EarthShipTechIntern @ EarthShipTechIntern Posts 1Comments 538Joined 1 yr. ago
Dogs lips & eyes are cherryfied
Not gonna change my pants. Vandals.
Emergencies is exactly what they recommend it for.
"S500 is developed for scenarios such as emergency rescue, surveying and mapping, and urban security. When an earthquake or flood occurs, it can be quickly launched to ensure on-site power supply and communication," said the company's chief technology officer Weng Hanke.
Plus, it's first steps. Who knows what can be achieved down the road.
I've had the same notion floating around my mind for a while now. Always interesting to see ideas made manifest (even if I'm not part of the development).
Expired. :(
Repo man 1984 (Henry Dean Stanton & Emilio Estavez' most iconic movie)
Suburbia 1983 (most punk bands in a movie, ever, at the time?)
And there's Top Secret (1984), Val Kilmer's first movie, made by the Airplane! ZAZ team.
Are you a bot? Your grammar makes me think: yes. Or autocorrect, via Google.
Neoliberal policies fuel degradation of institutions? Can't say I disagree, though having little to do with dismantling of democracy, or those institutions.
I may be missing a reference. Or you're just making HooooooB out of heliboard. Enlighten me!
If your one mistake is attacking your floor with sledgehammer or jackhammer, you may have a point.
Hardwoods & bamboo will weather damn near anything.
Even dog claws will take a few years before the floor begs for a refinishing.
Every spill leaves a mark?
Hardwoods need finish coats. Sounds like a real half assed job you're living with.
You might look for more competent flooring people.
When I was working with a 3rd generation hardwood master, we would glue in a replacement chip or swap the board if the chip was huge. And stain to match (if appropriate). And refinish.
Always, ALWAYS make the finished product an even, flat floor.
Stained potholes? Wtf ever. Fire that team.
Heliboard kicks Gboard out of the park
Why aren't they on fdroid?
Penguin pondering
We'll be living in a Cockwomble's Kakistocracy for the next four years?
At least it sounds different from failing democracy. New words welcome. Dystopia deserves better descriptions if nothing else.
Fungi are not amused by association with Trump's penis.
One can dream...
I do wish this were prophecy
A grow space for bugs & plants is what I was thinking of. The best word or phrase to relay that is elusive to me currently (darn mental secretary taking a lunch or coffee break)
Infants in the glove are pre-stingy (takes some time out of the mudshell-papoose before their stingers harden, right? Wasp pubescence, brought to all by air.).
Stands to reason, untended (by adult wasps) mud dressed larvae can be relocated stinger- free.
Motivation to start an atrium? Or murder. Or sacrifice the gloves to the WaspBiome.
Damn answers leading to more questions.