Death_Equity @ Death_Equity Posts 0Comments 2,566Joined 2 yr. ago
The cherry on top is that he just made the website in his downloads folder and not a new folder for the project.
The ones the article mentions are obligated, so they have been or must be paid. Time will tell on the 60%.
It is a whistle(like a referee uses to make a sound) a woman uses if she feels or knows she is going to be harmed in some way so as to call attention to her and hopefully get help with her situation.
Basically, the meme is telling women to shoot their attackers.
Who does?
No seriously, I want to slide into their dead drop and swap messenger pigeons.
1st guy is left handed, not credible source of good advice.
Depends on how much she likes a plus sized man with a fedora collection.
Maybe, if she wants an older man that has RFID sheets.
Now recalculate using the old method of calculating inflation instead of the newer method.
We already do with a welfare system that incentivises un(der)employed single mothers with multiple children.
Even a married couple with multiple kids and minimum wage jobs can achieve a higher standard of living with entitlements than a single person with no kids, college education, and a job making above minimum wage.
That is valid, but selling them for $3 a dozen to people you know or feeding scrambled eggs to your dog and/or cat is a better use of them.
Hindu is complex and has some variability depending on the flavor. Some are left up to the individual to determine based on their perceptions.
The supreme being is genderless, the other aspects are more masculine or more feminine and some are androgenous or both. Feminine energy is the most powerful at creation and masculine is the most powerful at destruction. The gods are just a reflection of an aspect of the supreme genderless Brahman, where their characteristics favor a given gender and that is expressed in their visage. They also use names that convey a symbolism.
So no gender is the most powerful in Hindu, but different forms of gender expression have more power in an aspect of power.
Probably because market demand was too low. Check and see what other sources of bulk fabric there are in the area. Definitely check for wholesale places.
If there was a Jo-Ann's down the street, there will be more incentive to offer fabrics now.
If you ever want to spend more on eggs and poultry products, getting chickens is a great option. It isn't cheaper by a long shot when you factor in your time and proper care.
The reason why eggs can be as cheap as they are is because the poultry farms do not give a shit about the birds and feed them the cheapest they can and don't concern themselves with avian healthcare.
If you want cheap eggs, be friends with someone who has chickens. Most birds will lay 1-2 eggs a day when they are in their prime. So 6 chickens will make a dozen eggs every other day. After a month you have 12-15 dozen eggs. The family probably eats 40-60 eggs a month, so you can see how the difference works in the favor of friends.
There is no one answer.
I could list out all the qualities that are ideal in a partner, but I would just be stating the obvious.
The answer you need will be different than the answer someone else needs. It is up to you to be self-aware enough to be able to see what you need to work on and go from there. If you can't see your own problems, then starting on working on your self-awareness is where you should start.
Part of the self-evaluation process is unfortunately having a break-up conversation so you can understand why the relationship didn't work out. That can be a rough conversation, especially if the two of you didn't have the best communication skills and they can convey to you effectively what the issues were and you can ask the right questions in the right way to get a useful answer. Ideally you would have great communication in the relationship and can have honest conversations about the issues one another is having before the issues become problems that end the relationship.
Adding into the issue of communication is accepting criticism and being able to determine valid criticism from false criticism. An example of this is someone breaking up with you because you don't spend money on them. Is that a valid criticism? Through effective communication you can make that determination. Are you the problem because you don't take them to dinner on Valentine's Day because you just replaced a good TV with a bigger one and don't have money for a V-Date or are they the problem because they expect you to buy them random luxury goods when you live paycheck to paycheck?
Is it valid criticism to break up because you don't do anything around the house? Are you the problem because you don't do anything around the house after work or are they the problem because they don't work and don't do anything around the house except watch anime and play videogames and expect you to pay the bills, do the shopping, cook, and clean?
So valid criticisms are genuine problems that you create in not meeting reasonable expectations your partner has. Understanding if your or their expectations are reasonable is sometimes hard. Having a couple's therapist to talk to can really help in that matter. A less than ideal second place option is AI. If you and your partner can explain the problem to an AI, the AI may be able to provide useful feedback and it is up to the both of you to accept the outcome of either therapy or AI opinion and begin working on the issue.
So your keys to the kingdom are self-awareness, ability to accept criticism, and communication. If you can develop those skills, then every other issue you have can be determined and then it becomes a matter of figuring out improvements to make you a better you with or without the help of a therapist.
While this explanation makes sense, I prefer the reality in which a business needed X number of emergency exits for the size of the space and they got the big brain move to add this bad boy to game the system and meet the criteria.
You need to sort yourself out. First of all you need to find out if you even want to be with guys, girls, or which ever fits your mood. Try exploring your sexuality and find out what you want. You will do yourself no good wasting time with boys making you unfulfilled that could have been better spent smashing gashes with lasses that make you happier.
Ex-friend sounds like he won't actually be a good boyfriend because of how much he shit talks others, tries to emotionally manipulate you, and doesn't know how to recognize and "see" you.
Learn to be happy by yourself or you will never know how to be happy with someone else.
Getting lost while talking to someone because my mind left the chat.
Walking back and forth to do something and forgetting what I was going to do and then switching to a new task only to find out I had to do the first thing before I could do the second thing and then maybe repeating that.
Why is there X item, food or otherwise, in the freezer when it should be in the fridge or in a completely different room? How I learned to defrost potatoes.
Looking at phone while watching a movie because I can't remember the name of the movie that same actor was in 10 years ago. Surprise, we are watching that same movie.
Where are the groceries? Damn it, these tacos made me forget to take them out of the car. I presently want tacos.
I have no idea how long I have been preheating the oven, at least this time there wasn't food in it. pRoGrEsS.
That is not domesticated. It has dual passive income, no housing costs, and a source of free meals that is more convenient than eating said source of meals. That thing will maul somebody if the arrangement is no longer convenient and aligned with it's interests.
Mountain Lion, for home defense. Hard to act tough when your buddy just got dragged up to the balcony by their broken neck and stairs weren't involved in getting him there.
If he wasn't looking at that chart, he would be dead.