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How socially conservative are China and Vietnam, and how can they realistically become more progressive?
  • Normally, economic development comes before social development, as occurred in the West younger generations are more openly socially progressive

  • Major USA political affiliations explained
  • They're not called the left wing of fascism for nothing

  • Thoughts on Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Scientology?
  • They are cults, Mormonism is the logical conclusion of US cultural messianism and Protestantism, it is American exceptionalism in the form of religion. Jehovah's Witness I don't have much knowledge Scientology is an obvious scam, and a criminal organisation.

  • Chinese reunification with Taiwan to devastate US, Commerce Sec. says
  • It depends on how you define it, China has a long-term strategy, reunification could still take decades, even more so since Taiwan is an important US base

  • France joins China to condemn Israel’s attack plans, veering from US position
  • France has always had its own interests, and also wants to free itself from US political and military domination over itself, but it is still a country that cannot be trusted.

  • Holy shit, WWII remembrance in the Netherlands is terrible
  • Talking about the country that one of their greatest writers was a collaborator of the Germans

  • Why America's Military Is Physically Falling Apart
  • The profit motive at all costs has its consequences when applied to all areas of the state and society.

  • Civilization vs primitivism:
  • It looks apocalyptic

  • Where do you live? (Wrong answers only)
  • Rattlesnake in similar to the sea in red as an ember

  • Why is North Korea and the Kim family so demonized?
  • Racism, orientalism, and anti-communism are some points that come to mind

  • US agrees to withdraw troops from Niger amid Sahel region’s pivot to Russia
  • They are not able to maintain all their fronts, especially with Ukraine and Israel, it requires a lot of military, financial, intelligence and political resources to maintain. And it's a double-edged sword, the more they try to maintain it, the more things get worse on the domestic front.

  • Israel's defence against Iran attack 'cost over $1bn'
  • And there is also the detail that Isarel needed help from the USA and their vassals in the region to intercept, they couldn't do it alone

  • Head of US Space Farce Sobs About Chinese and Russian Space Capabilities Beginning to Match and Overtake US
  • I don't know, that was always the rule in the USA, they kept sucking minds and scientists from Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa. US intellectual production was never enough to cover demand, today due to their own idiocy and xenophobia they no longer attract scientists from the rest of the world

  • The Star Wars Universe Doesn't Work
  • It's not that the prequels didn't spend 3 films talking about how bourgeois democracy degenerates into facism

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 14
  • Fuck Albert Camus, one of the worst modern French philosophers. Literally, it is the definition of first-world problems in philosophy

  • What are you currently reading?
  • I love this book

  • About 50% of the US fleet of F-35s (A/B/C) is incapable of conducting combat missions.
  • Drug traffickers started using their own product

  • What is your opinion on the Roman senator Cicero?

    Many people seem to have a favorable opinion of him, for supposedly defending the Roman republic during its collapse, but seeing his history and actions he did everything to defend the interests of the Roman elite to the detriment of the Roman population, and abused the system against their enemies when it was convenient and was a landowner famous for building the buildings in a horrible shape. Still, it has a reputation for having defenders to this day.

    Mercenaries fight along Israeli army in Gaza – paper - Jordan News Mercenaries fight along Israeli army in Gaza – paper - Jordan News | Latest News from Jordan, MENA

    El Mundo, Spain's second-largest daily newspaper, revealed on Friday that a Spanish mercenary is helping to fight Hamas in Gaza. "They pay very well, good equipment and quiet work," a self-described neo-Nazi Pedro Díaz Flores Corrales, was quoted as saying.

    Mercenaries fight along Israeli army in Gaza – paper - Jordan News | Latest News from Jordan, MENA
    Mercenaries fight along Israeli army in Gaza – paper - Jordan News. Mercenaries fight along Israeli army in Gaza – paper - Jordan News | Latest News from Jordan, MENA

    El Mundo, Spain's second-largest daily newspaper, revealed on Friday that a Spanish mercenary is helping to fight Hamas in Gaza. "They pay very well, good equipment and quiet work," a self-described neo-Nazi Pedro Díaz Flores Corrales, was quoted as saying.

    Mercenaries fight along Israeli army in Gaza – paper - Jordan News | Latest News from Jordan, MENA
    Drstrange2love Drstrange2love
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