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TIL of research into genetically engineering humans for space and living on other planets.
  • Do you want real life Exo Squad? Because this is how you get Exo Squad.

    Joking aside, while this may be faster, I think it would safer in the long run to keep focusing on actually getting to space and achieving faster than rockwt/thruster propulsion and let evolution work with that.

  • After the only hospital in town closed, a North Carolina city directs its ire at politicians
  • I know you are being a little facetious but I think there really is a nugget of truth there. I didn't full realize how much my Healthcare is, until this past reup and it got me thinking how many people probably don't realize how much they are paying because it is a pre-tax deduction so they technically don't even see the bill to realize how much they are paying.

  • ‘It is simple. You name the crime’: AOC has contentious exchange with Biden probe witness
  • That is not true. They still need probable cause to detain you, and if they have that they can actually hold you up to a max of 72 hrs before they must file actual charges. But for a stop they can only detain you in so long to effect the investagory period. That can take however long but for say a traffic stop should be like 20-30 minutes.

  • Just over half of Americans over the age of 65 are earning under $30,000 a year, and it shows how stark the retirement crisis is
  • Yes, but also no.

    They don't call it the 1%, or 2%, or whatever percentage you want to use for nothing. There is still a large portion of boomers, my parents included that drank the kool-aid and by kool-aid I mean the pick yourself up by the bootstraps and work hard and you will be successful bs. They along with the rest of the leftover portion of their generation are pretty much unable to retire, just like the article points to. That is the class warfare. It doesn't matter what generation they are from it really does boil down to the haves and have nots.

    The true point of Capitalism is like a big game of monopoly at the end only 1 person is going to win. There really is no other way for it to go down.

  • That sure is a lot of guns you got there. lolol
  • He is also talking movie techno babble, with the exception of the shape charge for the tank buster. That was actually use in Afghanistan and Iraq, but the whole using microwave towers to take down a plane.

    While his theory for the plane is sound he doesn't know what equipment those towers have and there is no way to tighten the beam of a parabolic dish without changing the feed horn. Plus tightening the beam will not add power(in this case heat potential) to allow the towers to do what he wants.

  • Albama
  • The guillotine?! Which your brain/consciousness can stay functioning for 30 sec and up to like 4 min? That is better than nitrogen asphyxiation?

    Now by all means by your criteria, yes it is fast and there is very little room for failure. However I think we still don't know if it is as painless as we perceive it to be with how long you can stay concieous.

    Regardless I am also of the same mind that we could move away from capital punishment as a society.

  • Tennessee after-school Satan club holds first meeting despite protests
  • How are they influenced, and they aren't used being used for publicity from what I can tell from the article. One of the first posts here does a pretty good summary of the article that it centers more around the outrage than actually the after-school program itself.

  • A Far-Right Court Just Admitted a Truth That Abortion Foes Want to Hide
  • I am pretty sure we are coming from the same place here but I would like to point out anyway the hypocrisy of this seemingly strawman argument. If anyone has relocated to different states(like I have) they should know each one can be vastly different and for an issue as big as this and as impactful as this should not be left up to the states becuase of that fact. I again, realize I am just reiterating what has already been said but it is just so incredulous to believe that a percentage of the population thought that this was a good idea.

  • A Far-Right Court Just Admitted a Truth That Abortion Foes Want to Hide
  • Yeah we see how well that has worked out with the few media posts about women fleeing states to get an abortion and the state AG is trying to hold the out of state hospital accountable. Where is the "leaving it up the states", there?

  • Family of 11-year-old shot by police vows to seek justice after officer gets no charges
  • I would have liked to have been a bug on the wall to hear the grand jury deliberate this one. I mean I get the knee jerk reaction, but even so a kid who it seemingly was complying with instructions, gets shot anyway. How is that not negligent?

  • Texas Supreme Court rules against woman who sought abortion hours after she says she’ll travel out of state
  • I think they were just side stepping since they paused the lower courts ruling and then when they found out she left the state they dismissed their ruling as moot and then just went and overturned the lower courts. Pretty fucking spineless but they can still throw a supposed W and make themselves out to upholding values or some other BS talking point.

  • Cars Are A Disaster For Society -- Here Are the Numbers | CityNerd
  • You do realize the amount of extra track and train, you would need to offset the use of freight trucks on highways don't you, let alone the increase in smaller box trucks as well.?

    I am simplifying a little but that is how the trucking industry started because rail was not able to keep up with demand for goods logistics.

  • Mike Johnson: 'Depraved' America Deserves God's Wrath
  • The only thing that would be the icing on the cake would all of these "Christians" would still be firmly on planet earth while everyone of the LGBTQ Alphabet would ascend. I know I am being hyperbolic but people can understand what I am getting at.

  • I'm not asking to be rich.
  • But that has been the theory being toted by a certain percentage of people for the past 40 years. The whole trickle down economics. That is hard thing to get out of your head since it has been there for so long.

  • Kevin McCarthy Kills Bipartisan Senate Bill to Avert Shutdown
  • Has anyone not seen Pacific Rim...

    I jest but I am one of the thousands of govt employees that will be furloughed if the govt shuts down.

    I really hate to get into conspiracy theory territory but I think Jan 6 was a precedent setting situation to further the GOP agenda to make any kind of march because of this BS that is being pulled by certain politicians to try to remove them will be met with the whole see the other side is doing it and they are bad.

    I really hope I am wrong and I am reading the situation wrong, but with the way things are going...who the fuck knows.

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