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Best Upgrade Path for my Desktop
  • I don't know how important the CPU is for those workloads tbh. but I feel like not as important so maybe you're fine leaving it as it is.

    I think AMD wanted to release a new GPU lineup (radeon 8000 series) sometime this year/early next year. Maybe just wait for that, sell your old card on the used market and buy a new one?

    (And throw in 16G of RAM as you said)

  • oars (OpenAgeRatingsService) in appdata.xml files: why "sex-homosexuality"?
  • Homosexuality is documented in about 10% of species across the animal kingdom. The percentage of homosexuality in a given animal species varies a lot from 0% to above 30% of the population and factors like overpopulation increase it.

    It's as natural as it can get.

  • What is the cost of privacy?
  • You must be younger than me, and more american than me.

    Cause I can't sympathize with any of your privacy challenges.

    I use any contact method available to my friends, because we just discuss when we have time to meet and then we meet offline and that way we stay in contact and keep up to date with local events.

    Aeditionally I constantly meet nice new people by doing sports, being in the park or library or town square, etc.

    When I'm online, I'm on Linux, with a VPN and off most social media (hi Lemmy). Thats all the privacy I need.

  • Stable, consistent workstation recommendations?
  • There is archinstall now, which is pretty easy to use and usually just works. I recently used it again and it took me about an hour from start to fully installed, running arch with all the packages I need.

    If you try again, make sure to use btrfs filesystem and set up snapper and bootable snapshots. That way you can always recover from a fuckup in a minute.

  • Does any distro read through 100% of the source-code of a package before adding it to its repo?
  • Man, I forgot what it was called, but once I was on the website of some batshit paranoid linux / bsd distro, which had a list of argument for why they removed certain packages.

    It definitely seemed like the maintainers were reading the source, but some of the arguments were also really out there.

    Hope somebody can remind me of what it was called.


    found it

  • Encrypted services Apple, Proton and Wire helped Spanish police identify activist | TechCrunch
  • Again, it doesn't matter where the warrant fomes from. What matters is where it goes to.

    And that detail is pretty important, while being completely left out. They say:

    it is not an option.

    But yes it is, depending on the jurisdiction.

  • Encrypted services Apple, Proton and Wire helped Spanish police identify activist | TechCrunch
  • That is true. But I wasn't debating about this specific case, but rather the generalized statement.

    The comment I replied to implies "If there is a warrant, it is always legitimate and you have to follow it, because a lawyer said so". That is not true and if it were the world would quickly go to shit, which I pointed out.

  • Encrypted services Apple, Proton and Wire helped Spanish police identify activist | TechCrunch
  • Read the blog by the guy behind , he refused multiple illegitimate warrants so far.

    What matters is the jurisdiction of the service, not the one of the warrant author, otherwise china would have already warranted all data of all other world citizens lol

  • Blocking AI crawlers with Caddy

    I was reading the reddit thread on Claude AI crawlers effectively DDOSing Linux Mint forums

    and I wanted to block all ai crawlers from my selfhosted stuff.

    I don't trust crawlers to respect the Robots.txt but you can get one here:

    Since I use Caddy as a Server, I generated a directive that blocks them based on their useragent. The content of the regex basically comes from darkvisitors.

    Sidenote - there is a module for blocking crawlers as well, but it seemed overkill for me

    For anybody who is interested, here is the block_ai_crawlers.conf I wrote.

    ``` (blockAiCrawlers) { @blockAiCrawlers { header_regexp User-Agent "(?i)(Bytespider|CCBot|Diffbot|FacebookBot|Google-Extended|GPTBot|omgili|anthropic-ai|Claude-Web|ClaudeBot|cohere-ai)" } handle @blockAiCrawlers { abort } }


    1. Place this file next to your Caddyfile

    2. Edit your Caddyfile as in the example below


    import block_ai_crawlers.conf {

    import blockAiCrawlers

    reverse_proxy * localhost:3000




    How to pirate a font

    I have bought a font with a really shitty license agreement and I have a couple of questions.

    1. How can I best share the font with the community? (I am afraid of metadata in the font files, which may be tied to my payment account etc. - I had to register and log in to download the ttf files)

    2. How can I remove the DSIG and other metadata from the ttf file while keeping it usable?

    3. Are they able to detect it if I use the font in a commercial product online by crawling my website and if yes, how could I prevent an automatic detection attempt?

    To my (and possibly your) surprise, I didn't find any free downloads of the font online. Their license is tied to a personal account, you have to log into once a year to keep the license. As far as I understand they theoretically could use the DSIG to let the ttf files "expire", at least when used in software that verifies the signature. But I may be wrong, please let me know.

    Thanks in advance and cheers-I mean ARR

    datahoarder Deckweiss
    How to datahoard Lemmy

    Sorry for not doing much research beforehand and asking a newbee question. I am looking for some entrypoint info to the question:

    How would one go about datahoarding lemmy?

    It seems to be a grade above what I've been doing so far (downloading video/audio from streaming platforms and backing up web articles and blogposts as pdfs) due to the distributed nature and the activitypub protocol. ___

    Relevant stuff that I've found so far but havent studied extensively:

    1. This does not seem to store most of the data
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