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Men losing their mind
  • The plane rules of rhetoric do not change simply because a thing is not oppression. I'm just a rando adding comment to down vote to express what I think was done wrong.

    Thosen two quotes are an excellent example of my principle, actually. The second one when given as a response to the first carries all the factionalist racism and denial of your last line.

  • Biology rule
  • English is an organic language and can shift subtly with each speaker,. Especially if prior usage makes communication more difficult.

    NOT having distinct terms for sex and gender makes communication and understanding harder. If you have alternate terms you think are better I'd love to hear them., but if all you have is an insistence that "incorrect English" is a thing I'll just have to wish you a good day.

  • Men losing their mind
  • Sarcasm and hyperbole are two of my favorite things, but Poe's ls is a real thing.

    Without a clear indicator of intent, it's impossible to distinguish snark from extremism

  • Men losing their mind
  • It's worse than that. It's a sexist assertion that all men model the worst of our gender while all women model the best of theirs, which aggrivatingly dismisses feminist progressive men and excusing sexist regressive women.

    DomeWife is not the one teaching DomeBaby about bodily autonomy or feminism, though she does have plenty of examples of women being sexist to our manly kith and kin.

  • Men losing their mind
  • Yes, you did. In approximately the same way that All Lives Matter was just a dog-whistley way of saying "No they don't" to Black Lives Matter.

    When someone says I suffer from THING, responding with other people suffer too as your primary message is always a dismissal of the person's suffering.

    If you want to avoid the inferred message, include an affirmative message of acknowledgement, like "nobody should suffer like that."

  • i need an rv, and lab equipment, and a helper
  • You should check with the laws in your state (or your insurance agency, if you have a low enough deductible.).

    Just because the grocery store puts up a sign that they are not responsible for damages doesn't mean they aren't. They have a first amendment right to lie, and a game-theory reason to do so.

  • Biology rule
  • Male or female = sex = what's in their pants.

    Man or woman = gender = how they express and identify.

    While I recognize that some may use these terms differently, I find that having a strict sex/gender seperation for them in my personal use helps greatly in keeping the concepts distinct and having empathy for those whose gender is not sex-conformant.

    That it also leads to a pithy rebuttal to "what is a woman" bigotry is just a nice side effect. Apologies if my usage was not immediately apparent.

  • House rule for comment : Spell Slot Heresy
  • Not quite. 10 minutes to recover 1 point, without some wording form the non-remaster version that could be mis-read as "you can only get one point back, ever."

    Requirements You have a focus pool, and you have spent at least 1 Focus Point since you last regained any Focus Points.

    In the remaster, the requirement was changed to just:

    Requirements You have a focus pool

  • House rule for comment : Spell Slot Heresy
  • Thanks for the examples and feedback!

    Yes, this is a very slight increase to character power, which is why its called "Spell Slot Heresy." But since this is for a TTRPG and not a video game, any GM who lets this "remove all challenge" would probably pull the punches and let the PCs win anytime. Consider:

    • Fire Ray and Moonbeam are both 2A spells that do ~1d6 per level fire damage plus a little extra. At best they're removing one target per round, and the monster core is full of creatures with "Immunitiy: Fire". Not to mention both become 3A activities if they want to recover their focus point, meaning that cleric or druid doesn't have a third action to sustain, move, raise a shield, or take cover.

    • Ki Strike is a status bonus to attack, which doesn't stack with either Courageous Anthem or Bless. Meaning the net effect is that, for three actions, the monk can attack twice with +1d6 damage. Strong for a third action, maybe, but half that power comes from a core monk ability that is by itself only about on par with a fighter taking 2 attacks.

    • Hand of the Apprentice is honestly on par or behind damaging cantrips like Divine Lance or Ignite. "Spend 3 actions to make one melee strike at range" isn't all that unbalanced, esp since that same wizard could have wands and scrolls of fireball.

    While resource-management for the adventuring day SOUNDS like it's worthwhile, the most common pattern in literally every game I've been a player for in any system is for the GM to say "you get all your stuff back". Even in pathfinder there's no real guard against the party deciding "we rest until we're healed." Pazio knew what they were doing when they designed P2E, and it wouldn't be as good as it was if they had made resource management a real part of the combat-game balance. Since what matters is just the relative scale of PC power and the round-to-round action economy, simplifying or removing resource management is something that Pathfinder is very well adapted to.

    If you and your players (or GM) really want a resource management minigame, I'd suggest house-ruling in the opposite direction and make HP and spell slot recovery harder than they are in Pathfinder 2e. But that's an entirely separate discussion.

  • Biology rule
  • I think the best response is always "you don't know that". Sex and Gender are not the same thing, and adults should know by now that they can't tell what's in someone else's pants by looking at their face.

  • House rule for comment : Spell Slot Heresy
  • Except that you can gain up to 3, and there is the champion "Desperate Focus" feat allowing them to recover during combat as a free action. (With caveats in PC2).

    Can you think of an example 1-A or 2-A focus spell that would be horribly unbalanced if a character was able to just cast it every round? Compared to that same character's alternatives with runed weapons, spell slots, scrolls, or wands?

  • House rule for comment : Spell Slot Heresy
  • Focus Spells are "easier to use" spells that, relative to full slotted spells, should be easier to use. Since spell slots moved from "wait until the adventuring day is over" to "have a pause during exploration", it seemed appropriate to move focus points from "have a pause during exploration" to something easier, meaning "during combat."

    Since it burns actions to do nothing but recover a single focus point, having it be as complex as casting a fireball (2-A) seemed excessive. So, 1-A is where I landed.

  • Coming Soon: Pathfinder: The Dragon's Demand - Kickstarter
  • That looks neat! Is it using the ORC license or is there a seperate deal with pazio?

    I see that it's single-player, but it'd be neat if the crpg could have a (bolted on utter hack of a) "gm mode" that could serve as a self-hosted local-only VTT. I have kids, and neither enough room nor money for proper minis. :)

  • House rule for comment : Spell Slot Heresy

    First house rule from my P2e remaster game, offered for your review.

    Spell Slot Heresy

    Since Pathfinder is balanced at a per encounter level, per-day limits on daily abilities are largely only kept around due to tradition. And tradition is just peer pressure from strangers, I don't see a good reason to follow it.

    Any spellcaster can recover spent spell-slots with a one-hour activity, as noted below, while characters with focus points can recover them during combat.


    Recover Magic

    Traits: concentrate, exploration, manipulate Requirements: You have expended a spell slot or used some other once-per-day activity

    You spend one hour to recover your expended magical power.

    During such time you may not work on any other activities or actions or be treated for wounds. At the end of the hour you regain spell slots or once-per-day abilities as per your daily preparations. If you have cast spells from a wand or staff, the item also regains any expended uses or charges.

    If you are a prepared spellcaster such as a cleric or wizard, you may not replace what spells you have prepared for the day.


    Refocus (1A)

    Traits: concentrate, flourish, manipulate Requirements: You are missing at least one focus point.

    You take a moment to perform some deed to restore your magical connection, such as touching a talisman, speaking a phrase, or simply taking a breath. Doing so restores 1 Focus Point at the end of your turn.


    EDIT: For the record, please presume the above is all released under the ORC license as a derivative of Player Core 1.

    Looking for feedback on house rules
  • Is it your intention to make melee attacks relatively less deadly? You gave a flat damage boost to both ranged and melee, but no corresponding boon to melee.

    P2e is balanced around its action economy. Melee attacks are higher damage because PCs frequently need to spend an action to get into range.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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