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  • Might even get uninhabitably hot in some of our life times.

  • Futures
  • How did you get friends from space?

  • Cube of tiny homes
  • My only real issue is the dilapidated state of many of the houses, if they were nice and unkept tiny homes it’d be cool.

  • Israel and Hamas start detailed hostage negotiations for first time in months
  • The first hearing went well actually, South Africa’s claims were found to have merit.

    Israel was ordered to minimise the suffering it’s causing, but obviously Israel has not done so and as long as the US shields them from the UN nothing much else can be done about it.

  • Israel and Hamas start detailed hostage negotiations for first time in months
  • That it is, but they're the genocide supporters who think Israel is in the right.

    Luckily most of the world doesn't buy into that disgusting narrative.

  • Israel and Hamas start detailed hostage negotiations for first time in months
  • The UN has reported on Israels war crimes, this is documented and known factual information.

  • Introducing Stable Video 3D: Quality Novel View Synthesis and 3D Generation from Single Images — Stability AI
  • It’s pretty common to remake meshes anyway. Artists will sculpt high poly meshes and retopology them into usable game models.

  • Introducing Stable Video 3D: Quality Novel View Synthesis and 3D Generation from Single Images — Stability AI
  • How this compare to tripo and all the other text to 3D models?

  • john loved the satanic glory hole in his favorite kfc
  • I feel the same way about seeing Trump.

  • South Sudan closes schools in preparation for 45C heatwave
  • Smart thinking!

    I remember back in the day in my state of Australia we would never shut down for weather and those little metal portables were fucking hell on those 40+ days. Cracking a window open does so little.

  • Uber to pay Australian taxi operators $272 million in class action settlement
  • Regulatory capture, the taxi's had lobbied for a permit system, where only a set number of licenses were handed out for taxi vehicles. Uber came into the market and side-stepped the whole thing by saying 'lol we're not technically a taxi so we can have as many vehicles as we want'. This is payment for lost profits/damages from the taxi companies little legal scam falling out from under them.

    It's entirely bullshit, but that's the reasoning for it all.

  • Living outside China has become more like living inside China
  • Right, ignore the entirely obvious political ramifications of why China wants these people in positions of power and pretend it’s because good hearted party officials think they need protection.

  • Living outside China has become more like living inside China
  • It’s not a concern, it’s pointing out hypocrisy. China wants its foreign nationals in power elsewhere, but doesn’t want foreigners in its own country and makes it extremely rare for them to get citizenship let alone participate in decision making.

  • Uber to pay Australian taxi operators $272 million in class action settlement
  • In Australia I find they’re great. Super cheap, can get a ride in >10 minutes, clean, drivers are friendly. Only real complaint is a bit of the talking on devices, but that’s rare.

  • Uber to pay Australian taxi operators $272 million in class action settlement
  • Cabs had lobbied a highly profitable monopoly here, so any competition was a loss from their self assumed god given right to everyone's wallet.

  • Uber to pay Australian taxi operators $272 million in class action settlement
  • Fuck off.

    Uber sucks but the Taxi industry were far worse. They lobbied for limited numbers of licenses that cost ridiculous amounts of money, so they kept supply low while offering the worst services possible. You'd be lucky to get one unless it was the most expensive rip-off of a trip they could get out of you, forget going a 'short' distance.

    Those arseholes deserved to lose every bit of business that they did as soon as an alternative rocked up, disgusting to see them profit off their decades of horrible public opinion.

  • Uber to pay Australian taxi operators $272 million in class action settlement
  • Cabs here fucking suck, Uber forced them to up their game a bit but they're still the worse option.

    My memory of cabs is ridiculously expensive, cancelling trips or never showing up, driving dangerously, racially discriminating, sexual assaults, refusing rides if not far enough, talking on the phone or radio while driving, reeking of cigarettes, etc.

  • Visual Style Prompting with Swapping Self-Attention
  • I can’t wait to see someone port this over to comfyui.

  • 20c repentance

    All solar currencies accepted, come and lighten the burden of your wallet and soul today.

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