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  • Is that an OCaml reference/joke?

  • What have you been reading this month?
  • I'm reading "So You Want to Be a Game Master" by Justin Alexander and "The Way of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson.

    I also have "Needful Things" by Stephen King and "The Great Hunt" (The Wheel of Time book 2) by Robert Jordan sitting at roughly 50%, but they currently are in pause; unfortunately reading more than 2 books simultaneously is difficult if you also have to work.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • They revoked the "English only" rule in August. Source.

  • Remove ads not being detected on all devices

    Hi, I purchased the ads-free version of Boost for Lemmy on my smartphone through the "Remove ads" button. However on a different device (tablet) I still see the "remove ads" button (while on the phone it is now correctly not shown) in the left sidebar. Does it take some time for the new setting to be detected? I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app and deleting all the data after forcefully closing the app, but the button is still there.

    To be honest, I'm not seeing ads right now, so maybe it's just a UI problem? I will post updates here in case I see ads even after purchasing the ads free version.

    What's a quote that has stuck with you for your whole life?
  • "Why not? You and I are eccentrics. We’re certainly not typical of the people living on Terminus. As for criminals, that’s a matter of definition. And if criminals are the price we must pay for rebels, heretics, and geniuses, I’m willing to pay it. I demand the price be paid. [...] You can't have geniuses and saints without having people far outside the norm, and I don't see how you can have on only one side of the norm. There is bound to be a certain symmetry." - Foundation and Earth by Isaac Asimov

  • Best distro for gaming in 2023?
  • I agree, I've always used sudo apt update, sudo apt upgrade and flatpak update on Pop OS and never used the pop shop.

  • What is an often overlooked aspect of fascism that people should be aware of?
  • There's also another similar list written by Umberto Eco about the so called "Ur Fascism" ("perpetual fascism"); he basically identifies fascist-like characteristics which can be found even in governments that do not adhere to the old concept of "traditional" old-style fascism (which in Italy is forbidden by law).

    Needless to say that his words sounded very topical during the last italian elections, dominated by the party "Brothers of Italy"; luckily this party has become more "moderate" after winning the elections, even though some aspects can still be "problematic".

  • lemmy FAQ
  • Me too, if I subscribe to communities in other instances, most of the time I see a different number of comments and posts here on

  • I need Podcast app recommendations for Android/PC
  • I'm using PocketCasts and I paid a one-time fee before it became subscription based (but there's still a free tier), in order to be able to listen to podcast using the web app on PC. Thus I now have lifetime premium access.

    I'm very satisfied with their service, I did not find any problems with both the Android app and the web app, moreover it has almost every feature I need, except voice to text conversion in order to be able to share slices of audio in text format (but there are dedicated apps for that).

  • What books are you reading at the moment?
  • I'm currently reading Leviathan Wakes by James S. A. Corey, which is the first book of the Expanse series. I haven't watched the TV series, since I wanted to dive into the books without previous knowledge.

  • DarthVi DarthVi
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