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Abortions in first 12 weeks should be legalised in Germany, commission says
  • People seem to have issues understanding the texts of laws.

    It's only illegal if these 3 things aren't met.

    1. You got a counseling prior
    2. It's done by a physician
    3. It happens until week 12 after conception

    I don't think these things are unreasonable at all

  • Abortions in first 12 weeks should be legalised in Germany, commission says
  • I went in to read the German law itself and it's basically only illegal if certain conditions aren't met and that is getting a counseling beforehand.

    I think that's a bit of a far stretch and misleading to say it's illegal but rarely punished etc.

    Also the headline is completely wrong, as it is already allowed to get an abortion up to week 12.

    Here is the part of the legal text defining the requirements.

    Section 218a Exemption from punishment for abortion

    (1) The elements of the offence under section 218 are not deemed fulfilled if

    1.  the pregnant woman requests the termination of pregnancy and demonstrates to the physician by producing the certificate referred to in section 219 (2) sentence 2 that she obtained counselling at least three days prior to the procedure,

    2.  the termination is performed by a physician and

    3.  no more than 12 weeks have elapsed since conception.

  • Millennials are exhausted by working more for less.
  • For whoever thinks not voting will be any form of good decision. Ask yourself this question.

    How can someone distinguish a not vote because your fine with how things are from a not vote out of protest?

  • Millennials are exhausted by working more for less.
  • Thank you! It's so refreshing to see someone actually taking action and doing something.

    That constant stream of fingerpointing with the expectation that others need to do it, is just the prime form of entitlement.

    I hope people follow your role model and start really doing something!

  • That'll teach ya
  • That's the Standart in about every developed nation on this planet. I don't get it either what the USA is trying to accomplish there.

    A thing that isn't obvious seeing that insanely inflated prices is, that these are prices for individuals and won't be payed by insurances. If you have let's say a 70k hospital bill, the insurance might just say we only pay you 8k. The hospital then takes the 8k and writes of the other 68k as a loss. This results in the hospital not earning any money on paper and they don't pay taxes.

    My favorite thing to look at, when it comes to these inflated prices in USA Healthcare ae the prices of saline solution.

    Have a read if you're interested.

  • Taylor Swift threatens legal action against Florida student who tracks her jet | CNN Business
  • "that one action" lol

    She is basically the worst case of private jet usage and leading the list of such individuals, while somehow advocating for the environment.

    This is just ridiculous.

    And she is trying to fuck that guy up for "stalking" and "harassment", just for showing public data.

    On top, for whatever reason, she had 2 private jets flying around until now. Seems like she sold one this month.

  • Average website visit in 2024
  • The thing your missing is, when you click only allow non essential, that means it's still 700 companies tracking you because of the great term "legitimate interest". That's the one you need to deactivate and this usually one by one as shown in this post.

    So yeah, you're essentially allowing all the stuff the way you're doing it

  • Can someone explain to me what makes Taylor Swift so popular?
  • The 120k went into the label, he pumped another million into her directly just for the first album.

    btw I tried to find a trustfull source for the claim that it was only 120k. There are different numbers thrown around, while the 120k is the lowest. The source of that number is Wikipedia and the 2 linked "resources" for that don't mention it. One of the 2 resources is even an article that is not about Tailor Swift but rather one about some Tobey Keith instead.

    I don't think it was disclosed. I couldn't find any proof about the amount.

    She was 14 when "signing" the record label contract.

    This is basically the moment where they used that load of money.And everyone who is thinking that she is a self-made anything is blind by choice.

    Parents throwing Kids at that age into international careers make me at least sceptical about their motivation. That it seems to have worked out this time, doesn't change that at all.

  • Can someone explain to me what makes Taylor Swift so popular?
  • Besides the insanely huge help she had on the beginning, the bigger part was for sure the knowledge transfer in terms of how to run a monetary wise successfull business.

    And yes she is talented, I'm not saying she isn't. But the advantage she had, due to this, speak for itself.

  • Can someone explain to me what makes Taylor Swift so popular?
  • The reason is that her dad is quite rich and was a stock broker.

    He invested heavily in the label that had his daughter under contract, being able to dictate what the label was focusing on and on top he has thrown another Million on her, to start the journey.

    So to sum it up a huge tone of money, contacts and knowledge about how to run a business by her father.

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