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[CW SLUR] Nick Fuentes' BADASS security
  • I was also stoned and meant right. Thanks for pointing it out comrades

  • NSFW
    [CW SLUR] Nick Fuentes' BADASS security
  • Guy on the left with the litteral hitler moustache and black sun t shirt. Is there a style that screams "slug me right in the face" more than this?

  • Homeless sent out of Edinburgh to make room for Taylor Swift fans
  • I hate her so much. She's also a business owner and landlord. Plus her aryan vibes, I just can't stand it.

  • A Nazi was buried with a Happy meal.
  • Fucked around, found out.

  • Best left wing WoW classic region and servers?
  • Im playing on turtle wow which is pretty cool. Mods take bigotry seriously and are very responsive. The community overall is nice. I wouldnt call it left wing, I've been all over classic, retail and private servers and not hearing nazi stuff is about as good as it gets in online gaming spaces nowadays. But it's the best experience I've had since the closure of Nostalrius. DM me if you've got questions.

  • What was your most lib moment before you were radicalized (or at all)?
  • I argued that obama was a leftist and called stalin a state capitalist

  • Landlords are the fucking scum of the earth and Mao was right to kill them
  • I'm a hair away from taking my landlord to the tenant's court so after weeks of dealing with that gaslighting kulak piece of shit, I feel this post 😂

  • My introduction to communism was red alert and world at war. This isn't a joke.
  • Destroying the pentagon, twin towers and statue of liberty as the Soviet makes red alert 2 the most based game in history.

  • Landlord is trying to evict me

    I've been staying at the same place for about 5 years. Initially he had a plan to build a new block next to mine and he made us sign a paper which says we are to leave when the works start.

    Fast forward a couple years, nothing is done still and I'm tired to wait every year to know where I'll be living long term, so I go and ask questions at the government's tenants protection desk and they end up telling me the paper is not valid at all, that I can keep my lease after the works etc, so I told my landlord I wished to stay and he went full victim mode.

    Arguing with landlords who only mention the market and how they're such nice folks for not evicting you during a global pandemic while you're trying to make them understand for a tiny second the concept of housing insecurity is draining. This pos has 26 tenants in multiple homes and is guilt tripping me because "I'm going back on my word" , which was given years ago in a different economic context.

    Most likely will resolve this without having to go to court, because I'd most likely win buy I dont want this asshole to stalk me and find ways to evict me over the years. I'll have to accept an arbitrary increase in rent to shut him the hell up and plenty of other shit I'm entitled to by law but don't have the energy to fight for atm in my life. I hate this system and the west so much, Mao give me strength.

    they threw me in jail for expired license plate tags
  • When they speak about authoritarianism in AES, it's all projection.

  • The audience Trevor Noah cultivated is pissed Jon Stewart didn't suck off Biden
  • "Do you did Trump did"

    They have such a way with words.