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What Are Your Favorite Hidden Gem Android Apps?
  • Really? I don't think I'm using a beta release and I'm glide typing this message. I might have gotten the apk off of Github rather than F-Droid but I honestly don't remember, been using this keyboard for a few months now.

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    Kansas School Demands Eight-Year-Old Native American Student Cut Hair to Attend
  • This is crazy, I imagine they're never seen a Sikh boy then? In my part of the world I've seen several faith based schools that made exemptions to hair dress code stuff for Sikh students. The Sikh religion, if I understand correctly, means they don't make any modifications to their body, including hair. What's the difference here? Why make such a big deal of this?

  • What Are Your Favorite Hidden Gem Android Apps?
  • Nope, just a simple app for writing text files. If you want you can save those files to the cloud but for myself, there's a lot if times where I just want to draft something quick on my phone and it's my go to

  • What Are Your Favorite Hidden Gem Android Apps?
  • Simple Text Editor

    FOSS text editor for when you just literally wanna write something down without any weird bloat and without having to deal with Google. Available on F-Droid.

    Also, OpenBoard for a FOSS keyboard with swipe typing. Also available on F-Droid

    You know what, I think F-Droid is actually my hidden gem app. I'm sure most Lemmy users use it, but I don't think I know anyone else IRL who does, so hidden gem might not be accurate depending on perspective.

  • What content creator/channels do you hope becomes independent next?
  • A lot of Podcast creators I wish were independent. I listen to a lot of former How Stuff Works network podcasts, but they were bought up by I Heart Radio and I just hate the constant throwing to random ads. At least they still are able to say whatever they want it seems, as evidenced by Behind The Bastards, but yeah, wonder what going independent would even look like for them

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    Palestinians plead ‘stop the bombs’ at UN meeting but Israel insists Hamas must be ‘obliterated’
  • Empty land? My man, they're literally kicking people out of their homes and moving settlers in, there's videos and reports from multiple sources. It's not the vast empty plains of the wild west after the natives died to disease.

    Vox did a great report a while back where they talked to a guy who was moved into a house a family was kicked out and his justifications for moving in and the struggles he faces in the neighborhood. The focus though was the family who got kicked out and their efforts to get it back.

    I'd link the video but I don't wanna link YouTube and I'm sure you could find these kind of reports if you wanted to.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Exactly my issue. We had a good push to move when the whole terms of service thing happened but I got way too many work related group chats with non techy people on WhatsApp so I'm just stuck

  • Carrying on an old tradition. What features / issues should I work on next?
  • Seconding this. I switched over to recently and was surprised when I suddenly couldn't use Sync. Took a good while before I happened upon the admin post about the issue so now I'm back to on Sync

  • If you ask for "tea" at a restaurant, what happens and where do you live?
  • Malaysia is fun for this. Just asking for tea (teh) will get you a hot sweet milk tea, if you want no milk you ask for "teh-O". If you want no milk AND no sugar you ask for a " teh-O kosong", kosong basically meaning empty. Then of course there are the ice variants like "teh-O ais kosong". So basically the default is getting everything except ice, then you add modifiers to take things out.

    But tea language strangeness aside, Malaysian teh-tarik (pulled tea) is amazing and should get more global attention. Even the preparation can be quite a show and there are local competitions.

  • Video game DLC now vs then
  • Yes, been loving BG3 but my best experiences with games in recent years have all been indie, from Outer Wilds that made me completely rethink what a game experience is meant to be, to Vampire Survivors that tickled all the right parts of my brain into making me spend hours watching pixels flash on screen in the most mind-numbingly addictive way. Indie devs really seem to be carrying forward the soul of gaming that larger gaming companies have lost, the exceptions being so rare that Baldur's Gate 3 is getting lauded for basically meeting what would have been normal expectations for a AA title in the early 2000's

  • TIL that America is one of the few cultures with insults for smart people
  • I remember being really taken aback hearing kids were being made fun of for being smart on my first trip to the US for a gifted kids camp. A bunch of the other kids were sharing stories of how hard it was being the smart kid at their schools, getting bullied and teased and I was just like, can't relate

  • What are some small, pocketable/keychainable items that are worth carrying everywhere you go?
  • Leatherman to me is synonymous with "multitool with foldout pliers" as I believe they popularized if not invented the form. I think if you're into multitools you know the name, up there with Victorinox and Gerber. It's my preferred form factor for a multitool, I get way more use out of the pliers/wirecutters than pretty much anything on a Swiss army style multitool. Leatherman had an amazing tiny keychain model, the Squirt PS4, that I would recommend for keeping in your pocket but it was recently discontinued, and their other keychain tool, the Micra just isn't as good imho

  • 😲😲
  • So, I knew a girl who went to a Japanese international school in my South East Asian home country where the Japanese did some utterly horrendous things during WWII. She told me the school took them to a war museum kinda place on a field trip and basically shouted at them like "LOOK AT WHAT YOUR PEOPLE DID!" until the whole room of grade school kids were crying about how sorry they were. So at least outside of Japan there seems to be some (perhaps over the top) education about the atrocities committed by the Japanese government to Japanese students, but I agree, most of the Japan educated Japanese people I've spoken to are just vaguely aware that they did some bad stuff before they got nuked.

  • [meme] Why do people only seem to mean cars when they talk about electric and/or autonomous vehicles?
  • I just bought an electric motorbike, design is like a Vespa. I love it. Top speed kinda sucks but I love it. I'd love to take a train or bus instead but there is literally no line between my work and home that doesn't involve a longer walk than the ride itself.

  • How do you choose an instance and does that have a significant effect on your Lemmy experience?

    I originally chose to make my account on since all the content seemed to come from there. But I've since learned that I can fill my feed with stuff from any instance so it feels like it doesn't actually matter if I'm on or not. At the same time, seems to be frequently under attack so I'm wondering if I should change instance but have no idea what I should even be looking for when choosing.

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