Old refutations would be Engels - Socialism: Utopian and scientific, and Bukharin - Anarchy and scientific communism
Communist society is, as such, a STATELESS society. If this is the case - and there is no doubt that it is - then what, in reality, does the distinction between anarchists and marxist communists consist of? Does the distinction, as such, vanish at least when it comes to examining the problem of the society to come and the "ultimate goal"?
No, the distinction does exist; but it is to be found elsewhere; and can be defined as a distinction between production centralised under large trusts and small, decentralised production.
We communists believe not only that the society of the future must free itself of the exploitation of man, but also that it will have to ensure for man the greatest possible independence of the nature that surrounds him, that it will reduce to a minimum "the time spent of socially necessary labour", developing the social forces of production to a maximum and likewise the productivity itself of social labour.
Our ideal solution to this is centralised production, methodically organised in large units and, in the final analysis, the organisation of the world economy as a whole. Anarchists, on the other hand, prefer a completely different type of relations of production; their ideal consists of tiny communes which by their very structure are disqualified from managing any large enterprises, but reach "agreements" with one another and link up through a network of free contracts. From an economic point of view, that sort of system of production is clearly closer to the medieval communes, rather than the mode of production destined to supplant the capitalist system. But this system is not merely a retrograde step: it is also utterly utopian. The society of the future will not be conjured out of a void, nor will it be brought by a heavenly angel. It will arise out of the old society, out of the relations created by the gigantic apparatus of finance capital. Any new order is possible and useful only insofar as it leads to the further development of the productive forces of the order which is to disappear. Naturally, further development of the productive forces is only conceivable as the continuation of the tendency of the productive process of centralisation, as an intensified degree of organisation in the "administration of things" that replaces the bygone "government of men".
- Bukharin - Anarchy and Scientific Communism
Can someone explain the 4D chess going on here? AFAIK this was just tweet diplomacy, the US hasn't passed anything about this. So why would google want to handle all the complaints and backlash they'll take for this?
All those allies except australia are at risk in the next 15 years too. Depending on how fast the US alienates them, which is accellerating pretty rapidly.
When my cat does the airplane ears, that means it's pounce time.
For anyone interested, it's referencing the Lenin quote relevant to this thread:
People always have been the foolish victims of deception and self-deception in politics, and they always will be until they have learnt to seek out the interests of some class or other behind all moral, religious, political and social phrases, declarations and promises. Champions of reforms and improvements will always be fooled by the defenders of the old order until they realise that every old institution, how ever barbarous and rotten it may appear to be, is kept going by the forces of certain ruling classes. And there is only one way of smashing the resistance of those classes, and that is to find, in the very society which surrounds us, the forces which can—and, owing to their social position, must—constitute the power capable of sweeping away the old and creating the new, and to enlighten and organise those forces for the struggle.
They look neat, but way too powerful and expensive, and not big enough. I want a whiteboard size e-ink display with a processor like a potato for like <100 USD
Yep, I've coded remotely for many years now.
I used to use vim, but now helix, as my main rust and javascript/typescript IDE. So I mainly use termux+ssh .
Unfortunately for android dev you pretty much have to run android studio, so I use an android VNC client for that.
Cheap large e-ink android screen. Doesn't need to do anything other than be a consistent, always on display with a long battery life.
I haven't used a laptop for many years now, I mostly code from an android tablet, into a remote machine. You can find ones with great battery life and keyboards.
Good article. Great to see that progress is being made in relations with India and Japan.
As the article states, they've been through a Trump term before, so know what to expect, and are planning for it accordingly.
Western country does something completely in character given its history
This is just like China!!
Actions speak louder than words.
The only difference between the republicans and democrats, is that one is better at lying.
Biden and Harris were never going to burn it down
Interesting, why did they fund it then?
Yep I think we note that in the breaking changes post. We only serve the combined responses now.
K I think it should be fixed now.
Okay its transferred to you now.
The updated spec should be at https://join-lemmy.org/api/main , and it gives you an option to download the .json
Or you can use the lemmy-js-client main branch, and run pnpm tsoa
to generate a swagger.json
I can't say yet, as we're still adding things. If you're not using lemmy-js-client, then as long as your types are generated from it's main branch directly, then you should be fine.
Link me a comment or post of yours over there.
For ppl who want to learn more about this, I highly recommend Gary Webb's Dark Alliance book. Its long but a thrilling read. Also he was "suicided" for exposing the US's drug-running operations.
The U.S. Navy is Firing Missiles in the Middle East Faster Than They Can be Replaced.
DSub2000: Android client for Subsonic servers. This is a fork of the original DSub project.
DSub2000: Android client for Subsonic servers. This is a fork of the original DSub project.
Israel tells Washington it plans imminent ground invasion of Lebanon, U.S. official says
dessalines/room-db-export-import: Import and export your jetpack compose app's room database.