fight knowing that by population, the US is much smaller. China has just over 4 times the population of the US.
    • Having an overwhelmingly large and technologically advanced military serves as a deterrent. It's best to never go to war. It saves lives, economies, social institutions, etc. By having a decisively superior military, those that would consider starting a war avoid doing so.
    • The Department of Defense and military-industrial complex is a huge jobs program anyway. Service members receive training and all sorts of benefits that support them and their dependents. Military production companies receive reliable government contracts that make their business ventures stable investments while employees receive relatively adequate pay. If the government did not fund those contracts, all those businesses would go out of business and everyone involved would have to find other means of sustenance.
    • The US provides military defense and deterrence for more than just itself. It's practically the department of defense for most Pacific islands including Japan and the Philippines. It's also a necessary supporter of the EU and South Korea.

    I'm not saying that I agree to the spending or that we shouldn't spend more on social welfare, but the solution is not obviously clear as just spending less on defense in my opinion.

  • Sanders Rips Lawmakers Saying 'We Don't Have the Money' While Backing $900 Billion for Military
  • I'm not arguing against you at all. I'm trying to understand your logic because it seems important to understand. Can you provide numbers and sources that show we are at the point of unsustainability? Is government interest about to match revenue so that we are near being unable to pay it? Or is there another reason we're at the point?

  • Most iPhone owners see little to no value in Apple Intelligence so far
  • As a novice with little training, I've found AI to be helpful with running a server. Other than that, I depend on my own internet searches for info.

  • Voting for the lesser evil is still evil
  • exactly. i thought Biden was the shit until Gaza. now, I dont even care about him at all. he's just another politician.

  • Stop making up states
  • your face is a straight line

  • Stop making up states
  • Illinois et Arquensas

  • And where did you get that info?
  • I thought the same, but an internet search says it means "late to the party".

  • And where did you get that info?
  • Elaine was part of the masturbation episode and lost, which further speaks to the progressiveness of the show because a woman was portrayed as having sexuality that was outside of acceptable limits at the time (for love only, preferably in marriage). They also presented being gay as acceptable, which was quite progressive at the time where people were calling each other "gay" and the f-word as a terrible insult.

  • And where did you get that info?
  • Even at the young age of middle school watching that show, I knew George was a shitty person. Yet, I still felt sympathy for him because of his parents. Regardless, my favorite character was Frank Costanza. He was so over the top and emotional. The dude had PTSD from soldiers in Korea not liking his food in the field mess hall 😂

  • And where did you get that info?
  • Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the immorality of Kramer's racist stand-up was exaggerated. It was absolutely offensive and 100% not acceptable. There was nothing funny about it, and there was no possible current setting in which that would be okay. Especially when the audience member became upset, Kramer needed to drop the show immediately and apologize. However, it is obvious he did not mean it as real. I believe he was trying to shock the crowd by being offensive and picked the wrong thing to be offensive about. From what I can tell, the n-word and racism to Kramer are so absurd, that the bit was to make fun of racists by taking on the role of someone that would believe in it to show how stupid it is. It was a caricature. Unfortunately, our society is still racist and the victims haven't healed yet because it's still ongoing, so it didn't land right at all. His white privilege made him tone deaf, so it was less about him being purposely racist and more about showing how racism is still alive. It also gave racists a possible pass at being overly racist if he were allowed to get away with it. I think in the future, society will either not care about it as much or find it makes sense because they will agree with the spirit in their time.

    Again, i am not excusing his standup or saying it was okay. It was not okay. But, I also think it's not what people make it out to be. In fact, he owned it and apologized for it a lot. He was clearly regretful and wanted to point out how much it hurt him as well. This made him a perfect target for mob justice using shame as a weapon because he believed he deserved it and would not fight back. It ended his career, and he's been in hiding ever since. He was one of the first celebrities to be canceled by social media. The only time I remember him coming back out was on an episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee and he looked like a broken person. The backlash was so intense, that even South Park made a show about it called With Apologies to Jesse Jackson (S11E1).

    I understand I might be misunderstanding the situation, so I do not mean to profess my opinion as fact and am open to other interpretations.

  • And where did you get that info?
  • Exactly. Seinfeld isn't funny now because all the shows after it copied it. When Seinfeld came out, it was revolutionary. No one was doing that humor. They invented it. Now, everyone and their mother has copied them, so it's played out. And since all these newer sitcoms had time and previous examples to improve on, they do it better, so Seinfeld looks lame by comparison. However, when I as a millennial was watching Seinfeld when it was being originally aired, I thought it was great.

  • And where did you get that info?
  • Ross isn't even a real doctor.

  • Beneral disease rule
  • But please share this via in the Internet.

  • Democrats eye Harris 2028 presidential run as they devise political comeback | The Guardian
  • We really need a new party. First they sold out Bernie, then Hilary lost to Trump, Biden became senile in office, then they ran the most boring campaign with Harris and lost to Trump. And after all that, their idea is to run her again?? I might just start voting for Republicans until a viable new party that is left of Republicans shows up.

  • Michael Moore Says He Will Not Tamp Down Anger Stirred by Luigi Mangione
  • Maybe it was something else, like he was working on other projects, taking time off, or traveling.

  • Do you (or anyone you know) have a fear (or I guess you can call this a paranoia) that people who are living with you, are snooping on your phones/computers/storage devices/journals/etc?
  • I know people that do snoop. I had a friend that once asked me if I go through people's medicine cabinets when I go to their bathroom or through all of their things when I house sit. I gave a solid no because not only do I respect people's privacy, I don't even want to know what's in there. That's too much knowledge for my limited brain space. She responded that she does every time she has a chance. People be going thru your shit, and it's the gross ones.

  • 7735 41st Ave SE Lacey WA DankOfAmerica
    Have you considered that the cops are involved somehow?

    Considering that the house has been broken into so many times, yet the police decline to help you, maybe they are involved. It would make sense. The robbers/burglars repeatedly target your house, so they must feel confident they will not suffer consequences. The police refuse to make any efforts to apply consequences. It matches up nicely.

    DankOfAmerica DankOfAmerica
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