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My lib friend, unprompted, posted this bullshit
  • I would say no to both abd eat after I got off the worst flight of my life. It’s okay to not make a choice when choosing airline food

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • I genuinely think pop/rap/rock was all better before circa 2008 and this is material rather than preference. The rise of the computer and social media changed the way music was made and understood. Rappers and electronic are worse at sampling, new artists overproduce without the skills of the insane studio producers in the 70s and 80s.

  • The Peace Corps released this warning for black people volunteering in Ukraine
  • Paul Robeson on his experience meeting Soviet Citizens who had never seen a black man before:

    “Here, I am not a Negro but a human being for the first time in my life,” he said. “I walk in full human dignity.”

  • finally some good news
  • That’s not skin, that’s the same material as the candy hamburgers.

  • Another cumbag discovered ✍
  • Okay but who the heck is Amy I. Chai?

  • A timeline of being black in America
  • 1964-1970 should say progress. Then 1970-2024 should say police wage war against being black in a city.

  • Oh fuck off.
  • 2021 was the dumbest year.

    Masks mandate should’ve been policy until 85-90% of people were vaccinated. This would’ve put a level of social pressure on people to get it done. It also would’ve kept down the Delta strain super spreader events between Thanksgiving and New Years that made many people lose faith in the vaccines effectiveness

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • In the last 500 years, Egypt has had actual autonomy for like 30, and this year isn’t one of them.

  • Stethoscope theory
  • Tankies don’t even care that Molotov Ribbentrop went to Tianemen Square in 1984 to take my dad’s sugar plantation and forced the workers to get paid money for their work. They really don’t even care.

  • At this point is really just reddit 2
  • If people like William Lloyd Garrison and John Brown voted Whig party every single election and attempted to nudge them left we would still have fucking slavery.

    The Whig parties death in the 1850s is what allowed the more radical Republican Party to rise. No one looks back on the years of Whig party rule and says, “wow but at least the slavery was ran more politely.”

  • Yours, Lenin. P.S. Trotsky has sent in a silly letter. We shall neither print it nor reply to him.
  • China does something:

    Western media: “The red moon risen, The technology panda, the nuclear tiger, the economic noodle king, the supercondumpling”

  • Yea
  • We’re gonna elect so many people this year, it’s gonna be like nothing you’ve ever seen. Tune in for the next 200 days and glue your eyes, because here it comes!

  • A new age of conflicts being fought with old-standby weapons has exposed the move away from making basic munitions as a strategic error.
  • I mean has America put winning a war first since WW2?

    If I remember correctly in Korea, American soldiers were trained to fight alongside tanks, but then the MIC couldn’t provide tanks, because the hot commodity was Air Force bombers and nukes. Almost all small arms weapons were just surplus or restocked from WW2. This made the ground forces training essentially worthless and caused the highest casualty rate per day in an American war.

  • You’ve heard of bread and circuses, now get ready for lead in purchases
  • The plastic surgery on that woman is always so fucking funny

  • I've been unemployed practically my entire life and I don't know what to do about it
  • You are an excuse machine. No one likes their job. No one likes feeling alienated. It’s called living under capitalism, and it’s what everyone here hopes to change.

    In an earlier post you said you can drive. Get a job driving a van, say you have years experience at some shit company some relative has some connection too.

    If you don’t try any of the things people give to you as advice, don’t say you don’t know what to do

  • I too love spreading bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Why no sandy beaches and wave pools at the hospital? America is communist!

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 - Morena Reigns More - COTW: Mexico
  • What’s really annoying about this is almost every industry where people NEED to drive for work, the worker gets an EZ pass given to them. I was a minimum wage van driver drowning in explotation and the company still covered that.

  • Gil Scott-Heron - "B" Movie Gil Scott-Heron - "B" Movie

    Although a major across-the-board hit always eluded the poet, singer, and activist Gil Scott-Heron, this album does contain one of his best-known songs. "B-M...

    Gil Scott-Heron - "B" Movie

    This song came out the year Reagan was elected. It marks the year everything got irreversibly shitty in the US.

    The left in the US took major losses in the postwar period, but this man’s election ended any chance of a peaceful end to the Cold War or peace after the Cold War.

    How do you do it?

    How the hell do you all effort post? I never go on internet on a computer/laptop. Are you guys the same? I don’t understand how someone could effort post with thumbs.
