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Korean Lenin & Marx
  • Good taste comrade, Cholima on the wing is a banger

  • Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
  • Pisses me off so much how these libs imply that people who are against genocide can't be marginalized. "Your queer, disabled, and marginalized loved ones" give me a fucking break. I AM queer you asshole.

  • Uncritical support to miHoYo for taking gacha g*mer's money to build a Tokamak reactor
  • It sounds extremely cool. Reminds me of how Liu Cixin describes the spaceships in the Remembrance of Earth's Past trilogy.

  • gaze and be amazed at the pure coziness of this tram line in Strasbourg
  • Ackshually while Strasbourg is on the German border, the city is in France and presumably so is this multicoloured house

  • Libs: Evil Tankie Jon Stewart believes the US is to blame for Russia invading Ukraine.
  • It's even worse than that. They don't think genocide is going to happen, they think it's happening. I've heard liberals saying that pro Palestine activists are hypocrites for not protesting against Russia because the war in Ukraine is apparently "quantifiably worse in terms of death displacement and suffering". Nevermind the United Nations themselves reporting that child deaths in Gaza in the past 8 months exceed deaths in all other global conflict combined in the past 4 years. They have an entirely made up set of facts in their heads.

  • A government report from Ottawa warns it's time for Canada to prepare for the possibility of civil war in the US.
  • This entire document pisses me off beyond belief. Those in power are fully aware the world is collapsing and how it is happening, but they have no intention of doing anything about it to help the people, just to cement their power. They aren't even afraid of saying it.

  • Bad news, everybody: the revolution is cancelled
  • no they definitely would be happy if a colour revolution happened in Iran, reddit reposter is an israeli zionazi

  • Bad news, everybody: the revolution is cancelled
  • the redditor who posted this is an israeli zionazi is anyone surprised???

  • Bad news, everybody: the revolution is cancelled
  • I love how these self described "leftists" and "progressives" only ever say things that serve to reinforce the idea that nothing should or can change. Regardless of if these things are true or not, at the end of the day the function of these statements is to reinforce the status quo. Yet these dipshits will claim to be progressive, to want change. Don't buy it for a fucking second. They're privileged enough to live in a world that seems "peaceful" to them, and that's all they care about. They want that world to stay exactly the same, "safe" for them at any cost to anyone else. The irony is the violence they think doesn't occur under the status quo is coming for them too, it's coming for us all.

  • posting halimede until i stop - day 16
  • I would support Halimede even if she was a real cis lesbian chaser

  • our gort
  • I need him where can I get a Gort of my own please does anyone know

  • How to counter the "Hamas hides behind civilian shields" argument?
  • The "most moral army in the world" would presumably hold their fire then, rather than just killing the civilians.

  • If I'm elected president I promise on day one every American will receive a daily ration of under cooked pork
  • Thank you Mr President, fusion cuisine such as pork sashimi is just the kind of thing our nation needs to unite and bring us together in these difficult and polarizing times.

  • Lmao Liam Neeson movies are so bad
  • The Grey is dogshit. Its depiction of wolf behaviour is absolutely comical. I will not stand for any media that portrays these majestic creatures as mindless killers who relentlessly hunt humans down without exception just cause they're "apex predators" or some dumb shit.

  • Quick reminder (I don’t care about genocide if it doesn’t affect me)
  • That's literally exactly what I was thinking. This makes so much more sense if this dumbass white girl just thought that was the "Muslim flag" lmao

  • What was the CIA smoking and where can I get some?
  • I'm sorry the vibes here are too immaculate I'm abandoning communism I've stopped reading the bore that is Capital and I'm reading about the cosmic egg instead