Skip Navigation Admin Response to Meta/Threads
  • The “guy standing in the driveway” just outed a woman to authorities for trying to get an abortion.

    We already know he is a bad actor.

    “Wait and see” is bullshit.

    Facebook/Meta is THE largest social network and one of the oldest active ones.

    We’ve seen it all.

    There’s no reason to wait.


    I’m deleting my .world accounts now and moving to .ml.

  • Admin Response to Meta/Threads
  • I think I’m just going to wipe my account and ditch altogether.

    There is absolutely no valid reason Lemmy should have any association with Meta, no matter how vague or distant.

    I’m out.

  • Admin Response to Meta/Threads

    If federates with Meta/Threads, I will delete my accounts and ditch Lemmy altogether.

    It’s shameful that this is even up for discussion.

    What an embarrassment.

  • Admin Response to Meta/Threads
  • How do I switch any existing username? Is that possible?

  • Admin Response to Meta/Threads
  • No, sorry.

    We know exactly what Zuckerbag is all about.

    Not a chance.

    I’ll hop right the fuck off Lemmy in a heartbeat.

  • Why is this still a thing in 2023?!
  • Impeccable username.

  • What's a company secret you can share now that you no longer work there?
  • The people who negotiate your medical claims make more money on the settlement commissions than the doctors even make from their procedures.

    And there’s like 25-40 people total who handle the claims for every single health insurance company.

  • What an adventure though
  • Zero sympathy for anyone who lost their money on NFTs or BitCoin.

    OceanGate submersible level stupidity anyone should’ve seen coming.

  • This might help explain the spectacular launch of Threads
  • I’m not sure how you can see it any other way.

    They had a successful platform (Instagram) and piggybacked a new platform on top and are counting the users toward their numbers.

    If Zuckerbag released Threads without being tied to Instagram, it’d be a queef in the wind of a userbase.

    It’s a clever strategy. For sure. I won’t pretend it’s not.

    But seeing how “Notes” went - I don’t think it’s gonna go very far.

    It’s like if McDonald’s started selling hotdogs from their stores under a separate store within their restaurants.

    “McDog’s has over 1 billion served!”

    No, McDonald’s does - you just put another product under the same roof by a different name.

  • DeSantis Campaign Stalls as He Tries to Court Trump’s GOP Fans and Foes Alike
  • Not meaning to be rude at all but - do you remember the 2016 election?

    These people will vote for anyone who is not a Democrat.

    They don’t care about policy, they don’t care about honesty, they don’t care about personality.

    All they want is to be able to say “we won!”

    They’ll polish that turd DeSantis right up in their minds and pull the lever for him.

    Make no mistake.

  • DeSantis Campaign Stalls as He Tries to Court Trump’s GOP Fans and Foes Alike
  • I appreciate your integrity.

    I gotta say though - I don’t know how anyone could see it any other way after 2016.

    Republicans would vote for a plastic shopping bag if it ran against a Democrat.

    They’re childish people fighting an invisible enemy of “wokeness” and all these other bullshit buzzwords and culture wars.

    If Trump isn’t the nominee, they will vote for DeSantis. If DeSantis isn’t the nominee, they will vote for a plastic shopping bag with an “R” Sharpie’d onto it.

  • This might help explain the spectacular launch of Threads
  • Why?

    Because Instagram did the same BS with their “Notes” feature recently and now nobody uses it.

    You were automatically enrolled and it showed up on your feed and three months later, it’s crickets.

    As much as I hate Twitter, I don’t think Threads is going to make a dent in the long run.

  • This might help explain the spectacular launch of Threads
  • I fucking KNEW it.

    35 million users my asshole - they’re just counting existing Instagram accounts.

  • In – or out? Wimbledon considers replacing line judges with AI
  • Good automation solves problems rapidly.

    Bad automation creates problems rapidly.

    Doesn’t seem to be worth the risk.

  • DeSantis Campaign Stalls as He Tries to Court Trump’s GOP Fans and Foes Alike
  • Yes, unfortunately.

    Don’t get complacent. Vote.

  • I can't post hardly anything on Reddit anyway
  • It’s a useful tool but it’s obnoxious without Apollo allowing you to collapse it.

  • I can't post hardly anything on Reddit anyway
  • Good to hear that!

  • 3 Day Ban from Reddit

    Got a 3 day ban from Reddit because someone abused the “Reddit Cares” function.

    I’m just done.

    You may see me around here but I’m just so tired of all of it.

    It’s a fucking flashlight community - why on Earth is it so hard to participate without constant contrived bullshit?

    And I don’t mean the mods on our sub - they’re great - I mean large sub moderators and Reddit’s lazy heavy-handed moderation.

    Hoping to see more people come over to Lemmy in time but I know it might be an uphill battle.

    See you later,

    GSXRBro/DuckDuck !

    DuckDuckGoneForGood FuckOff is garbage. Come to where Zuckerberg is not present.

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