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  • I have been using nothing but Linux for the last decade (literally, Arch for years and now Nix) and I'm increasingly growing to hate how so many OSS communities are bordering on zealotry.

    I've completely unsubbed from most Android communities now too because they're all such toxic, hostile places to be if you have the sheer audacity to use anything proprietary or closed source.

    I've been around this block. I've been both using and contributing to open source projects, some small, some large. I'm proud of what open source developers have achieved and am humbled by most of them. But the users...the users are starting to get really annoying.

  • Removed communities
  • Congrats on not reading the post at all and writing something that literally has nothing to do with this thread.

    It takes a special level of determination to be so completely clueless.

  • Removed communities
  • "this thing that doesn't affect me at all annoys me and shouldn't be visible"

    There's other people here who like the transparency. Literally all you have to do is keep scrolling...

  • About electric vehicle. If you add the maintenance cost for battery, how does it fair compare to gasoline vehicle? On cost we have to pay.
  • Driving a Leaf 100km a day does not mean that the battery has a range of 100km or more. It is extremely common to charge whenever you park, whether at work or when stopping at home or any time in between drives. With a charge in the middle of the day, even a car with a max range of 50km could still do 100km in one day.

    The point he's making is not about range, it's about the longevity and the reliability of the car.

  • Mullvad and Tailscale Announce Partnership
  • It's accessing literally anything you self host from home, with minimal latency and without any port forwarding on your router or exposing your services to the Internet.

    It's primary benefit is how fast it is, how much easier it is to set up for even the most novice of users, and how ubiquitous all the clients are.

    Plus it's free for 100 endpoints, which is far more than most individuals will need for home labs. And even that you can get around by using subnet routing.

    If you've ever wanted to run your own sort of Dropbox or Google docs (Syncthing/Next cloud) but didn't want to deal with the security hassle of exposing it to the Internet, this removes that completely. No more struggling with open ports, fail2ban, or messing with reverse proxies.

  • It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.
  • This drives me nuts. I like Chrome. It's simple, it's fast, the extensions I want run on it (for now), and I love the Google Account Sync because I have an Android phone. This greatly pisses off people for whatever reason, despite the fact I've never had a bad opinion about Firefox and love what they're doing too, and I never criticize anyone for choosing Firefox.

    As with everything open source communities need nuance and understanding, otherwise they start to feel like cults.

  • It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.
  • I love Linux. I love the flexibility it gives me and I enjoy tinkering when I feel like it and having something rock solid and reliable when I don't. I don't game on the PC, so this works out great for me. However, my use case isn't everyone else's, and part of the idea of giving people freedom to use their computer the way they want is accepting that sometimes they want to use their computer in a way that you don't like.

    Maybe that means using a proprietary operating system. Maybe it means using a search engine that you don't like. But that is what works for them, and sometimes I think the open source people operate on the fallacy of "there's two types of people, those who use FOSS and those who haven't found FOSS yet", and it's just so obnoxious.

    You think people go nuts when you tell them you prefer WIndows? Wait until you see their heads spin when I tell them that while I use Arch Linux, I also use Google Chrome, Telegram, Spotify, and Discord...

  • It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.
  • This is why I unsubscribed from the Android community. I love Android, I use nothing but Linux at home and really appreciate open source software.

    But the FOSS...enthusiasm is starting to border on zealotry. It's getting really unpleasant.

  • Give it to me straight. How worried are you for Fedora's future after Red Hats recent anti user decisions?
  • Hm, then respectfully, if it's not possible for a RedHat employee to be anything more than an advertisement and we're judging the number of people on either side to be the indicator of truth, then I guess there's nothing productive for you and I to discuss. I didn't hear anything that sounded like rationalization or excuses from the RedHat guy.

    Something people were getting for free is no longer free. Those people will always outnumber anyone who has a different perspective on the situation. Which is why I said that FOSS enthusiasts have a tendency not to understand or appreciate what they're getting for "free" and everyone wants to treat open source like it's entirely powered by community and spirit and "money" or "compensation" or "economics" don't really mean anything because we shrug it aside.

    Everyone wants to demonize the big bad corporate IBM but somehow we're totally happy looking the other way while Rocky Linux happily clones the product and sells support contracts to NASA that should rightfully go to RedHat, no matter how much money RedHat makes.

    I think RedHat has provided tons of alternatives and compromises that don't involve buying RHEL. Again, I don't think this decision is going to convert anyone to a paid customer.

  • Give it to me straight. How worried are you for Fedora's future after Red Hats recent anti user decisions?
  • I trust them to run the compiled binary code they provide, why wouldn't I trust them to do the right thing with telemetry to actually improve the experience?

    You can literally see the metrics schema and what is being collected, it's not some proprietary sneak on your system secretly phoning home. If it gives them actual information on problems, allows them to correlate issues with environment, cause and effect, UX heatmaps to improve common actions, why wouldn't I want that?

    I can be privacy-minded, but also not have the binary black and white opinion that all telemetry is bad and evil. I've almost never reported bugs directly to a distro, it's just not something I have the time or patience for. But in the absence of that as my contribution, my telemetry is likely to help at least paint a picture for developers on where to start with fixing issues, and I think that's just fine.

    Plus, I can just opt out at any time. And I have zero issues trusting Fedora that when I say "opt out" it will actually opt out and not try to do some funny business.

  • Wayland Screenshot tool with dedicated editor/annotater (that can open up non-screenshot files too)?

    Before you say "Flameshot", please give me a chance to explain!

    On my Mac, I use a tool called Shottr, which is great, not only can I take a screenshot and then proceed to annotate it, I can also load in an image that does not come from taking a screenshot (like an image downloaded from the internet, or a picture taken by my phone) and annotate that as well by directly opening the image with Shottr.

    I just tried to do this using pictures I took with my phone that had content I wanted to pixelate, so I grabbed Obfuscate (the GNOME app), and it loaded the images turned sideways and I couldn't rotate them back, and it also only had blackout and a mild blur which didn't really cover anything up.

    I installed Flameshot, but I don't seem to be able to open an image with the Flameshot editor (doesn't show up with the Open With dialog, and I didn't feel like having to open the file via cli was a good solution). I gave up and ended up just using my Mac to quickly pixelate what I needed.

    On KDE, I think Spectacle was able to do this just fine, but I'm trying the all-GTK all-GNOME approach and don't want to pull in a bunch of dependencies just to get Spectacle.

    Here's an example of what I'm able to do with Shottr and why I prefer its tools...I can blur, I can blur only text (it can somehow detect this, I can even erase only text as well:


    And I'm able to do that very, very quickly. I realize tools like Kirta and GIMP could achieve something similar, but Shottr takes seconds to open, edit, and copy to clipboard.

    Any suggestions on tools?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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